Painful wait

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Ana's POV:
Work has been taking a lot of my time lately. But the kids are growing and so are their expenses. I needed every extra hour and dollar I could get.
I was just editing a book when my phone's ringtone startled me.
''Hello''... "Miss steel??" A foreign voice said.
"Yeah, who is it?" I heard a lot of shouting in the background while the man answered back. "I am sorry to inform you that your son has been in a car accident" my heart stopped the second he uttered those words. I couldn't even breath or think. "I-is he alright?" I stuttered out... "He was taken to Denver's general hospital, I have no information about his condition"
With that said the line went dead and my heart stopped. I just ran out towards the hospital with water flowing down my eyes. I couldn't even imagine anything hurting my little boy. He should be fine he is strong, I am sure it is nothing major. I shouldn't over think it. My son is fine it is probably just some bruising.

I just pressed the gas pedal in the car not even thinking about how fast I was going. All I knew was that I needed to see my son. I needed to know that he was okay. That nothing happened to my baby. By the time I reached the receptionists desk I was out of breath. I couldn't even get any words out but I knew I had to. "My son, Theo- Thoedore steel" was all I could get out. She just looked at me and told me that a cardiologist was just called for him and that I should wait in the waiting room.
"Please, is he okay?? Why do you need a cardiologist for?? How is my baby??" I cried out but she just said that the doctor would explain everything to me.

So there I sat in the waiting room staring at the wall trying to make sense of everything that had happened the last hour. I just couldn't wait any longer. I needed to see him, I needed to hold him close to me and never let go.
Finally, after an eternity I saw the patient's door swing open and a doctor came out wearing surgical scrubs. I watched as he approached the duty nurse and talked to her as she pointed in my direction. I sat there paralyzed with trepidation as he walked towards me. I searched his face for a sign of what he might say but his expression gave nothing away.
The moment he was close to me I came back to my senses and jumped up crying "how is my baby? Can i see him? What happened?"
He just walked away and signaled for me to follow him. What he said next was something that I have never expected in all my years of living. Teddy was injured by a blunt trauma to his chest area by the car door. This lead to a trauma- induced heart murmur but his condition was worsening rapidly by the second. His heart's capacity was diminishing despite the pace maker that was inserted. He said something about a ruptured tri-cuspid valve that required immediate surgery. Without surgery, teddy may be gone. "I need you to sign the consent form for the surgery" was all I needed to move dreamily and hastily and sign my name.
"Theodore was going to die" was all what kept going through my mind at the moment and I held the wall to keep me standing up straight.
The doctor lead me to another room to wait after saying that the surgery is going to take some time. But all I could focus on was that my baby was fighting for his life. Teddy could die and there is nothing I could do protect him. He is too young to die, he has his entire life ahead of him. He can't just die right now. No he can't...

I sat back in the chair trying to understand the whole world that was crumbling around me. "Theodore could die..." 

First author's note. Just want to say sorry for the cliff hanger.. But what do you think about the story so far? Your opinion is highly evaluated and thanks 😍😄

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