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Today was the day I was meeting with the Mayans and I was scared , so scared that I could probably wet myself . I was currently at the club house preparing myself in case it all goes wrong . Which I'm praying it doesn't and we all walk away unharmed

"You will wear this under my jumper " Jax said throwing me a bullet proof vest

"Isn't this a little extreme I mean c'mon" I said pulling it on while shaking a little

"Here" Tigs shouted as he threw me a gun

Okay , I feel like these guys are getting me ready for a war , I'm only going to talk to Alvarez with Jax by my side , his boys will be back a little and the sons will too . Nothing's probably going to happen.

"What time we meeting them again?" I asked pulling on Jax's soa jumper

"20 minutes so I suggest we get on the bikes and go" Opie said

"I'm going to take a car , I need to focus and I will probably fall off the back of your bike" I laughed as i looked at Jax

"Okay , I'll be in front of you with clay but Bobbie , juice , Tigs, Chibs, Opie and Prospect will be behind you" Jax said

I nodded my head and Jax pulled me into a hug . I was a little thrown off but I hugged him back , I could die in the next 30 minutes . He kissed my forehead and stayed there for a few seconds .

"I love you Mia , everything will be okay" he said and I followed him out the club house

I know I should have said it back , I should tell him , especially if this all goes wrong but I can't bring myself to say it . Once I say it , it's out there , everyone knows and shit gets serious. I'm not ready for that yet .


Great , the Mayans chose a isolated place to meet , I'm definitely going to die today . I can feel it in my stomach that something bad is going to happen . I parked the car and wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans . I felt my back to see if the gun was there and it was , thank god .

Jax and clay got off their bikes and came to the car . Jax opened the door and took my hand to pull me out . I was so nervous right now . I was scared . Clay fell back behind the car with everyone else while Jax walked up to Alvarez , his hand still in mine . Alvarez had his VP standing beside him and the rest of his club further back .

"Jax teller and his old lady" Alvarez said

"I'm not his old lady" I spoke quietly

"Forget about that shit . We are here to make sure no harm is going to happen to her " Jax said

"Why would we harm her ? We know what Jonah did to her , she done it out of self defence I hear . That kid was sick , he was an evil little fucker " Alvarez said and I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulder

"So you guys aren't going to kill me ?" I asked

"We don't kill women , even if they have killed one of our own , it's against the rules" Alvarez said and I wanted to run up and hug him

"So you are saying no harm will come her way , no Mayans will ever touch her !" Jax said

"I promise , none of us Mayans will touch Eddie Troys daughter , no one in my club will lay a hand on her " Alvarez said and I was so happy

"Thanks " Jax said and I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders

"Is she the one who killed Jonah ?" I turned to see a women come out from behind the rest of the Mayans

Fucking great . I knew something was going to happen today , this is jonahs mother or girlfriend or some shit and she's about to kill me . Why couldn't we just meet the Mayans and then leave with nothing happening .

"No , it wasn't her" Alvarez lied

"Whys he asking if you wouldn't harm her ?" The women asked and I was holding the gun at my back in case this bitch wanted to start

"Because she knew who Jonah was harassing " Alvarez lied again

"If I find out you killed my baby , my first love I will make sure you never see your boyfriends face again" the women said moving closer to me

"Even if I did kill your precious little baby . He was an evil man ! He harassed and tried to sleep with a girl out of her will , he tried to rape a girl and tried to kill a woman all because she didn't want to sleep with him . I don't understand why harm would come to me when the bastard who done the bad deed is already dead" I said defending myself against this crazy Mexican bitch and dam did my fear go away

"Get her out of here " Alvarez said to his vp

The women looked taken back , like she didn't think I would defend myself . I've grown up with the stares , the snickering , I know how to defend myself against some crazy bitch .

"We will be on our way , just make sure your girl doesn't make it clear what she done . It never happened" and with that Alvarez walked away

I didn't want to turn my back until they were all gone , yeah I was still a little paranoid but they could shoot me at any time when I can't see . Eventually they got on the bikes and rode off and I jumped into Jax's arms . I was so happy , literally over the moon .

"I thought that bitch was going to try kill you" Tigs laughed

"She couldn't even hold a gun in those thin little arms never mind fire one" I laughed

Everyone looked happy , especially my dad . He hugged me so tight.

"Don't tell your mother " my dad laughed as I opened the car door

"Never" I laughed


Oh I've got over 1000 reads !! Thank you all so much ! Also how are you liking the story ? Please comment

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