I tried to tell you

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Christian's POV:

I excused myself from my family and stepped into my office where a nervous Sawyer was standing. "Explain" is all I said as I closed the door and sat in my chair. "What do you want to know Sir?" he asked even though deep down he knew exactly what I wanted him to explain. "Explain how the fuck you saved my son? How you are related to the accident that almost took his life? And why the hell you never mentioned it before?"

Color drained from his face as he said. "Umm I will tell you the whole story of what happened. This will hopefully answer all your questions" I simply nodded my head and gestured to the chair in front me silently telling him to sit. It seems it will be a long talk. "Sir you remember that I am from Denver right." He asked and I hesitantly nodded my head since I had forgotten about that.

"Well during my last family visit I was driving through town when a gruesome accident happened in front of me. A car hit another causing it to flip mid air and crash right in front of mine. Without second thought I jumped out of the car and headed towards the upside down car in front of me. I was closer to the passenger door so I opened it first. You can't imagine my shock when I looked down only to be met with familiar pain filled grey eyes.

My training kicked in when I smelt gasoline and saw it pouring from the car; this told me that the car is minutes away from blowing up into pieces

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My training kicked in when I smelt gasoline and saw it pouring from the car; this told me that the car is minutes away from blowing up into pieces. I tried to pull Ted from the car as gently as possible without causing him more damage especially with huge amount of blood that was gushing out of his chest. He used the last ounce of energy he had to beg me to leave him and pull his friend out; he even tried to push me away so that I would help his friend. After he wore himself off I succeeded in pulling him away from the car and o=into mine I went back to check on his friend. Only to find him already dead."

Tear filled his eyes and he took a dream breath as his voice cracked at the end. I had no choice but to call 911 and leave him there since he was stuck behind the wheel. The moment I saw some people trying to pull him out I took my leave and headed towards the hospital because teddy had lost consciousness. I don't know how I drove all the way to the hospital with him breathing heavily next to me but there was no time to wait for the paramedics. He was slipping away with every passing second."

"The moment the doctors took him in to check on him I still wasn't sure if it was teddy. But his pain filled eyes haunted me, I prayed to god that it was just a coincidence, that whoever that young guy is it's not teddy. The boy that I held when he cried, the boy that I spent hour playing football with. I was questioned by security guards and I told them all that had happened so they started digging through his wallet searching for an ID or anything that would inform them who he was. I still remember the pain I felt when my heart broke when I heard a doctor say that Theodore Raymond Steele was his name. I don't know for how long I sat frozen waiting for anything to happen, but I was pulled out of my shock when I saw Anastas- miss Gre-miss Steele" he stumbled on his words as he got lost in what he was supposed to call Ana. But I didn't care about what he called her the pain in my heart clouded all my thoughts.

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