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Today was the day of Molly and Jacobs funeral . Michael hasn't really spoke for the past week , he's not left the room much . He tried to go to school , only resulting in Jax picking him up after first period . It must be so hard for him and there is nothing I can do .

The hardest part is Michael has no family , not one single person to be his legal guardian and I have had phone calls saying for him to be put into foster care and I can't let that happen . It's bad enough losing your parents never mind going into a foster home . I don't want that to happen to Michael .

"What we going to do about this?" Jax asked holding up a book about foster homes

"He's not going there!" I said as I pulled my hair into a ponytail

"What will we do then?" Jax asked

I have thought it about it so much , thought what can we do to make sure this boy is taken care of . I have thought about adopting him but I haven't mentioned it to Jax . I don't know if he would be okay with us adopting a 17 year old boy but I feel it's for the best .

"How about adoption?" I asked

"A 17 year old up for adoption ? I don't think many people will adopt him and I don't want him to go to a horrible family" Jax said as he sat on the edge of the bed with Junior on his lap

"Not just anyone , us or me . He fits with this family so well, he is like a son to us anyway and my mom and dad love him . It sounds so right . It feels right!" I said turning to him

He looked at me as if he was thinking about what I just said . I hope for the life of me he agrees to this and we can make Michael feel a little happy .

"I do think it's what Molly and Jacob would want us to do" Jax said

"So is that a yes?" I asked

"What do you say Junior ? Do you want an older brother" Jax asked junior

"Bruwer" junior said , meaning brother

Junior smiled and I heard the door creak open to be met with a sad Michael . I'm not sure if he just heard what we were saying but no time like the present to ask him , if he doesn't want that then that's fine but I hope he says yes .

"Come here bud" Jax said patting the spot beside him

Michele sat beside Jax and I kneeled down in front of them . Michael looked a bit confused and I was smiling , I know I shouldn't be on this horrible day but I want to make Michael happy .

"I know it's so soon but someone contacted us asking to put you into foster care and I personally don't want to put you in that situation . Saying that , how would you like for Jax and I to adopt you?" I asked smiling hoping he would agree

"Are you guys sure ? I don't want to be a burden on you?" Michael asked

"You are not a burden , maybe a pain in the ass sometimes but you are a part of the family . You always will be . So what do you say ? I think you should say yes , just to make Mia happy" Jax laughed and Michael laughed along

"Yes , I would love for that to happen" Michael smiled

I hugged him and started crying . I was so happy that he wanted this as well as me .


Today was such a hard day . It wasn't especially hard for myself , it's was more for Michael . I couldn't imagine losing one parent , never mind two .

He looked so heartbroken , so many people saying sorry to him . He kept a strong face because that's the type of person he is but as soon as he walked through the front door , he broke down .

I always feel there is a grieving process . You go through the stage where you cry so much that you don't do anything else , then you have the angry stage , then the stage where you just don't care about anything or anyone. It's a hard thing to lose someone , I would know , I've lost a lot of people in my time .

"Will it get easier?" Michael asked as I keeled some beside him on the floor as Junior cuddled him

"It will with time , you will learn to live with the loss. Right now it's okay to cry, to be sad but one day it won't hurt as much anymore , you'll learn how to survive with the pain " I said as Junior nodded his head as if he knew what I was talking about and it got a little laugh out of Michael

Junior tapped his chin to make Michael face him and he gave Michael the biggest smile on the world . Michael pulled junior into a hug while tickling his sides , causing junior to laugh so loud .

Jax came out to the hall and sat down with us .

"Okay, so we have an appointment tomorrow to see about is adopting you" Jax smiled

"Are you sure you guys want to do this?" Michael asked

"Positive . Are you sure?" Jax asked Michael

"I sure am" Michael said

"Are you sure about having a brother?" I asked Junior

"Brother" he said as he hugged Michael

I hope this process is easy , nothing gets in the way and Michael can be a part of our family .

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