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I woke up with an arm laying over my stomach and I smiled . It's been a couple of months since the whole incident. No one got charged because they couldn't find out who done it so the case was dropped and everyone was left in peace. We have mourned over the loss of Clay but not as much as he was an asshole.

"Morning" I smiled as I turned to see Jax

"Morning babe" he smiled but kept his eyes closed

"Do you realise what day it is?" I asked smiling like a big kid

"What day would that be?" Jax asked

"Sandra's been!!" Junior said running into our room and I started laughing

"No way!" Jax said sitting up and acting shocked

"He even ate the cookie. Michael wouldn't let me open my pwesents" junior pouted

"Well let's go open them now" I smiled as I jumped out of bed.

"Hurry Mommy" junior laughed as he grabbed my arm and dragged me downstairs

I wasp happy to see Junior and Michael open their presents. Jax opened a new garage that does paint jobs etc, which makes more money, I've been promoted to head of the English department so my wage went up so we went all out for Christmas this year. The two boys deserve it after the year they have both had.

We decided to buy Michael a new car, we sold the other one , which he won't be aware of until he opens the key box, we also bought him a computer and stuff. Junior got a little motorbike just like his daddy's and a lot of toys.

"Merry Christmas" Michael said as I hugged him

"Merry Christmas" I said back

"Let's open some presents" Jax shouted

Junior went right in and unwrapped presents , he wasn't caring who they were for he was on a role. He looked so happy and even happier when he unwrapped his you motorbike. He was so engrossed in his motorbike he forgot about the other presents. Jax helped him with the motorbike and I watched Michael as he unwrapped his key box and his jaw dropped.

"Shut up!" He said and looked at me

"What is it?" I asked playing dumb

"It's keys to a car?" He said confused

"What car? Why do you need new keys?" I asked

"You guys didn't , did yous?" Michael asked

"Look outside" I said shrugging my shoulders

Michael shot up and ran to the front door. I followed him and he quickly unlocked the front door and his smile widened.

"Thank you so much!!" Michael shouted as he examined his new BMW. Sleek car for a 18 year old.

"You better take care of it!" I said to him

"I promise"

We walked back inside and I searched under the tree for Jax's main present. I was a little scared to give him it but I was so excited for his reaction. I found the box with his name and handed it to him.

"You two , come here" I said

Michael and Junior sat down in front of Jax and he looked confused as to what he was opening. He slowly opened the box and his eyes light up , just like the first time I told him.

"You're pregnant" he smiled

"You're what?" Junior asked

"Moms having a baby" Michael smiled as Jax hugged me

"I'm mommas baby" junior pouted

"Yeah but mommy is having another one for you to play with" I said to junior

"For Michael to play with to?" Junior asked

"Of course" I smiled as Jax sat on the couch still gob smacked


I can't believe how well the club house is decorated. Of course us girls helped but it looks lovely. Since none of us have a big enough table at our homes we decided to have Christmas dinner at the club house, which meant buying new tables so we could all fit it. Thank god we have a kitchen in here or we would be ordering any takeout that is open.

I looked around at my crazy family and smiled to myself. Without all of these guys I wouldn't be the women I am today. I wouldn't have went to college without them pushing me to do so, I wouldn't have graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA, I wouldn't have learned how to drive or even be half the women I am without all of their help. It's amazing thought throughout everything we have all been through as a family & as a club we have all stuck together. Through all the shit, all the fights, the losses, the arguments we still came out strong. There has been amazing times too, like the family nights, the outings, always having someone there, laughing until we can't breath, the parties but mainly times like Christmas and thanks giving where we all sit down as a huge family and talk and laugh. Family is such an amazing bond to have. Most of these guys aren't blood to me but they are the fmsily I have chosen and I wouldn't have chose any other guys and girls to be in my life.

"I just want to say a toast. I know it's not thanks giving but I want to say thank you to everyone. Thanks for always being there when I need you all the most, thank you for being my family. I love you guys" I smiled as I raised my glass of water

"We love you too" everyone cheered

Jax came up to me, took my hand and pulled me outside. I was confused but I went along with him.

Once we were outside my jaw dropped, it doesn't normally snow here but somehow snow was falling, I knew it was fake but Jax done this for me.

"I know you have always wanted a white Christmas" Jax smiled

"Wow" was all I could say

Jax pointed up to mistletoe hanging above us and he placed his lips on mine. Jax teller I am crazy in love with you and every single thing you do.

"You know if someone told me 8 years ago that I would be right here with you , I wouldn't have believed it" Jax said as he broke from the kiss

"And why's that?" I asked

"Because you are so out of my league , you could have any one , yet you chose me and I've never been happier" and he blushed a little

"Don't get all cheesy and soppy on me now shithead but I knew we would make it to here"

"How did you know that?"

"I loved you before I even knew, your mom knew before we did . Love always wins , haven't you read any of the romance stories?"

"Only when they write one about us"



I can't thank you guys enough for reading my story. It didn't turn out as I wanted it to but I enjoyed the way it ended , on a high !!

Thank you all so much again! I have started working on a new story but I will be completely different to this but I hope you will read it , only if you like :)

Hope you enjoy this last chapter.

From Mia & Jax , we are official finishing writing !!!!

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