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Christian's POV:

Breakfast was uneventful as everyone was sleepy as we ate. Katy was stuffing her face with the pancakes that Gail made specially for her. As for the older kids, their eating habits were getting on my nerves. Both were eating very small amounts; they are growing teenagers and in need of much more food. I tried to tell them to eat more but Phoebe said that she is full and Ted said he can't take another bite. I held myself back from commenting and creating an issue while things were going smoothly.

We left the table and like the day before the kids went down to the gym while Katy went to play in the game room as I checked my emails. Ana called every 2 hours or something to talk to the kids, to make sure that they were alright.

After some time I decided that I can't keep the kids inside for longer, they are here on a vacation and keeping them trapped in the house would drive them away.

I called Taylor into my office to inform him of my plan. "Taylor, I am going to take the kids for a ride in the Grace after lunch." I said as I arranged the plans. Going on the boat would be good, they would have fun and do something new for them. They can swim on the newly built pool on the boat as well. And being miles away from Land would offer them the privacy they need, I want to keep them away from the prying eyes of the public and the paparazzi.

"But sir, with the paparazzi I wouldn't advice leaving the house today." He said nervously.
"Taylor I am aware that the situation isn't good enough but I don't want to keep the kids trapped inside again today. They came here for a vacation and to have a good time not to be prisoned inside." He solemnly nodded his head "yes of course sir."

"Add as much security as you need, I don't anyone to harass any of the kids." He nodded his head again "of course, we are going to have one guard for each kid specifically and 2 extra on the sides aside from me. I think this would do it."

"Seems good to me, but remember not to suffocate them. They are not used to all the security measures so tell the Guards to lay low."

"I think they'd be able to do their job better if the kids know about their presence. With all due respect sir but protecting them from a distance with all the press is somehow impossible. They will need to interfere and we both know it, which will expose them to the kids." He said pointedly, I think he has a point.

"Okay fine I will tell the kids that we will have security but don't get too close to them. Give them so space to breath, I don't want this to push them away." He nodded his head as he said "okay, let me go arrange everything. When do you plan on leaving?"

"About 4 would be good." I said as he walked out of the office. I know that this day won't be easy specially with all the fucking press that don't get the hint to leave us alone. I checked with Ana's CPO's and was glad to know that nothing bad has happened like the first day. The press were hounding her yes, but the security was able to keep them away.

I went out of my office to check on Katy only to find the game room empty. I panicked and started running through the house checking for her, I felt my heart beating brutally in my chest as I panic seized my heart. I shouldn't have left her alone, she doesn't know her way across the house yet and now I can't find her. I found both Ted and Pheobe in the gym working out but no sign of Katy. I didn't want to worry them and show them how much I fucked up by leaving my baby alone so all I said is "Lunch is almost ready" they both nodded "okay thanks, we are done anyways. We'll just shower and be down in a couple of minutes." I nodded and hurried upstairs again searching for the little munchkin.

I informed security to check the CCTV camera's all over the house to make sure she hasn't left the house. Seconds later I got the call saying that she was in the kitchen with Gail. I ran there only to find her sitting on the stool mixing something in a bowl. "Hey daddy" she said the moment she saw me. "Hey little girl, what are you doing here?" I asked as I sat beside her.

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