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Anastasia's POV:

I can't believe what I'm doing. I am actually sending my children to Seattle. To the one place I have been trying to shield them from all these years.

When Thedore said that he wanted to check out WSU I was happy that he chose the school I graduated from, but I was more than scared of the outcome. A thousand what if's went through my mind when he dropped the bomb but I couldn't force him to stay when I knew that some time away could help him. Maybe some distance is what he needs. That's  why I packed him a bag and sent him away.

He needed a change in scenery, something I couldn't help him with so Seattle was my only option . I couldn't leave him alone in some foreign place but at the same time I couldn't go with him, I have a job to sustain and bills to pay. In Seattle I knew he would be cared for, Kate treated my children as if they were her own. I trusted her with him, knowing that she would do her best to help him.

She knows about his condition thus she realized how sensitive he is right now regarding somethings. The one thing that worried me was Christian. Kate assured me a thousand times that Christian and Elliot had arranged a fishing trip to Aspen and that they wouldn't be there by the time Teddy arrives.

Days passed like years while Teddy was away. He was supposed to be back in three days but he extended his visit for some reason. Every time i call he assures me that he hasn't met Christian but I have my doubts regarding that. I hope that my instinct is wrong and that he is telling the truth.

Now Pheobe wants to follow her brother. Apparently the national dance competition this year is in Seattle, so she is planning on going there with her team. At first I was admant on making her stay here no matter what. It was bad enough that I took such a risk with one of them, I'm not willing to take it with another. Just as I rejected signing her acceptance slip she went crazy. She started crying and screaming like I was killing her. Well, I'd rather her cry now for a stupid reason than cry later after he breaks her heart like he broke mine.

Pheobe took it upon herself to call her brother and turn him against me. The moment I took the phone from her hand my heart felt heavy. He made me feel like an evil mother who is standing in the way of her daughter's dream for selfish reasons. He said that one day life would kill the dream in her so for now I should give her the opportunity to make the best of what life has to offer.

His words hit me deep, he lost his faith in life after he lost his dream. If dancing in Seattle is what would make her happy then I am not going to stop her.

I couldn't keep Katy here for I am working all day and there is no one to babysit her with both of her siblings out of town.

And that's why tommorow we are all heading to Seattle. I am going with them for the first 2 days just to help them settle down but I can't stay for long. I have to get back for my job, I'm still working my ass off trying to pay Theodore's hospital bills that ammounted to a fortune.

So here I am packing a bag, heading back to the place where my heart shattered to a thousand pieces. I know that I am somehow going to cross paths with Christian but I don't think I am ready to face him. Ever since that night all I could remember of him was the last time I saw him canning that bitch.

What would I do when I see him? How would I react? Would he be with someone else? Offcourse he would. I don't think that I can handle seeing him or even hearing his voice. I got rid of everything that reminds me of him, but the memories still haunt my dreams.

We are going to stay in an hotel because I don't want to extend the risk of them meeting Christian by letting them stay over at Kate's. It also feels wrong to let them stay at there uncle's place without telling them. The existence of Katy is still a secrete, no one in the Grey family knows about her. But now I am afraid that her presence would be exposed to all of them.

The night passed quickly as I sat by the window weighing my options. I am afraid of setting foot in Seattle, the city I used to love is now the place I genuinely fear.

Katy was amused the whole plane ride,looking out the window and laughing. Ohh how much I love that innocent laugh of hers, it gives meaning to my life. The moment the plane landed in Seattle my heart dropped. Now is the moment of truth, there is no going back.

Walking through the airport every single memory of me in it played trough my mind. Specially the last one when I was carrying both Phoebe and Teddy and running away. I walked outside to be greeted by my lovely son and amazing sister. Some how seeing them there made everything more real as anxiety spread throughout my body.

Thankfully, no one noticed my tense body as we greeted each other. Phoebe ran to Kate's arms as she hugged her favorite person in the world according to her while Katy jumped on Teddy. We pulled our bags towards the car with the kids walking in front of us.

"I can't believe you are really here!!" Kate kept repeating as she hugged me again and again. "Yeah yeah I can't believe it either. But you know I am leaving in two days." i replied. "What?? Are you serious?? Why are you leaving so fast?" She asked. "Kate I have a job that requires my attendance. I already took two days off I can't take more. I just came here to help the kids settle down." At this she gave me a sad smile "yeah I know.. I was hoping that you changed your mind. As for the kids don't worry I will take good care of them." I smiled at her "I don't doubt that for a second but you aren't going to be there for them every minute of the day."

"Yeah I am, you know Ana your kids are like mine." Her words made my heart expand. I am glad I have someone I can count on like her. "Kate I know that, I'm just saying that hotel life is new to them and I want to make sure they are capable of handling themselves." I said as I dropped the bomb, she didn't know that we are staying at an hotel. "What? No one is staying at an hotel and that's final." She said as we climbed up the car.

We spent the entire car ride fighting over the topic of the hotel. At last we decided to let children vote, and much to my displeasure they chose to stay over at Kate's. Only after she bribed them with a thousand things. "But Kate I don't want to risk them meeting him" after the words left my mouth I regretted it when the felt the mood shift in the car. "Well guess what Ana you can't keep running forever. One day you will cross roads so why not face him now. I helped you run and hide once but not again.
You are not as weak as you think and neither are your kids. So stop fearing everything unless you want to negatively effect your children." She said as she kept driving towards her house.

I couldn't fight anymore so I sat in my seat looking out the window as buildings passed. Every single building held a special memory of me and Christian.No, I can't think like that. He doesn't control me anymore, I am stronger than this. I kept chanting this in my head until we arrived.

Walking out of the car and into the house I was shocked to see that everyone was here. And by everyone I mean every single member of the Grey family, except for one.

I was greeted by each and everyone of them, I was shocked the whole time and couldn't even speak. How could Kate betray me like this? She promised me not to tell anyone. The sound of Katy crying pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned around trying to locate her when my eyes locked with the dreadful grey eyes I was praying to avoid.

I know you hate me for the cliff-hanger but I couldn't stop myself (insert evil laugh here). The next chapter is going to be the big meeting. How do you think it's going to go? What will happen? Comment your ideas and the person with the answer closest to mine is going to have the next chapter dedicated to him/her. Thank you for reading!!

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