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I rolled over as I started to wake up and felt the presence of someone next to me, I opened my eyes a little to see a bare chest and I looked up to see Jax , his eyes closed and still in a deep sleep . I placed my arms over his stomach and snuggled up to him . He stirred in his sleep and pulled me closer to him and I smiled, like a huge cheesy smile, like I was 13 and just met my celeb crush.

"You aren't watching me sleep are you?" He laughed with his eyes still closed

"Maybe" I laughed

"My head is pounding" Jax said rubbing my arm

"I feel fine actually, still feel a little drunk but that's all good" I smiled

"No wonder Mia, you were flat out wasted, I couldn't get you to fall asleep until like 4am. You were running around the club house with my jacket on , laughing your head off" Jax laughed probably thinking back to my drunken state

"I don't remember any of that, the last thing I remember was playing that game with Opie to see who could finish the shots first " I said sitting up and regretting it a little because my head was spinning

"You did look cute running around and you out drank Opie, you finished all the shots clay got for you and Opie had like 3 left"

"I shouldn't drink" I said rubbing my temples

I got out of the bed and grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me . I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower , if a shower doesn't sober me up a little then I don't know what will, maybe more sleep. I dropped the blanket and undressed and stepped into the shower.

"Please tell me you at least have some girly shampoo or shower wash?" I shouted through to Jax's

"I bought some yesterday after I saw you incase you stayed over, it should be on the shelf" Jax shouted back

I found the shower wash and started to wash myself . I kept watching out to make sure Jax didn't appear, it's not that I don't want to shower with him because I do but it's to soon, I've been back a day, we can't rush into anything when we don't even know what we had before I left . I quickly washed my hair and grabbed the towel that was hanging up and wrapped it around my body. I walked back into the room to see Jax was pulling on pants.

"Leaving so soon?" I asked

"Yeah, I was going to get us some breakfast then we can talk" Jax smiled

"Now who doesn't love a man that buys food" I laughed

"I will be back soon" he said pulling on a shirt and walking over and giving me a quick kiss on the forehead

Jax left and I decided to dry myself and change and tidy his room a little. Jax has never been one for deep cleanliness , he is clean but not to my standards, imagine living with him, I couldn't do that . I quickly dried myself and pulled on a t-shirt of his and a pair of his boxers , what they are comfortable.

I decided to pick up all the dirty laundry first , I wasn't sure which was clean or dirty but it was getting washed anyway because you don't leave clean clothes lying around the floor . After filling the laundry basket , I started to bin all the rubbish , then I came across a picture on his bedside cabinet of him and me . It was the day of my 18th party a month before I left for college , Jax was smiling and I looked so happy . The funny thing about this is that i had this exact picture on my beside cabinet in college and I also had one of Opie, Jax and me and another of the full club and their families . I can't believe the only framed photo he has in his room is of me and him.

After a quick clean and a change of his bed sheets his room was tidy, it still needed vacummed but I wasn't going to be the one to wake everyone else because they are probably all still sleeping.

"I'm back" Jax said walking in and I could smell the food already

"I couldn't think of anywhere else so I just got a McDonald's breakfast , I got you the usual you used to get, I hope it hasn't changed" Jax said sitting on his bed

"No" I smiled

"You look very attractive in my clothes" Jax smiled eyeing me up

"I do pull them off better than you" I laughed as I opened the bag

"So, how do we start this talk?" Jax asked

"Let's try with the morning I left, I told you I had feelings for you and you told me you had feelings for me" I said

"Yeah we did but are they feelings still there for you ? I know you still mean a lot to me Mia, I do have those feelings for you, they didn't really go away" Jax said as I took a bite of my muffin

"Me too"

"So do we try a relationship or ?"

"Not so soon, we should try just see where this goes, if it works then a relationship would be good but I don't want to jump into anything and it doesn't last" I said as I grabbed his hand

"I just don't want this to ruin our friendship" Jax said

"It won't, if it didn't work out that wouldn't ruin our friendship. I know I wouldn't hurt you and you wouldn't hurt me " I said looking at him

"Okay, so we see where this goes, try it out and hope for the best?" Jax asked

"Yes" I smiled

"Okay but I still get to do this " Jax said as he leaned forward

He placed his lips on mine and I fell back onto the bed. He lifted his shirt off of my body and I pulled his off of him. The moment was getting intimate pretty fast because Jax's jeans were in the floor then the door swung open .

"Fuck juice get out" I laughed as I threw a pillow at him

"Shit I'm sorry but clays looking for Jax" juice laughed and closed the door behind him

"To be continued" Jax laughed as he got off me

I moved from the bed and grabbed my clothes I was wearing last night. I quickly pulled them on while Jax pulled his clothes on and I followed him out the room . The club house was a riot, these guys really need a cleaner in here or something , it's disgusting . I gave Jax a quick kiss on the cheek while he went to a room and I walked out . The sun was splitting the trees and by God was it a warm day . Looks like I'm walking home since I don't have a ride . I walked over to the shop to see prospect and Tigs were working on something .

"Hey beautiful" I winked at Tigs

"Don't play with my heart" Tigs laughed as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder

"Me , never" I laughed as I wriggled in his grasp

"Seriously I leave you alone for two minutes and you're already with another guy" I could tell it was Jax straight away without seeing his face

Tigs put me down and I turned to see Jax holding a helmet while his was on his head. I punched Tigs lightly in the stomach and walked away with Jax to his bike. One thing about the sons is you will never be bored around them, they are always throwing parties, always up to something, sometimes I don't know half the shit they do but I'm fine with that because then it means if the cops come to me looking for anything, I don't have a clue and I don't become an accessory in any of it .

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