Ice-cream please!!

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Christian's POV:

I headed towards katy and Teddy and sat beside them while Phoebe tried on the clothes. "So katy what is your favorite color?" I asked, eventhough I already knew the answer. She proved me right when she instantly said "Pink" and smiled. I called the assistant and told her to bring us any cute pink colored outfits she has for Katy. Phoebe walked out of the dressing room in a jeans and a frilly top that made me smile. She inherited Ana's fashion style along with her looks it seems, skinny jeans al the way. I smiled at her and so did Teddy as he complimented her making her blush and smile.. I can't believe how nice and tolerant he is with his sisters.. Ana raised him right.

Time passed as Pheoeb kept changing from one outfit to another with us commenting on them, the majority were really cute and we decided to get them. After sometime she started trying on dresses and skirts much to my excitement. I just love seeing girls wearing skirts, and not for sexual reasons, mind you. It just that skirts makes them really beautiful in my eyes. By the time she was trying the last article, the assistant came back with her hands full of pink and flowery clothes. Katy eyes grew wide as saucers when she saw the assistant heading towards us. The moment I held the clothes in my hands her eyes turned to me and she gave me one hell of heartwarming smile.

Her teeth were on full display as she stared at all the sparkly pink shit I was holding. I smiled back at her and nodded her heads to tell her that yes, all this pink is for her. "You are going to try them out once Pheobe is done. Okay baby?" I asked her softly as I tucked a stray hair behind her ear. She nodded her head excitedly making me smile even more until I heard Teddy yelling "no fucking way".

I turned my head away from Phoebe and towards Teddy to find him glaring at Phoebe who was dressed in a very short, skin tight dress that exposed half of her skin. Looking at her made me understand Teddy's refusal for the dress. It is way too revealing for my princess to be wearing, I simply shook my head at her and told Teddy to calm down while she changed back to her clothes. "She isn't wearing this.!!"  He said fuming so I gently patted his shoulder and said " no she is not, we are not going to buy it. Calm down before you piss her off." I didn't want him to cause any problem with his sister over his protectiveness of her and I know for a fact that girls tend to cling to their opinions more once you tell them no.

Phoebe finally got out of the dressing room carrying the clothes, after a lot of debate she finally agreed to hand me the one's we agreed on and I gave them to the assistant to put them aside while Katy tried some clothes. Phoebe volunteered to helping her little sister try the thousand pink articles that she chose.

My little girl looked so cute in all the outfits she tried, her innocent, heart warming smile never left her face as she twirled in her princess-y dresses. We picked out a lot of clothes for her, mostly dresses that were pink and fluffy!! At the end she refused to get out of a really cute pink tutu dress, she said a princess needs her dress. That's we ended up pulling the tag of her and putting her clothes in the bag while she twirled and danced in her dress. The permanent smile on her face made me feel like I finally succeeded in doing something right.

We walked out of the store with a million bags that I gave to Taylor to put in the car while we continued our spree. Theodore refused to get or try anything for himself which really soured my mood. He was being so helpful the entire day which made me believe that somehow he is opening up to me. Only to realize that he is still pulling away from me.. "Theodore seriously stop nagging and just get it over with." Phoebe snapped at him as we continued to have a staring contest while I held some clothes for him to try. "Stay out of it. I have enough clothes, I don't need to get anymore." He said matter of factly a she glared at her.

He pulled away from me and walked outside the shop while I sighed and tried to take deep breaths to calm down. Well if he thinks I am going to give up he has another thing coming. He is getting these clothes wether he likes it or not, with that in mind I pointed towards the sales assistant and told her to get me a pair of jeans, shirt and pollo t-shirts for Theodore. 

When she asked about the size I simply pointed towards him as he stood outside the shop looking at the sky. A couple of minutes later she came back with a the clothes saying. "These are most probably his size, but I think that he should at least try some of them to make sure."

"No it's fine, he doesn't feel like trying anything. We will just take these." I said as I headed towards the cashier and paid for them. The look on his face when he saw the bags in my hands was priceless to say the least.. "These will hopefully fit." I said pointing to the bag. "If you think you are stubborn then you have no idea who you are dealing with." I said as I walked away.

Things went smoothly for the rest of the time, the kids finally stopped nagging after they realized that I will get the things even if they refuse to try it or say that's they don't need it. I have dealt with Anastasia Steele for years, I can handle a couple of teenagers just fine. "Are you trying to but the entire mall?" Teddy asked as I cashed out in yet another shop. "No, we are done for today." I said as I took the bags from the sales clerk. "Thank God" he exclaimed as Phoebe breathed out in relief "finally."

While heading back towards the parking we passed an ice-cream shop that caught Katy's attention. From the corner of my eye I saw her tug on Teddy's leg and point at the shop as she pouted. Ohhh my little girl really has a sweet tooth.. "No, you already ate a huge dessert earlier. No more sugar for the day." He said shaking his head at her. "Prettty pleasee, with a cherry on top" she said again as she pouted her lips more. "Phoebe no means no, enough you already ate cake earlier." He said disapprovingly and continued walking thus dragging her with him.

She let go of his hand and came over to me and gave me an amazing puppy dog face and pointed to the shop again as she said "pleaseeeeeeeeeee" who can say no to that face. No one. She had me exactly where she wanted but before I could say yes Teddy interjected and said "unless you want to spend the rest of the day with a hyper child then I suggest you say no." I turned towards him and saw him shake his head at me making her pout. "Mom won't let agree to this, come on don't let her  get to you that easily." He said again making me realize that he is right.

If I want Ana to trust me with the children then I must take care of them. And feeding a six year old ice cream and cake in one day isn't a way to go. With that in mind I crouched down towards Katy and said "I'm sorry baby girl but your brother is right. You just had cake so you can't eat ice cream." Her eyes filled with tears as she said "but please, just a little." I shook my head again but couldn't handle the sad look she gave me. She looked like a puppy that was just kicked down "how about we get a doll and some tea so you can have a tea party when we get back." At the mention of a doll her tears vanished and her smile returned as she nodded her head.

That's how we ended up heading back with a sleepy katy who was clutching her little dolly in her arms refusing to let go. "You did a good job refusing to get her ice-cream back then." Teddy said smiling as he looked at me. "Yeah, taking care of her doesn't mean that she gets everything she wants." I replied as pulled from the parking lot. "Want to pass by Elliot's so you can get your stuff?" I asked both children. "Yeah please" ted replied "we need to pack our stuff" phoebe said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. "Okay we will pass by and you two can pack everything so that we ca go home." I said emphasizing the world home.

A couple of hours later we were finally back home, and I mean my home where Phoebe and Teddy stood awkwardly. I lead them both to their respective rooms as I carried the stuff for them, the moment they stepped into their rooms they realized that these are actually their childhood rooms.. The look in their eyes made me realize how much they must miss this place as well specially Teddy whose eyes welled with tears as he looked around. "Yeah, I left it just the way you it was. This will always be your room." He simply nodded at my words. I felt that he needed a moment so I said "i will see you in the morning, Good night" And walked out. Time to sort that Danny boy mess out and check on Ana's safe arrival.

This was a drama free chapter however the next chapter will have lots and lots of drama. Things will get complicated pretty soon, will Teddy seek the help of his father or will he push him away when he is in trouble? What is Christian going to do with Danny? You will know the answer to these questions pretty soon, so stay tuned

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