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This not working stuff is boring . Yeah I have a temporary job in the office but it's not exactly what I thought my life would be .

"We haven't caught up since you've been back and it's been over a month" willow said walking into the office

"I've just been really busy" I said typing away on the computer

"I know but I've been a shit friend . I can admit that . I'm sorry about that thing that happened and I promise to make it up to you" willow smiled

"You don't have to , it wasn't your place to say anything" I said honestly

"Okay so how was college ? Meet any nice guys ?" Willow asked , typical of her

"One , he was sweet , didn't last long though" I laughed

"I like prospect " willow blurted out before i could finish

"Really ? Does he know ?" I asked getting up from my seat to make coffee

"I don't know , I mean I flirt with him and I've made out with him a few times but I haven't slept with him . I'm a little scared because of what happened last time" she said as I handed her a cup

"What happened last time ? Why did Bradley leave you ?" I asked

"Not many people know , only my dad and Gemma and obviously Bradley" willow said and she looked kinda hurt

"Okay , go on" I said sitting back on my seat

"We had been together before you even left for college , we were together 8 years , ever since I was sixteen . I loved him Mia , so much . I fell pregnant about 9 months ago and I was so excited to be starting a family with the love of my life but something happened about 2 and a half months into the pregnancy and I lost the baby . I was so heartbroken . Bradley blamed me and my friends . He said if I didn't hang around with so many hookers then I wouldn't have lost the child . He blamed me Mia , he blamed me and he left" willow cried

I didn't know what to say , I didn't even know willow was pregnant or even lost a baby . I couldn't ever imagine what losing a baby feels like , I would be broken .

"It wasn't your fault . These things happen . Don't blame yourself" I said hugging her

"I don't blame myself , I did up until about 3 months ago when I realised that bad stuff happens in the world . I just know the next time I fall pregnant that the child I lost will be back and ready for the world . My child just wasn't ready for this big bad world" willow cried and she started me crying

We must honestly look so silly sitting in the office crying our eyes out .

"I don't know Zac as well as everyone else but he's a sweet guy willow . He knows what he wants and goes after it . He's a trustworthy guy I can see it in him , tell him how you feel" I smiled pulling away from our hug as we wiped our tears

"Did you tell Jax?" She asked

"I did" I nodded

"Holy shit ! I didn't think you had the balls , oh my god ! Praise the Lord ! When is the wedding?" Willow said getting excited

"Wow slow down " I laughed putting my hand out to her

"We have all been waiting for this moment for about 8 years " willow laughed

"I've been waiting for it for a while too but don't you get ahead of yourself" I looked to see Jax smiling

"You always show up , like can't us girl have some privacy" willow laughed

"No , prospects looking for you" Jax said and I have never seen willow move so fast in her life

I moved from my seat and walked over to Jax and placed my arms around his waist and hugged him . I was the perfect height for Jax . I was tall but I was a little smaller than him , my forehead was basically just at the start on his chin so he could rest his chin on my head and that's one thing I really love !

"About moving my stuff into your apartment , is that cool or do you want to wait? I really want out the club house but I don't wanna buy a house on my own" Jax said as he placed his arms around me

"We can move it in tonight . I don't see the point waiting about , no time like the present" I said

"So it's cool if we live together?" He asked

"Well i was basically living with you when I got back and no point beating around the bush , right?" I asked as I looked up to him

"I just don't wanna move to fast and then have you running off" Jax smiled

"I'm not going anywhere" I smiled back


Short chapter I know but there is two long chapters coming up soon , so bear with me

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