Bubbly bath time

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Christian's POV:

I sat back shocked after what had happened. I felt so helpless and out of control- a feeling I haven't had for a very long time. I was scared, no petrified; my little girl was struggling infront of me and I couldn't do anything to help her. I didn't even know what to do, if it wasn't for Teddy's fast reaction God knows what could have happened. And Teddy my little Theodore.. the scars on his chest shattered me, the way he flinched back after being touched reminded so much of myself. I don't want that for my son, I don't want that for anyone. Long after the kids went upstairs everyone still sat in silence until my mothers sobs broke it. I looked at her only to see her sobbing desperately into her hands. My dad was whispering sweet nothings into her ear while she just cried. She suddenly stopped and looked at me to only to say "he reminds me so much of you.. what happened to him Christian? What happened to that innocent boy that destroyed him like that?" I opened my mouth to answer but couldn't... Because I myself don't know what happened. I am sure that what I saw today wasn't just the after effect of the accident, this is something bigger. "I have no idea mom, I wish I do.. but I'll find out, I promise you I'll find out what happened to my Teddy" I said as I called Welch and put him on the case.

I am not going to wait for answers to come from him or Anna, I am going to find my own answers.. my son is suffering way too much, I am not going to cross my arms and watch him suffer from afar knowing that I might be able to help him.

My family refused to leave before they made sure that Katy was okay. And that's how we spent a couple of hours just lounging around waiting to hear from them. I had checked Katy's room but found it empty, as always she was sleeping in Teddy's room, snuggled between Her siblings. All three of them were sleeping peacefully so I simply watched them from afar as they help to each other. Taking strength from one another, looking at them now made me realize how close and dependent they are on one another.

Sometime later Phoebe walked down stairs and headed directly towards the gym without saying a word. That girl spends a lot of time there, a minimum of 4-5 hours a day.. but I am not going to complain as long as she is not over exerting herself it's fine with me. Some time passed before we heard the sound of tiny feet, moments later Katy walked out to towards us with wild hair while snuggling a stuffy towards her. I jumped to my feet the moment I saw her, while she stood frozen looking at us wildly while rubbing her eyes.

The moment her eyes landed on me, she walked closer before reaching me and hugging my leg. I sat back again and pulled her to my lap where she laid comfortably. "How are you angel?" I asked softly while trying to brush her wild hair out of her eyes. "Gooood" she said dragging out the good. I chuckled at her cuteness and started planting kisses all over her face. "No daddy stop" she said giggling. Her clothes were kind of damp with sweat and clinging to her body. I think the think blanket that she was wrapped in caused this. She was squirming in her clothes so I knew she was uncomfortable in them. "Baby girl, do you want to change her clothes?" I asked her as I shifted her on my lap. "Yes, please they are sticky" she said. "Okay, how does a bubble bath sound, we don't want you to be all sticky?"

"Yes daddy, But I am tired" she said laying her head on my chest. "No problem girl, I'll help you take a bath and we'll get you dressed in some clean clothes? Okay?" She clapped her hands while nodding her head.

"do you need help?" Kate, Mom and Mia asked at the same time. Women... "no I got it. Don't worry" i said as I carried my little girl towards the stairs. "Christian Please be careful, the medication she took is really strong and she might be too tired. Keep an eye on her please" mom warned. "Don't worry mom. We'll be fine" i said as I headed towards my room while cuddling my little angel in my arms.

I prepared the bath for her making sure that the water isn't too hot. I don't want to hurt my little girl. Then I added a pink bath bomb to create the best bath for my little girl.

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