Who did this?

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Anastasia's POV:
I woke up the next morning feeling exhausted, I stayed up all night thinking about anything and everything that could go wrong. Theodore's screams in the middle of the night didn't help my sleep either. The moment I shut my mind up I was awoken on the sound of earth shattering screams.

My baby was having another nightmare that left us shaken for the remainder of the night. I knew that everyone in the house heard him, I even saw Elliot standing next to his bedroom door when I walked out after he calmed down, but I was glad that he didn't say anything. I just told him "nightmare" and walked away before he could dig any deeper.

I sluggishly moved myself out of the bed and to the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water did nothing to calm my aching body and soul. I decided to check on Teddy before I go downstairs, his screams still echo in my ear even now, hours after. I don't know what he was dreaming about, but I am sure that it's related to the accident, since he woke up saying "I'm sorry" and "it should have been me" , he kept repeating these words for a couple of minutes like a broken record. The same thing had happened in the hospital before, the day after he found out that Sam died.

I slowly opened the door to his room to find him sprawled on the bed sleeping. From far anyone would have thought that he was sleeping peacefully, but the frown on his face told me otherwise. The only reason that he was still asleep is because of the pills I gave him last night. I walked towards him and kissed his face as I moved some of his hair away from his forehead, he murmured something that I didn't catch and snuggled into the pillow more. I slowly walked away and closed the door behind me as quietly as possible so that I wouldn't wake him up.

Walking downstairs I dreaded the day to come, I am beyond exhausted already and today I'm going to have to say goodbye to my babies. The moment I walked into the kitchen everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Their piercing gazes were creating holes in my head as I murmured "good morning" and walked pass them and towards my angels who I kissed before sitting down in my chair. The entire table remained silent as all their gazes focused on me, I know that I looked like hell with my puffy eyes and dark circles under my eyes. The make up I put on barely did anything to cover the exhaustion that was evident on my face. "Were is Teddy?" Came the first question from Katy. "He is still sleeping." I said faking a smile for I didn't want to worry her. "I will go wake him up." She said excitedly as she jumped out of her chair. "No katy baby, he needs to rest, he will eat when he wakes up." I told her as I pulled her back and sat her down again. She nodded her head and went back to eating like nothing happened, I was glad that she couldn't feel all the suffocating tension that was in the air.

"What happened?" This time it was Elliot who asked, worry was evident in his eyes as he looked at me. "Nothing it was just a nightmare" i said trying to downplay it while I knew that what happened last time was more than just a mer nightmare. "God, I haven't heard screams like that since... Since Christian was a little boy" he said as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. I simple nodded sadly as I remembered the multiple times I woke up to Christian having a nightmare. "How is he now?" He asked again, it seems that he wasn't going to drop the topic anytime soon. "Fine, sleeping." I said averting my eyes away as I didn't want him to see how broken I felt.

Standing there helpless as I watched my son scream and thrash all night took a toll on my body. I couldn't stop the dark thoughts that plagued my mind as I saw him there. His heart is too fragile right now and all this can ruin everything. The moment I averted my eyes away from Elliot's they caught Christian's, his grey orbs were sucking me in into an abyss of emotions. Just looking at his haunted eyes, Theodore's terror filled eyes last night flashed in my mind and I felt the tears flowing. I tried to wipe away my tear but another came down, I felt like a damn was unblocked and all my frustration started going down my cheeks. I don't know what happened for the next thing I know, I was pulled into a bone crushing hug as sobs wracked my body. Christian's scent filled my senses as I clutched to him like my life depended on it.

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