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3 years previous

Charming, a town that holds some big ass secrets . You would never believe what secrets this town has to offer , form hiding deaths, to drug smules, you name it , this town has a dirty secret on it but that's just charming for you , as long as I have not took part in anything that turns into a secret, I don't care.

"You finally graduated college, you did it , I'm so proud of you" my mom smiled as I walked into my childhood home

"Took me four years but I did it , the only thing I'm happy about is getting home, I missed this place so much" I said as I sat on the sofa

"It missed you too, everyone's been asking about you" my mom said handing me a cigarette

"No, thanks" I smiled as I politely declined

"You gave up , good for you" my mom said lighting her cigarette

"How's dad been?" I asked

"I wouldn't know, haven't seen him in about 3 weeks, he's up in Las Vegas "

"What for this time?" I asked

"Do you even have to ask ? Do you mind popping out to the grocery store to pick me up a few things ?" My mom asked

"Why can't you?" I asked

"I have to meet Gemma "

My mom gave me a list and I grabbed my car keys and left the house. The street I grew up in was quiet considering charming isn't really quiet . Everyone knew everyone on my street , which was sometimes a bad thing . I started the engine and headed off to the grocery store. It felt weird being back home, I missed it a lot while I was at college . I never wanted to leave but I knew I had to push myself to do good and it got a me a masters degree in teaching so I can't complain.

The grocery store was a short drive, I parked the car got out and locked it . I made my way over to the trolleys because the list my mom gave me wasn't a few things, it was like the full flipping store.

"Mia Troy" I heard a girly voice from behind me

"Willow Dawson" I laughed as I turned to see my best friend

"Why didn't you tell me you were back?" She asked as I hugged her

"Was going to surprise you tonight but that's blown " I laughed

"How was college ? Did 4 years do you good?" She asked as we walked into the store

"It did, I got my masters degree" I smiled

"Good for you" she smiled

"Well I'm in here for a lot of things so how about I meet you tonight for a drink?" I asked

"Sure , I have to go pick Samuel up from my step dads" she smiled

"I'll give you a call" I smiled as she walked away

I haven't been in this store for 4 years but I still remember what aisle everything is on which will make the whole shopping trip so much easier. I looked at the list and it had a lot of crap on it, stuff my parents didn't even need but can't have mom and dad moaning at me , well mom for now anyway .

My dads been a part of sons of anarchy since the start. I've grown up in the sons and it's been scary but it's a big family and that's always a good thing to have. It's been my life and it was hard leaving to go to college but I knew I could always come home and they would all still be here, in charming .

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry , shit" I said apologising as I rammed my trolley into someone

"It's all good" I looked at the person to see Jackson Teller

"I knew I was bound to see your face soon" I laughed as he looked at me

"The college kid is home, did you miss me that much?" He laughed

"Nah, I graduated , couldn't stay in college forever" I said punching his arm lightly

"You did miss me though , you can't deny it forever" Jax smirked

"I could and I will"

"You just admitted it" he laughed

"How is everyone?" I asked

"By everyone , you mean the sons . Well everyone's good, your dads doing good, clay is good, we got a prospect , you'll like him. Everyone is really good" Jax said

"Good, seriously I leave for four years and I get a good, what's been happening ? Any excitement , any news ?" I asked

"Yes there has been lots of excitement, that we can fill you in on tonight, I'm throwing you a party" Jax smiled as he threw his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the aisle of the store

"A party , seriously ?" I groaned

"Yeah, everyone will want to see you, especially my mom, she hasn't shut up about you since you left" Jax laughed

"Good or bad?" I asked scared of his answer

"Gemma loves you more than me sometimes , of course it's good" Jax said looking at me

"She loves me more than you , full stop" I joked

"See you tonight, bring willow, prospect keeps checking her out every time she's around" Jax smiled

"What ? Shes single , what happened to Bradley ?" I asked

"She can tell you that because I don't know all the details apart from he bailed on her"

"Okay, see you tonight " I smiled as he walked away

Jax and I go back , we were childhood friends, well he was 4 years older than me, hence why I was such a rebellious kid. Everyone knew he was in sons of anarchy , he became a part of the sons when he was 16 . He's always been someone who's close to me. Him, opie , willow and me were all close, we were all like the closest in age but sometimes being the younger one sucked because I was always seen to as the kid so they never really let me do much with them until I was older but by that time they were devoted to the club and I was devoted to studying and going to college which basically ruled me out . I always did have the hope though that one day they would let me join the sons but that was stupid of me because no girl was aloud to be a part of it , which sucked because I know how to handle a gun and all the enemies, God I grew up with them.


Kinda excited to write this story !! Just hope everyone likes it .

Be sure to vote and comment what you think , it would mean a lot to me :) !!

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