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Christian's POV:

I couldn't sit still as I waited for Katherine to come back from the Airport with my family. All of them are going to be here in a matter of hours and I don't know what to do.

I'm dying to be re-united with them all but I know that I won't be accepted with open arms. Ana has no idea that I am waiting for her, or that I even know that she is coming back. I promised Kate that I would take things slow with her and try everything to make it up to her. For some reason I can't understand Katherine Kavanugh the girl that hated my guts for years was willing to help me.

So here I am pacing back and forth as I wait for  them to arrive. Seconds later I heard the sound of a car engine followed by the sound of doors opening and closing. I walked closer towards the door but didn't have the courage to open it.

So there I stood on the threshold of the living room as I saw my goddess walk inside followed by my babies. She seemed taken back when she saw the entire Grey family waiting for her. It looked like she didn't see me as I was out of her eyesight, so I stood watching her getting hugged and kissed by my family members. Ohh how I wish I could take her in my arms and pull her close to my body.

I was brought out of my thoughts at the sound of crying. As I turned around to find the source of the sound our eyes met and as cliche as it sounds I felt the whole world stop.

I don't know for how long we stood there staring at each other, was it minutes? Hours? I have no idea for everything seemed to stand still as I was hypnotized by the blue eyes I fell in love with. We were broken away from each other when a little girl came running towards Ana and pulled at her pants.

Ana looked away from me to look at the little girl. I followed her gaze and just then my eyes settled on the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She looks exactly like Ana with her brown hair, pale complexion and plump  lips. The only difference between her and her mother is her enthralling grey eyes. Exactly like mine but filled with innocence.

I took a step closer towards them when my eyes met with Phoebe's. Oh my god she has grown so much.  She is no longer a little girl, standing here she looks like a grown woman ready to take over the world. The moment I took another step closer she took one back, just then Ana noticed out interaction so she held Katy close to her.

Every single time I took a step closer to them both girls took one back. Just then Theodore noticed what was happening so he threw himself in front of his mother and sisters, trying to shield them from me. I stood there frozen when I saw my family so afraid of me. How could I hurt them so badly? How could I cause so much pain to these innocent people?

I decided to test my luck as I took one step closer but just then Theodore shook his head and said "don't you dare take one step closer." Everyone around us was frozen, anticipating our next move. Waiting for one of us to do something while we stood there frozen while Theodore, my own son, stood there forming a barrier between me and my girls.

It was Katy that broke the silence that filled the room as she jumped out of her mothers arms and ran towards Teddy's leg hiding behind it.  Her eyes were filled with fear as she looked up at me with her eyes glazed and tears flowing down her cheeks. She is scared, no terrified.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from them as Theodore bent down and held her. He pulled back to his full height with her holding to him like a Koala. "Who are they?" She whispered to her brother. "These are aunt Katherine's friends. Do you want to say hello?"He said back.

Everyone seemed taken back by his words as they wanted him to introduce them as her family. Maybe I am hurt by that as well. These are not just people, they are family, her family. But how could she understand that when her entire life she was told that she only has the little lovely family that they created away from me?

Theodore took a step in my direction when Katy nodded her head at him. She didn't let go of him as he walked forward, but it seemed that he didn't mind. "What are you doing?" Came Ana's voice from behind. "I got it" Teddy simply replied as he stood a few inches away from me.

He put Katy down but she was fast to hold his hand the moment he placed her feet on the ground. "Katy say hello to Mr. Grey." He said.
I can't believe my own children are calling me Mr. Grey. No one can possibly imagine how much I hate myself right now.

Despite what he called me this was my only chance and I am not going to waste it. I quickly bent down so that I was the same height as her when she barely whispered "hello". I put my hand out for her to shake, I know it is stupid but I wanted to touch her and that was the only way "hello there princess. What's you name?" I said as softly as I could. "Katy" she mumbled out as she reached out and took my hand in hers. The softness of her hand in mind reminded me of her mother as well. She is perfect just like her amazing mother. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I said.

She blushed crimson red the moment the words left my mouth, just like her mother used to and gave me a shy smile as she said "thank you Mr. Grey." Ohhh how I wished she would call me daddy. But I promise you one day she would. She would run to me for safety the same way she did with Teddy.

I am going to get my babies back, that's a promise I won't break. Things are going slow but at least now I know that I might have a shot at this. No more hesitation, the time has come for me to man up and face my mistakes, I don't care what Ana does from now on. I deserve everything she is going to do to me and more, but that doesn't mean I am going to give up on my family. From the glares I was getting from both Ana and Phoebe I knew that I have one hell of a battle to fight, but failure isn't an option. I am going to fight for them until my last breath. There is no way I am letting them slip away from me again.

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