Just a Ball

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Christian's POV:

Breakfast went great as no complications happened. I tried my best to remain as calm as I possibly could when I saw Theodore picking at his food. I wanted to say something but decided against it for I knew that he had a rough night and might still be shaken from it.

We all sat in the living room debating our plans for the day and for the first time Theodore didn't even complain. It was as if he was only physically present among us while his mind was so far away. We decided on some sight seeing and lunch. I wanted Thedore to see everything he missed here. After all Seatle was his home and will always be.

The entire car ride he was staring out the window only talking or engaging in a conversation when he was asked a question. Katherine was looking at him worried and I could also pick up on a hint of pity in her eyes but I have no idea why.

The only time Teddy made some reaction was when we passed the court where he used to play basketball with his friends when he was little. He stared at it with so much longing in his eyes that I couldn't help but stop the car. "You used to love it here. We always had to drag you back home kicking and screaming everytime you played" he nodded his head as he got out of the car and stood in the middle of the court.

He looked as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders as he stood there. Looking at him all I could see was pain and hurt. I wanted to pull him out of his little world and ease his tension. I wanted to ease his mind and soul. But how could I when I don't know what is hurting him? "How about a one on one?" I asked. He looked at me shocked at the offer and shook his head.

He used to love basket ball alot when he was little so I knew it would relieve him from all the stress. "Don't worry I would go easy on you." I said teasing him. He looked pained and said "we should just leave." As he turned and headed towards the car once again.

Whatever happened in that court was long forgotten as everyone around the table was talking animatedly, like a real family should. I couldn't help the smile that graced my face as I saw Teddy laughing whIle Kate told him a story about one of Elliot's antics. Believe me the more this man grows the crazier he gets.

I spent the entire time during lunch just looking at Teddy as he laughed and smiled. He was looking so young and carefree, just like he should. But the moment everything goes silent you can see the sadness wrap him once again. What the hell happened to him that hurt him so much. I couldn't control myself again when I saw him pushing his food around the plate once again after a few bites. What the hell? Why doesn't he eat. "Is there something wrong with your food?" I asked him as calmly as I could manage.

"I'm not hungry" was his simple reply as he pushed the plate away. I wanted, no needed to say something. To force him to eat, but I surely couldn't do it. I had no right to. If I wanted to get close to him I can't cause problems with him. That's why I simply nodded. Everyone around the table looked at me shocked, Christian Grey didn't blow up about wasted food, now that's a new one.

The entire day went well, no problems occured as night came. I needed to do something to get closer to him. So I told everyone to head home before us for I had something to get. I took a daring decision as I drove towards the mall, on the way there Teddy kept staring out the window looking tired. He barely had any sleep at night that much was obvious. "Theodore" I said trying to grab his attention. "Yeah" he turned towards me.

"I have a proposal for you.." He cut me off before I could continue "another one of your deals?" He gritted out. Shit, not good, he is pissed. "No, no more deals it is just a proposal. Just listen till I finish then you can decide. Okay? But don't cut me off." I answered calmly, I needed him to be as calm as possible if I am ever going to get him to agree. He nodded his head a sign for me to continue.

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