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Theodore's POV:

I stood there frozen trying to decide what to do.  I couldn't think straight and my heart was beating so fast I was barely breathing. Just then the ringing of my phone saved me.

I snatched it out of Ava's hand and answered it without hesitation. The term saved by the bell was running through my head as I excused my self and headed towards the kitchen for privacy. It turned out that Anastasia Steel was the one that saved my ass.. She was worried as usual now, asking about me and how I was. She wanted to be sure that I will be heading home tonight. As much as I hated the fact of going back to be surrounded with pity I couldn't prolong my stay for another day.

She said goodbye after I promised her that I would be safely back in her arms before sunrise. I missed her so much, this is the longest I have gone away from them. Despite all the stress I dealt with here, specially with seeing him again I felt free. The pain that was always inside of me dulled out a little, nothing here reminded me of that dreadful day and I was thankful. Unfortunately, staying is not option for I missed my girls and I couldn't wait to be away from him.

I headed back to the living room and found everyone staring at a fidgety aunt Kate. They were pestering her for answers now. Answers I knew she wouldn't give them. I hated putting her on the spot like that but there is nothing any of us could do. I tried to find a way out of the sticky situation until an idea popped in my mind. I decided to change the subject immediately in hope of making them drop it.

"Umm sorry everyone but I have to leave now." Was all I said before I was cut off by him. "What? No it's still too early for your flight." How the hell did he know when my flight was? Well mom wasn't kidding when she said he has stalking tendencies. But this wasn't the issue right now. "I am not leaving for the airport now, as I already said before I have someplace to be at 3." It was Aunt Kate's time to answer. "I told you, you are not leaving my eye sight."

I hated the way she said that, making feel like a baby once again. Don't I deserve a break fir God's sake. "you've got to be kidding me. You do know that I am only a couple months away from being an adult. I'm 17 for God's sake not 7"..

She just scoffed "I don't care how old you are, what happened was more than enough to teach me that leaving you alone is dangerous. Besides Anna would kill me if she finds out." This just pissed me off. "You know damn well that what happened was a fucking accident." She just rose her eyebrow at me while scoffing. "You don't believe me do you? You believe what that stupid detective said. It was just an accident nothing more, nothing less. " I shout out, she was hitting a nerve with this. She shook her head "We both know it was more than just an accident, so when you are ready to talk about what actually happened that day I will be all ears but until then you are going no where alone. And that's final." That's the last thing I wanted to talk about so I gave in. If you can't beat them, join them. "Fine then you are coming with me. We have to leave now if we are going to make it there in time."

Christian was adamant about coming with us but there was no way I was letting him. They all wanted to know where we were going but I didn't say a word. I just walked outside to the garage and waited for aunt Kate by the car. She came out a couple of minutes later slamming the door behind her. The moment we were in the car she asked where we were heading but I decided to set the location on her GPS , she will know when we arrive. I am in no mood to be questioned the whole way there so I just told her to follow the directions as I turned my head and looked outside the window.

We were driving in comfortable silence until she decided to break it. "Do you think we should tell him?" She asked. I knew what and who she was talking about, but couldn't find and answer to her question so I tried to buy myself some time. "I have no idea what you are talking about?" she looked at me raising her eyebrow "we both know that you know exactly what I am talking about. You have Ana's IQ so don't act all dumb with me now." I chuckled at that, she sounded so much like mom saying that.  "Somehow it feels unfair to both of them you know. She has been asking a lot about her father lately and I think he should know that he brought a daughter into this world. On the other hand, this could break mom so bad she wouldn't recover. He hurt her more than enough and I can't see he in pain again not if I can help it. I'm just so confused.." She nodded at my words. "Yeah you're right. I just feel bad for him. Maybe things could get better. I know for sure that they both need each other a lot." I shook my head "I'm not allowing him to hurt her anymore. She has been through enough pain both physically and emotionally because of him. He doesn't deserve to know anything about the daughter that he almost murdered.."

Thank you so much for all your votes and comments. I'm glad you like the story. Sorry for the late update but I started college on Monday so I had no time to update . I will try to update fast.
On other note, what do you think should happen? Should he tell him about Katy or no?

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