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Ana's POV:

I woke up startled to the sound of my phone ringing. It took me a while to realize that I had slept on the couch in my jeans. I answered the phone hastily without checking the caller's ID, since it was too early for anyone to call.

The moment I heard Christian's voice my mind went to overdrive with all the things that could have gone wrong. But the one thing I didn't consider, was what actually happened, my kids were exposed again. I turned on the tv to check what they were saying only to be shocked at the different angled photos that were all over the news. It was obvious that they have figured out who Ted was considering that he is an exact replica of his father, but they still had their doubts regarding Phoebe and Katy.

When Christian asked me if he can tell Katy the truth about him being her father, I felt my heart stop. I wanted to say no, I wanted to tell him to send them back here and stay out of our lives. I wanted to protect them from him, from the hurt that he might cause if they let him in. But the pain in his voice stopped me, I couldn't do it. I couldn't take him away from her-them anymore. As he kept talking about different reasons to tell her all I could think of was the feeling I got when I opened Katy's letter to santa on Christmas only to find that she asked for a father...

Not a doll or a game, but a father. The one thing I couldn't get her, the thing she wanted most. So how can I now rob her of her father again, I simply couldn't. She needs her father in her life, so I have no right to keep her in the dark, it is unfair to her. That idea made my decision for me as I told him to go for it.

Still, I reminded him that if he hurts any of the kids in any kind of way he will never see them again. I made sure that he understands how far I was willing to go to protect my kids, even though I think he learnt that the last seven years when I severed all ties with him. After giving him a lecture on the appropriate way to treat the kids and not hurt them I reluctantly agreed into letting him tell my little angel the truth.

Once the phone was over and I checked on the kids I headed straight to the shower in the silent lonely house. The silence that is usually filled with the kids banter broke my heart, but there is nothing I could now. They are miles away staying with him, the man that still owns my heart even after all these years.

I dragged my tired body to the shower and got dressed in record time, knowing that I had a thousand things to do today. I skipped breakfast and headed straight out the door, wanting nothing more than to get away from the lonely house. I got a phone call from mom while I was heading to work. "Hi mom"

"Ana darling how are you?".. "I'm good, you?" I asked as I stopped at a red light. "I'm fine. Ana did you see the news today?" She asked panicking. "Yeah mom I know, don't worry. I am aware of the pictures of the kids all over the news" "so what are you going to do?".. "Nothing, there is nothing that we can do. Except tell Katy the truth and pray that the freaking paparazzi get bored soon." I said as I parked the car in the employees parking.

"Did you tell Katy?" She asked shocked. "No I didn't but I believe that Christian is breaking the news to her as we speak.".. "Ohh, Ana. Maybe this is good, you can't keep hiding her forever." "I know mom, that's why we decided to tell her.".. "Yeahh that's good, Bob is calling for me I need to go. Please take care of yourself Annie and remember that I am here for you anytime."  "Offcourse mom, take care of yourself and Bob as well. Good bye" I said as I  headed towards the company's lobby.

What I didn't expect was to have a swarm of paparazzi  blocking the entrance. I tried to step back the moment they pointed their cameras at me but it was too late. I was momentarily blinded by all the flashes as I tried to turn away which caused me to stumble and fall. Damn those heels I thought, as pain erupted through my ankle. The freaking camera men started walking closer and closer towards me as their flashes kept going on. I felt trapped as I tried to stand up only to fall again with all the flashes in my face. This reminded me so much of all my days with Christian, ohh how wish I had Sawyer or Taylor anywhere near me now to push them back. I felt like crying but tried so hard to hold back my tears, I won't give them the satisfaction of taking a picture of me crying, it's bad enough that I am stuck on my knees on the floor like a damn animal.

It seems that GOD heard my prayers as I Suddenly heard someone screaming at the stupid camera goons and pushing them back while another person helped me up to my feet. I have no idea who my saviors were, but I couldn't be more thankful to them. The one that helped me up, lead me towards the entrance that was cleared by the other man. Looking at both men, I felt a sense of deja vu. As they both wore black suits and had the physique of army men, just like all Christian's security. These men reminded me so much of Taylor and Sawyer that I felt kind of safe in their arms.

The moment we stepped inside the building all my colleagues tried to get to me, but the man whose name I still don't know, pushed them away. I pointed towards my office and let him lead me to it as everyone followed us. The moment we reached the office he pulled me inside and closed the door locking it behind us. The moment I heard the lock click I panicked.

Here I am locked in my damn sound proof office with a complete stranger. I think that he detected my panic for he raised his arms and took a step back. "Who are you?" I asked my voice coming out shaky. "Please calm down ma'am, no need to be worried. I won't hurt you." He said as he stood rigidly by the door while I backed away from him trying to put as much distance between us. "Answer the question please." I repeated as I tried to keep the nervousness out of my voice. "My name is Austin Tucker, and I am your CPO" he said as he pulled an ID out of his pocket.

"I don't have a CPO.." I retorted trying to be convincing but not entirely passing at it bacause I knew  deep down that Christian might have hired someone for me. Seconds later his phone started ringing so he pulled it out and answered it. He later pushed it towards me and said "Taylor wants to talk to you ma'am." I reluctantly took the phone from his hand and was relieved to hear Taylor's voice. "Miss Steele, how are you doing?" He said nervous. "Ohh Taylor" I felt tears fill my eyes again as I heard him tell me about Tucker who really turns out to be my CPO along with the other man who was apparently named Julian Swatson. I felt relief wash over me as Taylor explained to me that they are my CPO's and that they will keep their distance while making sure everything is fine.

Suddenly Taylor's voice was cut off and I heard Christian's panicked voice ask "Ana, baby how are you? Are you hurt?"

Sorry for the late update but I had alot to do this past week. I hope you like the chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment!!

Tell me do you want the next chapter to be in Christian or Ana's Point of view. Waiting for your answers before I start working on the chapter. The point of view with the highest votes will be chosen... Thanks for reading!! Love you all

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