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I am eventually moving into my apartment today and I'm super excited . I can't wait to have my own place and do what I want with it , decorate it how I like and no one to tell me no .

I parked my car in the parking lot of the building and got out . I turned to see Pienny pull up in the van with all my shit in it and most of the guys following behind him .

"My girls getting all grown up" my dad said as he got off his bike

I rolled my eyes at my soppy father . He isn't one for letting his daughter flee the nest , I had to persuade him so much to let me go to college .

"It's the second floor and the blue door , let's get moving boxes!" I said to everyone

I was so glad no one had any plans today or else I would have had to do this myself . I'm so grateful that the guys offered to help me today , I honestly don't know what I would do without them .

"Hopefully we have all this shit unpacked and then we can all have dinner at Gemma's tonight" jax said as I followed him up the stairs with a box

"I have all weekend to unpack but it would be good to have it all done tonight " I laughed

I flung Chibs my keys to unlock the door , as I was at the back of everyone . I dropped the box to the floor while everyone piled into my apartment .

"Mia" I turned to see Trevor

"You live here?" I asked

"Yeah , I've been here for about a year , are you moving in?" He asked

"Yeah , I'm an official residence after today" I laughed

"Do you need help with anything?" He asked as he looked at the box at my feet

"Nah, we've got this" jax said picking up the box that I put down

"Yeah sure man , well see you around , neighbour" Trevor laughed and walked down the stairs

"He's such a douche" jax laughed

"He is not , he's nice" I said following jax into the apartment

"Who the fuck even wears khaki pants anymore, he's a complete douche" Jax laughed and juice decided to laugh with him

I ignored Jax and juice laughing away at each other and started unpacking some of the kitchen stuff. Most of it was new since I have lived with my mom and dad my whole life basically, except for college but that doesn't count, it was basically just a one bedroom place.

"We will put all the furniture in , your mom and Gemma said they will come up after we moved all the boxes to help you unpack and fix the place, Gemma also cancelled dinner and said tomorrow night " clay said helping me unpack the box

"You guys do realise that once I'm unpacked and shit you will all be helping me decorate soon" I laughed knowing they wouldn't do that

"Bikers aren't ones to get messy with paint" Chibs laughed as he leaned against the door frame


We started putting stuff into my apartment at 12 and its now 9pm and mostly everything is done. We have built the bed, put everything in the living room , sorted my kitchen and fixed the bathroom. The only things left is pictures on the walls and stuff but they can be done on another day because I'm so exhausted .

Everyone left and it was just Jax and me left. He decided to spend the night with me since I was still a little wary of staying myself, what I've never done it before can you blame me .

"I put the bed sheets on" Jax said handing me a beer and sitting on the couch

"Thank you" I smiled turning my focus back to the tv

"Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you didn't go to college?" Jax asked and I turned to face him

"What do you mean?" I asked (not even gonna lie Justin bieber song came into my head as I wrote this)

"Well, the night before you left we slept together and told each other we had feelings for one another. Do you think if you didn't go to college we would be like an official couple right now or what?" Jax asked sitting his feet up on the couch , me being me swatted them down because he still had his shoes on

"I don't know, I think we could have been , I mean look at us just now " I said placing the beer on the table as Jax removed his shoes

"Right now we aren't even together, we are basically just sleeping with one another and I know you Mia, I know you want more than that " Jax said , well this conversation is changing fast

"Jax, people can change in the space of four years . College was an eye opening experience , it really helped me grow as a person. I do want more than just sleeping together but that takes time Jax, I know you for one aren't ready to have an old lady and I'm not ready to be one just yet . I want to be with you more than I have anyone else but I'm scared that if you jump into this head first that it will just ruin it , I don't want you to push me away when someone like Brianna comes along" I said looking everyone where in my apartment but Jax's eyes

"Why would I push you away for some dumb bimbo . I haven't slept with anyone else except you since you got back and about 7 months before that . I couldn't bring myself to kiss another girl because all I thought about was you coming home and being hurt because I slept with someone else" Jax said I focused my attention on him

"Jax, you are in the sons of anarchy , it's expected of you to sleep with other women and shit . I couldn't handle that if we were together because that would probably destroy me. I have slept with other people to but it wasn't the same as when I slept with you before I left, I just done it to fill the space , to occupy me but here I am, in charming , in my apartment ,with you . If you want to try a relationship then we can , let's dive in but I want you to think about it before you ask the question " I smiled taking his hand in mine

"The night before you left, I was the first person you ever slept with?" Out of all the questions I thought he would ask , that one did not go into my mind

"You know you were dipshit, you are my best friend, I think I would have told you if I had slept with anyone when I done it" I laughed

"You never told me about college, who was he or they?" Jax laughed

"There was two people, first one I was drunk and he was a frat boy who loved his momma too much and the second was a wannabe biker, when I first met him he was really sweet and funny, but he saw the photos of you guys and started wearing this terrible leather jacket but dam did he pull it off" I laughed and Jax looked at me blankly

"He pulled it off?" Jax asked raising an eyebrow

"Well not as good as you, I mean, you look fucking attractive with your cut and without it, whereas he looked better without it. I only ever really liked one man in a leather cut and he's sitting in front of me" I smiled


Aw can jax just be my boyfriend because I fancy him loads .

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