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Anastasia's POV:
As I sat there in the restaurant surrounded by the Grey's I realized how much I missed having everyone around me. How much I missed having a huge family surrounding me. The kids were ecstatic with everything. This is their first experience spending time with a huge family and they seem to like it.

Katy was obviously happy with all the attention they were giving her, well there is nothing this girl loves more than being the center of attention. As for Phoebe I believe that she likes feeling a part of something bigger than our tiny family. No matter how much she tries to push Christian away she is happy to have him there. Every Time I look at her I find her curiously looking at him and smiling, but sadly that smile seems to drop every time he notices her looking at him.

While Teddy seems stressed here as he keeps staring off into space every once and a while but he looks to be at much more ease here than back home. The sadness in his eyes is still there but it seems his self imposed isolation has decreased. Being surrounded by alot of people seems to help him, specially that no one knows about his condition. But it is obvious that he is trying to keep them all at an arms length. He seems to keep pushing them all away despite all their trials in breaking through his shell. He is trying to protect himself, his sisters and me from heart-break it seems and all this is taking a toll on his body.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt someone tug my arm. "What?" I asked looking at Kate. "Get your head out of the clouds and stay with us." Was all she said. I sighed and nodded my head as I looked around me. We spent the entire night chatting animatedly and laughing, I haven't laughed this much in years.

The mood around the table changed when Grace started talking about plans for the next day because I knew that I had to tell them that we are leaving. Apparently she was planning a huge family dinner for all Grey's in their house but there was no way we could make it. "Ana make sure to keep your evening tomorrow empty cause I am going to throw our annual Grey family dinner." She said smiling. "Umm I am sorry but I don't think we can make it." I said trying to figure a way to break the news o her. I knew for sure that she wasn't going to take it well but the vacation is over and it's time to get back to our lives. "What? Why?" She asked shocked. Everyone has now grown silent and are staring at me as I try to form a proper sentence. Well here goes nothing, I can do this..

"We are going back home tomorrow morning" i said as I saw the shock on everyone's faces. The mood around the table shifted as everyone sat there gaping at me like I just dropped a bomb. Well, what did they expect off-course we were going to leave, our lives are back in Denver not here. "You have got to be kidding me." Was the first words I heard after A couple of seconds of silence. And it came from no one other than Christian himself. I looked at him to see a look of horror on his face, as much as I hated being the cause of such a look I knew that now was not the time to feel guilty about it. "No I am actually serious. We are heading back tomorrow morning." I said. "But why?" This time it was Grace that asked. What kind of question is that. "I have to get back to work, and the kids need to get back to their lives."

Everyone was looking between me and Christian as the tension rose. "But you just came here." He gritted out. "Well this was a vacation and we came for Phoebe's competition and now that it's done there is no reason for us to stay." I said getting angry. They were making me feel guilty over nothing and I didn't like that. "So we are not enough for you." He snapped.

"Don't put words into my mouth, I never said that. All I said was that the vacation is over and we should go back home." I said trying to calm myself. "You have lives here. You belong here. With us, this is your home. Why the hell would you go back." He gritted out. I felt anger rush in my body and I didn't want to make a scene in the middle of the damn restaurant specially with everyone looking at us now. So I stood up and said "this is your home not ours." I pulled Katy out of her seat and headed outside knowing that Phoebe and Teddy are following me.

I hailed a cab and left with my kids. "Mom calm down." Theodore said as he saw me shaking in my seat. I can't believe that he had the nerve to call this our home. This is not home, no matter what we don't belong here. I tried to calm myself by taking some deep breaths but at this point nothing was working I was beyond mad. I was enraged.

Reaching Kate's house I went inside thanking God that Instill have the spare key she gave me a couple of days ago and headed towards my room to pack my stuff, there is no way I am staying in this place for one  more second. I know for a fact that he is going to come here and try to talk me out of my plans of leaving. I am not planning to give him the chance to hurt us again, what he has done already is more than enough.

Packing my stuff I felt a sense of deja vu as It reminded me so much of that dreadful night when he my whole universe shifted. Here I am packing again and running away from him for the second time.

As I was packing my stuff I felt Theodore enter the room. I faced away from him for I didn't want him to see me break again because of his stupid father. But all the memories of that night were plaguing my mind and I couldn't stop the tears. I was simply too weak to hold them back. The moment I felt Theodore's arms around me as he engulfed me into a warm hug Sobs wracked my body and I couldn't stop myself as I broke down and cried on his chest.

I cried for the woman that I am. I cried for the woman I Once was. I cried for my shattered heart. I cried for my innocent children. I cried for everything that has happened these last years. I cried it all out as Teddy hugged me and kept whispering "it's going to be okay, we are going to be okay." In my ear again and again.

I don't know for how long I sat there crying in teddy's arms all I Know is that Phoebe and Katy's entry to the room pulled me out of my daze. Now wasn't the time to fall apart, I have my kids that are depending on me. I have to be strong for them. With that in mind I pulled myself away from teddy and wiped my tears away. I felt both my girls hug me as we sat there for a couple of minutes just holding each other while Teddy carried our bags downstairs. I gave decided that we are going to an hotel until tomorrow were we are going to go back home and forget everything that has happened here.

The moment I reached the stairs I saw the whole Grey family standing downstairs staring at me. I felt my knees weaken from the glare I was getting from Christian. "You are leaving?" He whispered out, pained. I couldn't answer him, I couldn't even look at him so I simply nodded. "Where? Why?" He asked again as he took a step forwards while I stood frozen in my place on the stairs. "I can't do this Christian. Not anymore. I won't let you hurt me, hurt them again. I just can't" I said trying to make him understand. I am simply trying to protect myself and my children from him at this point.

"I won't hurt you. I'm sorry" he mumbled out as he took another step closer.

I know that you are cursing me right now but I haven't posted in forever and I don't want you to think that I abandoned the story it is just that I have alot going on at the moment. Sorry for the really short chapter and cliffhanger but I really wanted to post something and I don't have much time to write a long chapter.  But I promise you that the next chapter will be posted in the next couple of days. Thank you for your patience and support.

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