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For some strange reasons I could smell pancakes and syrup . I opened my eyes slightly to see Jax standing at the edge of his bed with a tray . It had a small vase with a rose in it and then I saw the stack of pancakes with syrup .

"Feels like I'm 14 all over again" I laughed as I sat up

"I was thinking that as I went and bought them" Jax laughed handing me the tray then sitting on the bed in front of me

"We used to live on pancakes and syrup" I laughed

"That's the only reason you ever came to my house , was because Gemma always made us pancakes" Jax laughed

"Too right , she cooks the best breakfasts , lunches and dinners " I laughed as I took a bite from the pancakes

I moaned at the taste of the pancakes . They tasted so good , I haven't ate pancakes in so long . Jax shook his head and laughed at me , probably with the silly faces I'm pulling .

"Clay has a job offer for you" Jax smiled

"What?" I asked drinking the orange juice

"He was wondering if you could work in the office for us until you find another job . He will pay you" Jax smiled

"Of course " I smiled

I got up out of the bed and walked to the bathroom . I turned on the water and felt Jax's presence behind me. He placed his hands on my hips while I felt for the water heating up .

"If you got up earlier you could have saved us some hot water" Jax laughed

"You let me sleep later than you so blame yourself" I smirked even though he couldn't see me

"I'll be out fixing your car , if you need me" and with that he placed a kiss on the back of my head and left me to shower


I lay on jax's bike as the sun was beaming down and it was so warm . I mean so warm that I'm wearing shorts and a tank top . Now normally I'm one for jeans and boots but today I'll make an exception since its roasting .

"Well don't you look poster perfect" I placed my sunglasses on top of my head and saw Donna

"Hey" I smiled sitting up

"Hey , have you seen Opie?" She asked

"Last time i checked he was fixing a car with Chibs , might still be in there" I smiled

"Thanks , also Emma said she wants you to babysit her again with Jax . She really likes you" Donna smiled

"She's a little cutie . I will watch her for you guys any time" I smiled as she wandered off to the shop

Donna and I have never really been close . I think it's because she doesn't really like the club that much and well she doesn't agree with the shit they do and I'm the complete opposite . I can see where she comes from though , I was brought up in the sons , she wasn't so she's not used to this life .

"You know , you sit about like that any longer and you're going to have all the guys at your knees" I seen Jax walking towards me

"Just because you want to walk about with jeans , a hoodie and your cut . You're just jealous you don't have my body to flash" I laughed

"Oh where's all this confidence coming from ? And you'll be flashing no one" Jax said

"Trying to boost my ego a little , not working though " I laughed and Jax laughed along with me

"Your car is all fixed and ready to go" Jax said standing in front of me as I moved round to face him

"Thank you but I thought prospect was working on it?" I asked

"He was but he had business to attend with some of the guys last night so I told him I would finish it " Jax smiled and if it's one thing I love most about Jax teller it is his smile

"You've broke it even more haven't you ?" I asked trying to hide my smile

"No I haven't , I know what I'm doing , most the time" Jax laughed

"If my brakes sound worse it's on you" I laughed as I grabbed my keys from his hand and he moved his hand to my hip

"Seriously this outfit is a little to revealing , I want to take you here , right now!" Jax smirked and started to kiss my neck

"Jax stop!" I laughed as he kept going

"Jax!" I said again hoping he would quit it

I pushed him away and he started laughing and I was laughing with him . His laugh is so contagious , if he laughs you just have to laugh . I got off the bike and made my way over to my car .

"I've got shit to do but I'll be at the apartment by about 10 , 11 at the latest" Jax said as I unlocked my car

"So lock the door about 9 , I got it" I laughed

"I'm staying tonight so that door better be unlocked or I'll boot it down" he shouted as I opened my car door

"Who even says you can stay with me?" I asked turning to face him

"Me , will I move my stuff in tonight or leave it until tomorrow?" He smirked

"What ever is easier for you" I smiled

"See you later babe" he said as I got in my car

I started the engine and pulled out . I rolled the window down and waved to Jax as I drove out onto the street . I knew Jax was joking about moving into my apartment but I'm serious . If he wants to stay with me then he can , no time like the present . I've only been waiting to be with him for about 6 years .


I'm so bad with authors notes , how you all liking the story so far ??

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