Dance for me

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Christian's POV:
I still can't believe what just happened. Anastasia Steel, the love of my life, was in my arms a couple of minutes ago. I can't believe that I was actually holding her as she cried.

After being interrupted by Theodore Ana walked out leaving me alone in the kitchen trying to compose myself. Ohh what that woman does to me. Despite all the years that passed she still has the same effect on me. Just seeing her standing in that house made a thousand memories come back to life.

I walked out of that kitchen still dazed from what just happened, she let me hold her, this shows that I still have a chance with her. Yes I know it is going to be hard but if I still affect her the way she does then I can still get her back.

I said my goodnight's to everyone as I left. Oh how I wished she'd let me stay with them, but there was no way in hell I was letting them stay at an hotel. So if leaving for the night was what it would take for her stay then so be it, I am going to be back first thing in the morning anyways. As I reached my car I called Ross and told her that I am going to take a vacation and only to contact me when necessary. To say she was shocked at my news was an understatement, well I should have expected that I haven't taken a vacation since Ana left.

The only thing I had left after she walked away was my company so I poured everything I had there. But now she is back and I need to focus on her and the kids if I am ever going to get them back. I don't know for how long she is planning to stay but I hope it would give me enough time to win her back.

I spent the entire night tossing and turning as I was plagued with nightmares. Everytime I closed my eyes I saw Ana walking away from me that dreaded night in New York and I jump up startled.

Morning came and I was up and ready. Today I am going to try to get closer to Pheobe and Katy. I hated how Phoebe visibly flinched away when I got closer to her the other day. As for Katy she is way to young and innocent to be corrupted by my shit.

I arrived at my brother's house, the house were my little family is staying. Just the idea of them staying at his place instead of mine hurt me deeply. They belong in our house, the house that we built together for our family. I want to see Katy running around in the meadow the same way Teddy used to.

I walked into the living room and was shocked to find it empty, so I followed the sounds I was hearing until I reached the dinning room. They were all sitting there eating breakfast like one happy family, my happy family.

Katy was the first one to notice me as I walked it. "Mr. Grey." She said catching the attention of everyone around her. "Hey brother" Elliot said as he stood up. "Come on join us" Katherine chimed in. I said good morning as I sat on the table.

Everyone was eating except for the usual two. Ana and Theodore. I tried to send Ana the look I used to send her whenever she was doing that, but every time our eyes met she looked away rapidly. I tried my best to calm myself as in not doing anything that could diminish my chances with them. I kept looking at them as silence surrounded us until it was broken by Theodore "Mom eat" he said catching my attention. I looked at him surprised, was he reading my thoughts or something. "I am." Was her curt reply. "No you are playing around with it. Food isn't a toy. Your words not mine." He replied. At this she sighed "yeahh okay I am eating see." She said as she picked her fork and went back to eating.

What the hell just happened. My son did the one thing I was itching to do. I was looking at her still shocked from what had happened when she raised her hand and caught me looking. Our gazes locked as I sat there lost in her eyes until she sent me one hate filled glare before turning away.

We spent the entire day lounging around as Katy played and danced around us. I was trying to learn everything I could about my children. I learnt a lot actually as my parents were grilling them with questions.

Apparently, Phoebe is a dancer and that is why she came to Seattle. She is competing in the national dancing competition along with her team. The way she was talking and moving oozed confidence the one thing my Ana lacked. Anastasia did a great job raising her into an amazing mature Lady.

Phoebe was talking non-stop about that competition. When Katherine told her to show us her dance routine she refused and instead invited Katherine and Elliot to go watch her. Katherine was excited but Elliot declined for he had a meeting scheduled.That's when I decided to try my luck. "I can go in his place." I said. The moment she heard me her head turned around so fast I was afraid she would get a whiplash "what?" She asked. "I said I could come if you want." I replied.

She just kept looking at me as everyone around us went silent watching our interaction. "don't you have work to do?" She asked shocked. "No I am free for the next couple of days." I said smiling. She hesitantly nodded her head as she said "yeah I guess you could come."

I can't believe she agreed. I am going to watch my daughter dance. Just like all fathers do. Like we are a normal family. Oh my god, I can't wait for tomorrow to come. The smile that spread across her face as she looked away told me that I made the right choice.

Sorry for the late update but I think updates are going to be slow from now on. I am a senior in college and I am working really hard on my senior project. I barely have time to eat let alone write. I am sorry but this is the best I could do and I understand if anyone stops reading. I tried to keep updating but my education is a priority and I can't neglect it.

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