Princess Katy

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Christian's POV:

I went upstairs to check on Thoedore but stopped in my tracks when I heard voices coming from his room. I was afraid that he was having another nightmare so I rushed to the door and opened without even knocking.

"Ever heard of knocking?" He said glaring at me as I stood by the door shocked. There on the bed sat Katy with a tiara on her head and doll in her hand while Teddy held another doll. Tea cups were spread all over the bed as well as other dolls. "Hello Mr. Grey. Would you like to join us for tea?" Katy asked innocently as she looked over towards me. I looked over to Ted asking and said "I would love to. If that's okay with you."

Her smile caught me off guard as happiness sparkled in her eyes, the beauty of that little girls still shocks me to the core. "Off course not. Come on sit next to Mr. bear." She said as she scooted a teddy bear away. I slowly walked towards the bed and sat down.

The awkwardness of the situation diminished quickly as Katy put an awkward looking hat on my head. "Phoebe is showering so you will be the guard today." She said laughing as I realized that the hat looked like a horses head. The moment I turned towards Tedyy he burst out laughing at the view, just hearing his laughter after all the shit I heard made a weight lift off my chest. We spent some time playing and pretending to be attending a tea party. I wanted to change the mood for today so I decided on taking the kids and Ana out for lunch then shopping because I know that they packed for a couple of days and probably need some stuff.

"So how about you go put on some shoes while Teddy changes his clothes." I asked Katy who looked confused. "Why? You said we can stay?!" She said sadly as her eyes watered. "No angel offcourse you are staying, I just want to take you out for lunch. Don't you wan to go out?" I asked as I pulled her closer to me and wiped a lone tear from her cheek. "Yes let's go." She jumped out of bed so fast she almost fell. "Katy calm down. You could have hurt yourself." Admonished Teddy before I could. "Sorry." She mumbled shyly as she headed towards the door.

"How are you?" I asked Ted the moment she was out of the room. "Fine." He snapped. "Great. I will leave you to get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs in 20. Okay?" I asked trying to change the subject. "Yeah, whatever. Were are going anyways?" He asked. "Lunch for now and then we will see what happens." I answered vaguely knowing that he will refuse the shopping trip I planned. With that said I got up and headed out of the room.

I went towards Ana's room to tell her about the plans for the day. Her rooms door was partially opened and I could hear her talking on the phone "I don't know... Yeah yeah it seems crazy but this could be good.. He was doing better until last night... Yeah I know.. I am hoping for the best.. I get that but he is their father he has the right to know.." I sure as hell do have the right to know everything about my babies. "No I didn't go into details, just the basics.. Do you think I am making a mistake? Should I take them back?" She asks making my blood boil. Who the hell is she talking to now that gets to decide what we do with our children. I know that I shouldn't eavesdrop but right now that's the only way I can get information from my girl.

"Yeah I think you're right. It's just a couple of days... At least now I will have some time to focus on work.. I have alot of things waiting to be finished but lately I have been distracted alot with the kids.. No I called her and told her that I will be taking alot of extra hours for the next couple of days.. Danny I don't care about this now, I need every single extra hour I can get..." Why does she need to increase her work load I thought that she would be relaxing for sometime while the kids are here for she looks exhausted. She spent the entire time here working and now she wants to work extra.

"Theodore is soon going to college and this alone is gonna be hard... No I am half way done with paying the hospital bills but there is still some.." She says sighing. I can't believe my ears, my little Ana is working hard trying to make ends meet while I have all this money accumulating in the fucking bank for no god damn reason. She is working her ass off to pay my children's bills while I sit here doing nothing. There is no way I am letting this go on, I am definitely going to financially aid her even if she disagrees with me.

"No I told you a thousand times that I can handle this.. I don't need help,please" she says exasperated. "Yeah I am leaving today so I will most probably be home tonight... I can take a cab back home.. Danny you are busy, I can seriously handle getting myself back home.." What the hell. If he believes that he can take my girl away from me he has another thing coming. No one and I mean no one can touch my dear Ana but me. She is fucking mine and I am not letting some stupid ass doctor take her away from me.

I turned away from the door and pulled my phone out as I called Welch "hey, sir I am working on Theodore's steels papers, I just need some extra time." He says the moment he answers. "That's fine but while you are it. I need you to find me things on a doctor named Danniel Scott he is a cardiologist in Denver." I said as I tried to think of ways to make him stay away from my girl "yeah just do it. And get me Anastasia Steel's financial status." I said again as I tried to control myself. "Just do your job and fast." I said as I hung up.

Sorry for the late update but As I mentioned I had finals. The next update will be coming pretty soon I promise. Thank you for your patience

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