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I was currently in the club house waiting on everyone finishing their drop off then I wanted to talk to them all . They had no idea I was here , except for my dad who was sitting beside me because he bailed on the drop off . Gemma and my mom were talking at the bar and I saw the door open and I smiled .

They didn't notice me to start with , they were all laughing about something else. Then juice's eyes landed on mine and he basically hushed everyone and they looked in my direction .

"Yeah okay , I forgive you all for being arseholes and listening to JT but in a way he was right . I am going to be a little wary of trusting you all again but I can't stay mad at you all forever" I aid standing up

"What about Rhonda?" Bobby asked as she stood beside me mom

"No I think you mean my mom " I smiled

"Does this call for a celebration?" Chibs asked

"We also have other news" Jax said moving towards me

"What?" Gemma asked

"Well Mia and I are now living together and Mia has a full time teaching job in charming high" Jax said

"Congratulations " my dad said as he hugged me

Everyone cheered and that meant only one thing , these guys were getting ready for a party and not just a family party , they had good news and that meant that they were inviting everyone and sometimes that's a bad thing .


These guys have went all out for this party , like i thought maybe everyone would be here and it would be a quiet party but nope , they've got the music blaring and they ain't caring . I arrived like 10 minutes ago and already I have been congratulated on my job and I've been called Jax tellers old lady so many times that I'm about to scream .

"Having fun?" Tigs asked

"I sure am , well except for all the little whores running around" I laughed

"Hey , who else am I supposed to have sex with " Tigs laughed as I grabbed a beer

"I don't know , find a nice girl , not one that is a walking disease" I smirked

"That's why my back pocket is full of condoms " Tigs laughed and that was my cue to walk away before he started getting into detail

I was watching my mom and dad and they looked so happy tonight . They were both laughing and smiling and I don't think I have ever seen them happier . We all had a talk and my mom said that she doesn't hate the club at all she just hates the idea of losing my dad to the club , which won't happen because if it came down to it my dad would choose my mom over the club any day . Next my eyes moved to willow and prospect and she looked so happy too , I haven't seen her this happy in my whole life and willow is a happy person but Zac makes her happier than she's ever been , surprised Chibs is happy about that .

"You're watching everyone , it's kinda creepy" Jax said as he came up behind me

I laughed at him and made my way to the ladders that took you to the roof of the club house . I used to come up here all the time when I was younger . I was constantly writing my essays up here because no one bothered me or slagged me off for doing my homework . This is everyone's escape zone . Especially jax's, he's the main person who is always hiding up here if you can't find him .

"The party boring you already?" Jax asked as he climbed onto the roof

"No , just wanted a minute to myself" I smiled as I patted the spot beside me for him to sit down

"Your mom and dad seem happy" Jax said

"They are , I think that secret coming out has brought us together more and normally it would tear a family apart but it's made us stronger " I laughed

"I noticed that . You excited to start your job?" Jax asked

"A little yeah , just can't wait to actually do what I love" I smiled as I leaned my head on his shoulder

"I'm proud of you babe , genuinely" Jax said and I turned to face him

"You know that means so much more coming from you than anyone else" I smiled

"You're so cheesy" Jax smirked

"Would you have me any other way?" I asked

"Nope" he said as he pulled my onto his knees

In this moment we were laughing . I didn't have to be kissing Jax or having sex with him to feel close to him . All I had to do was be in the same room as him and know that he is there . If everyone has a soul mate in this world , I think I've found mine .


I'm to drunk right now , I can't even see anything properly , I'm trying my hardest to stand but I can feel myself tipping . Why do I do this to myself . Who even let's me get this drunk . I staggered my way into the club house , it's now 4am maybe later , I don't know .

I can see someone who I think is Tigs with a girl on the couch and Bobby I think , is kneeling in front of a girl on the bar , why is this happening to me , get me out of here please .

"There you are" someone said as they placed their hands on my hips

"If you are Jax I say we go to the bedroom , now" I laughed as I grabbed the hand and pulled the person along to the bedroom .

I had a feeling the person was Jax , I just hope that when I turn around I see my favourite blonde haired boy . I opened the door and walked in and turned to see Jax closing the door . Thank god .

"I'm so drunk" I laughed

"Everyone is" Jax said slurring his words

Okay he's drunk too , this is good . I walked over to him and kissed him , I wasn't caring right now . I was drunk and I wanted Jax in every way possible .

"Aren't we to drunk for this?" Jax asked as he pulled away

I hushed him and continued to kiss him . I pushed his cut off and lifted his t-shirt over his head . I walked backwards pulling him with me until I fell onto the bed , him falling on top of me and causing me to laugh my head off .

"Make love to me" I said without thinking

"Always" he smiled


Aw why are they so cute , I literally want to marry Jax teller . Swear if you don't know who Charlie hunnam is check him out because he is one beautiful human being .

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