Pinky promise?

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Katy in the picture above.

Christian's POV:

I found Katy in the game room playing in the doll house that used to belong to Phoebe when she was her age. She was laughing out loud as I stood frozen at the threshold staring at my beautiful angel. I can't believe that this girl is mine, my baby. I hate the fact that I wasn't present for her as she grew up but I will not leave again. From now on I will be the best father that I can, she would need of nothing. I will love her and express my love to her and her siblings every second of every day, I am not going to let anything take them away from me again. They are mine to love, protect and cherish and no one is going to take that from me.

I decided that it's time for her to continue her breakfast before I tell her that I am her father. "Having fun baby girl?" I asked as she nodded her head franticly and said "yuppyy" making me smile at her contagious laugh. "That's good, but you didn't finish your breakfast. So come on" I said as I walked towards her to help her up. "No pweasee. I want to play" she said pouting and refusing to stand up. "Baby girl come on, you can play after you finish your food." I said as I carried her away from the doll house and out of the room. She kept on pouting as she said "promise?". "I promise." I said nodding my head. "Pinky promise?" She asked again as she shoved her pinky towards me. I smiled as I linked my pinky with hers and nodded. "Ookay" she said as a smile broke on her face.

Reaching the kitchen I helped her up on her chair when I caught Teddy and Phoebe in a heated whispered conversation. I looked at them but they both went quiet when I entered the kitchen, "is something wrong?" I asked them. They both shook their head and mumbled no.

I let it slide this time, it seems that whatever they are talking about they want to keep a secrete. I sat back in my chair eating my food and contemplating ways to break the news to Katy while she ate her food and told her siblings about the amazing toys she found in the game room.

She finished her plate faster than I thought she would, and before I had devised a plan. She climbed down from her chair and came near me before saying. "I finished my food. Can I go play now?" My nervousness reached its peak when I realized that I have to finally come clean and tell her everything. "Good job baby girl. But we have to have a small talk before you go play." I said as I moved out of my chair and bent down to her level. She pouted and said "but, but you promised?". Shit, I totally forgot about that. "Yes baby I promised and I always keep my promises. You are free to go play after we talk a little okay. There is something really important I want to tell you." I said as I messed up her hair, she reluctantly nodded her head and mumbled an okay.

I took her arm and lead her towards the leaving room with Teddy and Phoebe on our heels. I am glad how comfortable she is becoming with me, when they first arrived here she was always clinging to Teddy but now I am happy that she easily lets me hold her. I sat on the couch and brought her up next to me. Teddy took the seat next to her on the other side while Phoebe sat opposite to us. "So?" She asked the moment she was seated, someone was eager to get this done and go play it seems.

"Baby, what I am going to tell you is really important and I need you to  listen carefully okay?."  I said buying my self some time before spilling the beans. "Okay, listen carefully." She repeated smiling. "Well, umm..." I said trying to collect my thoughts and ease her into it.

Theodore seemed to catch my nervousness so he interjected and said "baby what is the one thing you want more than anything?" He asked. "A dolly?" She said smiling. "No baby I mean something other than dolls. What did you ask santa for on christmas?" He asked again making my jaw drop. "A daddy" she mumbled sadly and looked at her fingers in her lap.

The sadness in her eyes shattered my heart into a billion pieces. I can't believe my little angel wished for a daddy on christmas. "What if I tell you that he granted your wish?" He asked again making her look at him confused. "What??!!" She asked. He simply nodded his head and winked at me telling me that it's my time to speak. She cuaght his wink then turned towards me confused and asked "what does this mean? I have a daddy?" She asked looking between the two of us. I nodded my head at her and said "yes, Baby girl I am here now and I'm not going anywhere again.." She looked at me shocked then whispered "you are my daddy?". I nodded my head and said "I sure am baby." She lunged at me and hugged me so tight then pulled away rapidly and said "you are back?" I smiled at her.

"Yes I am back baby. I am never leaving again." I said. She smiled and said "but how? You are Mr. Grey and daddy's name is Christian." Looking confused again. What the hell. How does she know my name. "Yes baby girl. I am Christian Grey." I said. "Really?" She asked shocked. "Really" i answered again making her jump out of her chair and hug me again. "Ohh baby girl, I love you so much." I said as I rubbed her back smoothly. She pulled back and asked "You don't hate me?" As tears filled her eyes. I quickly shook my head and said "offcourse I don't hate you angel. I love you so much. Where did you get that crazy idea from" i asked as I wiped her tears away.

"Milly, my friend said that I have no daddy because he hates me and didn't want me." She said breaking my heart with the innocent tears cascading down her cheeks. "Ohh no baby, I love you so much. But I had work to do that's why I left. But I am here now and I'm never going to leave again."I said kissing the top of her head as she clutched to my arms with a vice grip. "Promise?" She asked through her tears "pinky promise" i said as I held her pinky in mine and wiped her tears with the other hand. She turned to Theodore and said "I have a daddy" he nodded his head and gave her a bright smile as he pulled her to him and hugged her.

She jumped out of his arms and went towards Phoebe and repeated the same action while pointing at me. Phoebe gave her a small smile and said "yeah, that's great." She hugged her sister and went back towards me. I pulled her up and hugged her once again, holding her so tight afraid that she will slip from me. She hugged me back and I felt my whole world stop as I felt her little hands clutch my shoulders and squeeze.

I haven't let anyone touch me in that area for 7 years and now her simple touch made my heart swell with love as calmness washed over my body. "Go play?" She asked me as she pulled her head away from my neck. I nodded my head as I walked towards the game room while holding her in my arms with her holding to me like a koala.

I reached the room so I slowly put her down and turned to leave when she shyly whispered "will you play with me?" I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I walked towards her and plopped on the soft carpet and said "whatever you want baby girl." And that's how I spent the next hour playing house with my six year old daughter while laughing my ass out at her funny antics. I am one hell of lucky man to have such an amazing angel for a daughter. 

Yes, your eyes aren't betraying you. I actually updated and the truth is finally out. I know a lot of you were waiting for this chapter with anticipation so I wish that You were satisfied with it. To all my dedicated readers and new one's I say thank you for your continuous support. I love all!! Keep the inspirational votes and comments coming.

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