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Christian's POV:

My family came over and we all had one last lunch together before we headed to the airport. To say that the Grey family took the departure of the kids hard is an understatement. All of them were acting as if they will never see them again. My parents even asked if they could join us on the trip to Denver.

"Mom, I know that you just wanted to be with them but it is hard enough on Anna that I am going there and I really don't want to alienate her more. The kids will come back here soon as I am also planning to discuss a family holiday with everyone with Anna ad the kids. And we can also go to Denver soon, but not right now." I told my mom as I tried to make her understand why she can't just go to Denver.
After hours of going back and forth with them, everyone relented. Which is why we are currently in the car on our way to the airport. As always, Taylor is driving and we have decided that he and Sawyer will accompany us all the way to Denver. This will also help Taylor set up the security team that will make sure nothing happens to the kids once they are back.

"I think we missed the entrance to the parking" says Phoebe the moment we are nearby. I haven't told them yet but I don't plan on making them travel commercially. We will take the jet to ensure that they will be fully comfortable. I already have asked the pilot to prepare the jet, so we wouldn't have to wait in the crowded airport more than necessary. "No, we are going to a private entrance. Don't worry about it," I tell her so she just nods and goes back to texting on her phone.
The look of amazement on Katy's face when she sees the inside the of the plane is worth every penny I paid for this jet. She has been jittery the whole way to the airport, as according to Ted she is always really anxious and nervous in planes. Hope this will change her mind. "Where are all the people daddy?" she innocently asks the moment we board the plane. "It is just going to be us sweetie" I say while kissing her head before putting her down on her feet. I love carrying her around so much that I constantly do it despite her always saying that she is a big girl.

"I sit next to her for the take off and she clenches my hand really tight and closes her eyes." Hopefully she will get over her fear with time. I try to distract her by playing cartoons for her o the screen; it takes her a while after to calm down and fall asleep as it is past her bedtime. I put her in the room in the back and make sure that she will not fall before going back to the kids. We have a discussion about their lives in Denver and their plans for the next couple of days. Apparently, Phoebe needs to go back to her training and that is her main focus. "I need to train for nationals; I have slacked off a lot in the last couple of weeks." She says. "When is the competition? I would love to attend and finally see you compete?" I ask her trying to involve myself in their life more. "Are you sure you want to attend? It is in 20 days in Florida." She says hesitantly. "I wouldn't miss for the world." I say and a beautiful smile breaks out on her face. "It would be nice to finally have one of my parents there." She says sheepishly. "Hey, this is unfair Phoebe's. You know that mom doesn't do this on purpose." Ted chastises her. Now this peaked my interest "Has your mom never attended any of your competitions?"

"Umm, not lately. She used to go when I was little and first start but she hasn't attended any within the last couple of years." This is so unlike Anna; I remember how she never missed nay activity any of our kids were participating in when they were kids. "Why is that? This doesn't sound like Anna" I say. "Well, to be fair most of the meets are out of the city or the state and it is hard for her to leave everything and go with me for a couple of days every time. And, she gets really nervous and worried when during my routines. Even when she attends she closes her eyes whenever I am the one doing anything because she simply can't see it." She says.

"Okay, now you got me worried about what I am going to see. What do you do that drives your mom this crazy?" "Well, you'll have to come and see for yourself. Then you'll understand why she feels that way. Gymnastics is simply not for the faint of heart."
We laugh at this and I decide that I will definitely be there for her for her competition even if I have to cancel a 100 meetings. This girl deserves the world and I will try my best to give it all to her.

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