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I was a little scared right now . I mean who wouldn't be if a crazy bitch is pointing a gun to your moms head . How the fuck did she find out where I live or my parents for that matter , so much for now harm coming to me , fucking asshole Mayans and their psycho old ladies .

"How does it feel for me to nearly kill the women you love most?" The women asked , a huge smirk on her face

"I would like to see you try" I scoffed

"So what you think you are so tough because you are a daughter of a son?" The women laughed

"I don't think , I know I am" I laughed

"Cocky little bitch aren't you"

"I wouldn't be any other way" and she moved to my end of the table and slapped me .

It wasn't a sore slap but shit I didn't see it coming . I have to think of a way to get that gun out of her hand and shoot the bitch myself . Who does she think she is coming to my parents home and threatening my mom at gun point .

"Did you kill Jonah?" She asked me

"We already discussed this , I did not kill your precious boyfriend" I said rolling my eyes

"You're lying . Someone from the club told me different"

"Believe what you want . You weren't there , I was" I said

"I will believe my family before you" and she hit me this time with the gun and shit did it hurt .

I moved my hand to my face and sure enough there was blood . Great , if this scars I swear to fuck I will kill her and bury her myself . My mom didn't have a clue what was happening , well of course she didn't , she doesn't know I killed someone .

"If you don't tell me who the fuck killed Jonah , I'm about to put a bullet in your mommas head"

"The person who killed him is dead ! You can't do anything to her , she is dead , gone" which was a little true , I did change a lot after I killed someone so it's technically not a lie

"Who killed her?" She asked

"I did" and my mom gasped


"We were taking drugs , I gave her to much , she overdosed , bam dead " I said hitting my hands together

"You took drugs?" My mom asked and the stupid bitch hit her

"That's my mom you fucking asshole" I said standing up

As I stood up she fired a shot to the ceiling , well done genius , the cops are definitely about to show up . I sat back down , the women pulled out her phone and started talking some Mexican shit .

"Don't move!" She told us as she left the room

"We have to get that gun " I whispered to me mom

"There's a gun taped under the table at your end" she said and I raised my eyebrows "you never know when you'll need it" she whispered

I nodded my head and felt under the table for the gun and sure enough there was one . I ripped the tape but held the gun before the stupid bitch seen me do it .

"I just got told it was definitely you who killed him , stand up now!" She said and I held the gun and stood up and placed it at my back

"You see , I heard you shot him in the head , then the stomach" and she pointed the gun to my stomach , shit

"Please don't do this . Please , I am begging you . If you do this , it starts a war between the two clubs . If you kill the daughter of a son , it will cause mayhem. Samcro will be out for your blood and won't stop until they get it . They will kill your whole family and anyone you have ever had contact with . So you really wanna lose everyone?" I asked

"I already lost the love of my life , I don't care about anyone else" she said

"I'm sorry you lost him but killing me isn't going to get you anywhere . It will ruin both clubs and you know fine well it will " I said

"Why you getting all protective now . Every since I pointed this gun to your stomach. You're pregnant" shit shit , my mom looked at me and smiled but she still had the horrified look on her face

"Please , don't do this . You can't kill someone who is carrying a child" my mom spoke up

"Shut up old lady" she said pointing the gun to my mom and taking all focus off of me

I took this as the chance to shoot the bitch . I pulled out the gun and shot the arm she was holding the gun in . It happened so quickly , she dropped the gun , my mom picked it up . I heard sirens . I didn't know what to do . My head was spinning and I felt dizzy . Last thing I remember was the police busting the door down .


I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright light shining down on me . I turned my head to see Jax sitting on a seat with his eyes closed . I looked around to see a hospital room . Shit , the baby , what happened to me . I started panicking so I pulled out all the tubes and tried to get up .

"Hey , hey , clam down" Jax said waking up

"What happened?" I asked

"You blacked out after what happened " Jax said

"The baby , is everything okay?" I asked and nurses came into the room , I probably set off an alarm or something when I started taking these tubes out

"Miss , calm down please" one of the nurses said

"Is my baby ok?" I asked , I wasn't caring about anything else

"Your baby is fine" the nurse smiled "the only thing is , you are so stressed , that's what caused you to collapse . I recommend seeing someone" the nurse said as she placed the tubes back into place

See someone ? What does she think I am . Anyone would collapse after being held at gun point . It's a natural thing . I'm not stressed . I know what stress is God , I went through high school and college . I don't care about anything else as long as my baby is okay , then that's all that matters .

"I'm good , thanks for your consideration though" I said and the nurse dismissed herself

Jax moved onto the bed and lay beside me . He placed his hand on my stomach and moved it in circular motions . I turned and smiled at him .

"Who was in your moms house?" Jax asked

"That stupid Mayan bitch . She was going to kill me because she thinks I killed Jonah" I said

"Well she's dead" Jax said and I sat up

"What? I only shot her arm" I said

"Your mom shot her in the head as you collapsed . Your mom done that so it didn't turn back on you because she had dirt . It was the right thing to do Mia" Jax said

Great , now my mom probably knows I have killed someone and she just killed someone for me . We are such a fucked up family .


Kinda a shit chapter , I'm trying to make this seem really good and I promise it will get a lot better. I also couldn't leave you on a cliff hanger for to long

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