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"There is so much shit to prepare for Mia , we gotta look at houses like soon" Jax smiled as I ran my hands through his hair

"I know but i don't want anyone to get suspicious" I said looking down to him with his head laying on my lap

"Okay we look at houses without anyone knowing and we buy one and move in and don't tell the guys or that until you have your first scan" Jax said sitting up

"I'm so scared " I admitted

"Why?" Jax asked

"I don't know if I'm ready to be a parent . I can hardly look after myself sometimes . I just don't wanna be a bad mom" I said as Jax held my hands in his

"Don't say that . You will be an amazing mom. I know that because you have a heart of gold Mia and you always know what's best for everyone" Jax said and I smiled

"Let's just hope no one throws any parties any time soon or invites me out for a drink or this will give it away , everyone knows how much I like a beer or a glass of wine" I laughed

"I know you can survive without it but it will be hard to keep it away from the club . Just say you are working the next day or you have papers to grade " Jax laughed

"Yes sir" I laughed


Jax had a meeting in the chapel with everyone so I decided to wait in the club house for him . We decided to go look at houses , not view any , just see if there is any close by that would suit us . I so badly wanna tell my mom and dad but I don't want to many people finding out so soon because it's such a risk for everyone to know .

I never once thought that about 3 months after coming back from college that I would be pregnant and be with the love of my life . I didn't even know 3 months ago that I loved Jax , yeah I knew I had strong feelings for him but if you told me 3 months ago that I would have told him I loved him , I don't know what I would have said . It's kinda crazy how life can change so quickly . I thought I had my life planned out but now it's turned upside down and for some strange reason , I'm so happy about it.

"What you day dreaming about?" I looked to see willow behind the bar

"How fast my life has changed" I said standing up and walking over to her

"It sure has " willow smiled as she poured herself a drink

"One question , do you ever go to work?" I laughed

"Yeah , I mostly work nights " willow laughed

"Where do you work now?" I asked

"Are you serious ? I told you this the other day . I have been the office worker for Oswald . I do his accounts and stuff . That's why I work nights" willow said

"Oh I forgot sorry . Wanna be my accountant ?" I laughed

"Keep dreaming" willow smiled

Willow isn't the brightest bulb but she sure knows what she's doing . She works so hard to get places and I'm proud of her . She went through a really rough patch about two years into college . She got caught up in the drugs and alcohol , it nearly ruined her . I remember I was graduating and that night willow got rushed to hospital . She dropped out of college , went to rehab and done online classes and got a degree in accounts and I've never been happier for her . She helps look after her little brother a lot of the time who is a lot to handle but he is the sweetest kid ever .

"How's Samuel ?" I asked

"He's doing really good . He is getting better as the days go by but it's really a work in progress , his speech is getting really good , he can say my name now and can ask for dinner . He still isn't very good with walking yet but it will take time . He's a little fighter , I can see it in him" willow smiled

"If he is anything like his big sister he can pull through it . Is everything good with insurance ?" I asked

"Yeah , his dad helps out with it a lot . He is amazing when it comes to Samuel , he gives him everything" willow said

"Does Chibs help?" I asked looking at my phone to see a missed call from my mom

"Yeah , considering Samuel isn't my dads kid . Samuel likes him , especially since he promised Samuel a motorbike when he is better" willow laughed

"Chibs is always very good a bribing people" I laughed as the chapel doors opened

"You got that one right" Chibs laughed

I walked over to Jax and he pulled me into a cuddle .

"I have a missed call from my mom so I'm going to go over and see her , see you back at the apartment ?" I asked

"I can't , I have to go up to Las Vegas for a few days . Nothing to serious , I should be back by Wednesday night , Thursday at the latest so we will have to cancel those appointments" Jax said as I pulled away a little

"Okay , well do you need a bag packed and I can drop it off before you go?" I asked

"Yeah , I've gotta do some shit in the shop first so that would be a big help" Jax smiled

"Okay , what time you leaving?" I asked

"About 6 " Jax said

"Okay , will be here about 5 , see you later" I smiled as I kissed his cheek

I walked out the club house and to my car . I hate when the guys go away for a few days because something bad always happens . I turned on the engine and drove out of the lot . Normally when my mom calls its to go over to see her so I didn't see the point in phoning to ask her . She's been doing really good , she hasn't drank since she told me she wasn't my birth mother , she's been handling it really well and I'm so proud of her .

I parked my car in the driveway and got out . My parents stay like 5 minutes away from the lot so it's never a long drive . I opened the front door and heard music playing .

"Mom, it's Mia" I shouted

"Kitchen" she shouted back but I could hear worry in her voice

I walked through to the kitchen and I couldn't believe my eyes . What was happening right now . Surely I'm seeing things but I wasn't . There was that stupid Mexican bitch standing behind my mom with a gun held to her head .

"What the fuck is this?" I shouted

"You don't get to ask the questions , I do . Now sit !" The Mexican women shouted and I sat down


Oh my god ! Wouldn't be a story without more drama , ahhh

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