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Christian's PoV:

I stood up to go after Ted when Phoebe stopped me "Don't. Just give him some time" she said solemnly. She was going to say more but got cut off by her phone. "Hey Mom" she said. I perked up. Ana must have watched the segment.

I don't know what my Ana was saying but Phoebe kept on reassuring her "yeah we saw it. I seriously don't get how they got all those details. Yeah; no he went to take a nap. Don't worry, yes I'll make sure he takes them. Ohh okayy. No he is right here next to me. Okay, love you too."

"She wants to talk to you." Was all she said as she passed me the phone. "Ana" i said hesitantly, this is the first time she initiates a conversation between us. "Christian. I need a favor" she said reluctantly. "Offcourse Ana, I'll do anything." Worry started to creep into my head, could she be in trouble, what could she need... I was pulled out of my dark thoughts when she spoke again "Can you please stop Katy from sleeping in Teddy's room tonight??"

"What, why??" I was shocked. "Well, with all the things they talked about in the segment there is a very high chance he'll end up having a nightmare. Seeing pictures of the accident and his friend could bring back memories that I'm afraid could trigger another panic attack. As you recall, he gets pretty violent during a nightmare..."her words trailed off as Pictures of her bruised arms filled my mind. Oh my god she is afraid that he might injure my little angel. How the hell didn't I think of that.

"Yeah, sure I'll keep a close eye on him tonight. Don't worry. I won't let her into his room." I said as I started making plans to stop her in my mind. Katy always found her way to his room, how can I prevent this. We said our good nights as I went searching for my little girl.

I found her in the hallway heading towards Ted's room. "Angel, what are you doing here?" I asked faking shock. "Ummm I was going to sleep." She said innocently as she yawned. "But your room is over there"

"Well, I don't like sleeping alone so I sleep with Teddy." Her eyes were drooping as she spoke. "Ohh. But Teddy is already sleeping now, why don't you sleep next to Phoebe??" I asked trying to steer her away from her brother's room. "No phoebe kicks me off the bed at night" she said rubbing her arm, looks like Phoebe is a kicker. I chuckled at her and asked the dreaded question. "Then how about you sleep next to me tonight. I promise I won't kick you." I said softly, praying that she'd agree. "I'll sleep next to daddy?? But what about Teddy he'll be alone"

"Well Teddy is a big boy he can sleep alone, but I want cuddles from my little princess so what do you say??" She nodded her head weakly.
"Okay, but I want to kiss Teddy goodnight first." She said and headed towards his room. She barged in without knocking making Ted jump up from his seat. He was sitting on his desk his head in his arms. The moment he saw us he quickly wiped his tears away and motioned her forwards. She ignored his blotchy face as she planted a kiss on his cheek. "Good night Teddy" she said as she hugged him. "Good night baby girl" he said as she jumped down from his lap and headed towards me. "Teddy is it okay if you sleep alone tonight?? I want to stay with Daddy" he looked at me and sighed in relief as he said "nop, you can go sleep with daddy. I'll be fine here alone" she nodded smiling "okay great. Let's go sleep daddy, I'm tired" she said as she held my hand. "Okay let's get you to bed. Good night Ted" I said towards him and he mumbled a goodnight. "I'll be across the hall if you need anything okay??" I said and he looked at me shocked before nodding his head.

I lead my sleepy girl towards my room and let her sleep on Ana's side. The side that was empty for years and now is being filled with our baby girl.. My hope.

She was out like light while I sat up and stared at the ceiling. I checked up on Teddy and found him asleep, or at least acting to be asleep. I knew for a fact that be was awake because his eyes kept twitching. I let it go, it was obvious that he doesn't want to talk about whatever it is.

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