We meet again

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Anastasia's POV:

I can't describe how nervous I was when Theodore was introducing Katy to the family. I wanted to stop him but I couldn't do it.

That's why here I am sitting in a room upstairs trying to calm my nerves and get a hold of myself after everything that has happened. I wasn't emotionally nor mentally ready for all this. What happened a couple of minutes ago caught me off guard as I felt my entire life crumble to pieces.

Just seeing Christian sent my heart in a frenzy, looking in his eyes again reminded me of all the good times we spent together. Gliding, soaring, sailing, a thousand memory filled my head every-time I looked at him.

The way my kids welcomed the family showed me that they were missing something major in their lives. They needed a family, the one thing I couldn't give them. But that doesn't mean I am going to hand them over. I am not allowing him to get close to my kids, he caused enough damage in our lives and there is no need for more.

I went back downstairs and was surprised to see everyone already there. And by everyone I literally mean everyone. All the Grey's were still there hanging around. We all filed to the dining room for dinner. Food was the last thing on my mind as I sat there surrounded by the people that I have been running away from for years.

The entire time I kept checking on the kids to see if they are all right. All these people shoved on them at once could overwhelm them. They are not used to be surrounded with so many people at once. Every time my eyes landed on Christian I found him looking at me. The moment our eyes meet I'd turn away and break eye-contact with him. Just looking at him made my knees weak and my heart flutter. Ohh how much I miss him, how I wish we were still happy together. But then I remember his betrayal and the pain I endured because of him.

I am not going to let him get to me. I need to be stronger than this. I have to protect myself and my kids from him. I saw him glaring at me when I started picking at my food, ohh how I missed that look. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Mia spoke up. "I can't believe I'm actually having dinner with all of you. I am so happy you are back." She said smiling.

"Yeah I can't believe it either" I said. "Well the important thing is that you are here now. You are back and that is all that matters." This time it was Grace that spoke. They are all talking as if we are back for good. I was going to reply when I caught Katy slip out of her chair and head towards Teddy's. She climbed up and curled up in his lap closing her eyes. Everyone at the table awwwed at her as Mia said "oh my god, she is so cute. Did you see that? She is the cutest thing ever." We all laughed at this.

"Looks like the flight wore her off. Excuse us but we better leave now and get her to bed." I said standing up. But before I was fully up he said "where do you think you are going?" Who the hell does he think he is. I glared at him but answered anyways "to an hotel."

"What??" He gritted out. "There is no way I am letting you go to an hotel." What the hell. Ohh he asked for it. "Well no one is asking for your permission" I said finally standing up and heading towards the living room to take out bags as the kids followed. "Come on Ana you said you are going to stay here." Kate said following me with everyone on her tail. "Well you never said he is going to be here"

"Come on Ana please don't make this a big deal. Think about the kids." She said. I simply shook my head. I can't believe this is happening. "Stay Just for tonight we will figure it all out in the morning" she said trying once again. I can't believe I am actually considering this. Can I stay in the same house as him? Can I handle it? The answer was clear and simple No. I didn't want the kids to witness what I'm going to say so I pulled Kate towards the kitchen for some privacy "Kate I'm sorry but I can't" I said pleading for her to let me go. "Ana come on stop being so stubborn. You won't find a room in a good hotel at this time anyways." She said. "I don't care what kind of hotel we find. I'd rather sleep in the street than stay under the same roof as him."I snapped. "Stay and I'd leave." He said from behind startling me.

I turned around to face him shocked. "What?" I mumbled out as I looked at him. This was the closest we have been for years and he still looks as handsome and delicious as ever. "I said I'd leave if that would make stay." I can't believe he is willing to leave for my sake. Thinking about it maybe that won't be so bad. "Fine." I whispered. "Finally." Kate let out clapping as she headed outside to tell the kids leaving me alone in the kitchen with him.

We stood there in awkward silence just looking at each other until he spoke. "How have you been?" He asked. "Good u?" I said breathlessly. Even after all these years and the pain he caused, he still affects me the same way he used to.

His scent the one that I loved was still the same as it flooded my senses making me dizzy. My body and heart were betraying me while me mind was screaming danger. "Good" he muttered out. Only now did I actually take a good look at him, he looked haunted. His eyes that used to shine so bright are now the same dull grey they used to be when we first met. He still looked perfectly groomed and put together, but just one look in his eyes and any one could see how chaotic his soul is. "She is mine right?" He asked. I knew what he was talking about but decided to play dumb. Trying to prolong the inevitable. "Who?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb with me Ana, you are way smarter than that." He gritted out. Well someone is mad. "Yes." I mumbled looking at the floor as I waited for him to erupt like a volcano. I knew he would be pissed, I hid her away from him for 7 years. I always wondered what his reaction would be when he sees her. Every once in a while I had nightmares about him finding out and taking her away from me. But never in my wildest dreams did I see this reaction coming.

"I can't believe it. She looks so much like you. Like an angel. My little angel." He said as a smile spread all over his face. His smile made me swoon as I felt hotness spread all over my body as my inner goddess woke up from her slumber. Oh my god, I haven't felt this way in years.

"What did you tell her about me?" He asked. At this I felt tears fill my eyes as I tried to hold them back. "Nothing" I said. "Why?" He asked as I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't hold them back any longer as I said "I couldn't. I didn't want to hurt her."

The moment those words left my mouth I felt my knees go weak as a sob escaped my chest. "Ohh Ana."  He said pain lacing his voice as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I tried to pull away from him but his arms held me so tight forbidding my movement so I gave up. Standing there in his arms I felt safe for the first time in forever. So I held to his shoulders as I sobbed into his shirt while he whispered "I'm sorry's" into my ear.

I don't know for how long we stood there holding each other. We only pulled away when Theodore startled us as he said "what the hell have you done to her?" I pulled myself away from Christian and tried to wipe the tears away but to no avail as more kept falling. In just two steps Teddy was standing by my side holding my hand while glaring at his father.

"What did you do to her?" He gritted out. I can't believe he is trying to protect me, from his own father. "He didn't do anything baby. Let's go check on your sisters." I said as I took Theodore's hand and pulled him out of the kitchen leaving him there alone.

I hope you liked the chapter because I know most of you were waiting for this since the beginning of the story. This chapter is dedicated to @kahleelia2 for getting it almost right.

On another note some one told me that the story is moving way to slow. What do you think? Is it too slow? Should I make things go faster? I just don't want to rush things you know. So please comment your opinion and I will take it into consideration.

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