Mrs. Grey

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Taylor's POV:

I was checking with the entire security team, making sure that they are all informed about all the new developments. With the media on our back we needed to step up our game to keep the kids away from the papparazi.

I loved those kids like they were my own, when Ana left with them 7 years ago all our hearts broke. I am sure that all security guards felt the heartache, specially those that were close to the kids. But now that they were back, there is no way we are letting anyone hurt them.

As I was talking to Sawyer I got a call from Ana's CPO asking for permission to directly contact her. Knowing that they wouldn't ask for such a permission unless she was in real danger I gave it to him on the spot.

I turned on the camera that was attached to their jackets to see what's happening with them, but I never imagined things to be that bad. I felt my blood boil as I saw Ana sitting on the floor like a trapped animal, looking around her in panic. I wanted to hit every single one of those men that were surrounding her, how can people be so cruel.

I was happy to see that the CPO's has done their work efficiently and pulled her away from the scene with minimal damage. Now was the time to inform Mr. Grey about what happened. I walked out of my office and found him in the games room playing with his little angel. Looking at them together made a smile break on my face, the happiness that radiated of them both was contagious. But I felt my smile slip once I remembered why I am here. "Mr.Grey" I caught his attention as he turned to me and nodded.

"Can we have a world please." He nodded his head and stood up but not before kissing Katy's head and saying "I will be back in a couple of minutes" she smiled and went back to her dolls as he walked towards me.

"Sir, the media is now aware of Miss Steele's whereabouts. They caused a scene at her work place, which required her CPO's interference" I said trying my best not to rile him up more than needed. "What the fuck happened. Is she hurt??" He asked quickly while heading towards my office.

I showed him the video of what happened with the paparazzi as he cursed the entire time. "Those fuckers, I can't believe they scared her like this. Who the hell do they think they are to scare my angel like this." He tried to calm himself while I called her CPO to get the latest intel, it seemed that was still panicked because he reported that she was scared of him. That's when I decided to talk to her and inform her of the situation. She finally relaxed and accepted the fact that she now has a CPO when Mr. grey pulled the phone from me to talk to her.

Christian's POV:

Watching that fucking video made my blood boil, I can't believe these fucking paparazzi attacking my fragile Ana. Seeing that panicked look in her eyes made my hands twitch as I fought hard to control myself. I wanted to rip these fuckers to shreds, I wanted to scare them as much as they scared my beautiful Ana.

Thank god we though ahead and sent 2 CPO's with her, even though I don't personally know them they came highly recommended. I couldn't send any of our security personnel cause Ana knows them all which will expose their role. When I heard Taylor talking to her on the phone I couldn't stop my self as I ripped the phone out of his hand to hear her voice. I needed to make sure that she was fine, I needed to hear it for myself. My baby girl is alone and scared right now while I am sitting helplessly here, miles away from her. "Christian I am fine" her soft voice came through the point calming me down a bit. "Are you sure??" I asked knowing that Ana would never admit to being anything but fine. "Yes, a little shaken up but fine. I swear" she said.

"Your men swept in and saved the day just in time" hearing this made me relax. As long as she is joking it means that she is truly fine. "I wish I was there. I hate the fact that you had to go through this alone."

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