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Two years later ...

"Babe , where's the changing bag?" I shouted through to Jax who was in the bedroom

"It should be in the living room , on the sofa" he shouted back

I searched around the living room to find the changing bag beside the sofa . I grabbed it and filled it with two bottles of juice , some food and a change of clothes . I'm telling you my life now consists of cleaning baby clothes , bathing a baby and dealing with a growing boy but I wouldn't change it for the world because my baby boy , junior , is the sweetest most beautiful boy you could ever see .

"Are you ready?" Jax asked walking into the living room with Junior attached to his hip

"Yeah" I said pulling on my jacket

I followed Jax out of our new house , locking the doors . Jax unlocked the car and placed Junior in the car seat as I still couldn't work out the straps . I opened the driver door as Jax closed the back door .

"Meet you at the club house" Jax smiled as I slammed the door over and put the keys in

The club were so supportive through my pregnancy and I think all I bought really for the baby was the stroller . Everyone else bought me the crib and stuff as gifts and I was shocked but it was so thoughtful of them to even buy me things . I didn't expect any of it but I'm so grateful . My mom and Gemma have been the biggest help . Jax was away for about 3 months of my pregnancy , he was up in Las Vegas doing shit and they helped me through that so much . They were amazing birthing partners too , except for the fact the two of them started having a debate while I was pushing my baby out .

I pulled into the lot and parked my car to have Chibs run up and open the back door before I had even stopped the engine completely .

"C'meer wee man" Chibs said as he took Junior out of his car seat

I laughed as I got out the car and followed Chibs into the club house .

"None of you better be smoking in that club house!" I said

"Smoke free zone love" Chibs said

Everyone in the club loves Junior , when the first met him they were fighting over who was holding him first , who was feeding him but let's just say as soon as it was time to change his diaper they all scattered . It was so funny , I was laughing for so long that Gemma had to change the diaper as I couldn't concentrate .

"How did you manage to beat me?" Jax asked walking in

"You got caught at the red light" I laughed as he placed his arm around me

"So a family day , where we all headed?" Tigs asked

"We are all going to the park for a picnic" my mom smiled

My mom has been the best person ever . She has given up drinking and smoking with no help . She has been my whole support system . She has also put much more effort into the club and it's been amazing . She's been helping more at the shop , spending more time with the guys , attending all the family dinners , except the last one we had I went into labour .

Funny story . Bobby stood up to say a toast and I obviously stood up , with struggle might I add , to like clink my glass of water against his but as I stood up I just heard water trickle on the floor and Jax went pale white and I knew that I was having my baby . Jax decided to freak out , and that made everyone else freak out . Like I'm the one having to push this baby out of my vagina , I should have been freaking out but I was quite calm considering those idiots were running around .

The worse part about it was my hospital bag was at my house as it went three weeks early and I didn't think I would have needed to take it to a family dinner . The laugh we had getting to the hospital was hilarious . Juice was speeding like no body was watching , Jax was in the back with my telling me to do some mad breathing exercises but by that time I was freaking out as it actually dawned on me that my baby was coming . Let's just say it was a labour experience I won't ever forget .

"Well can we go" willow said as she cuddled into Zac , they are the cutest couple

I followed everyone back out of the club house and Chibs placed Junior back in his car seat . I got in my car with Willow and my mom . While Gemma took Donna , Emma and Juices girlfriend and the others took their bikes .


I was sitting on the blanket with Junior sitting in between my legs eating away at his yoghurt . He's improved so much with eating , he can eat more solid foods now and is good at eating it himself , he still makes one hell of a mess but I suppose most 1 and a half year olds do .

"We all got little Junior a gift" clay smiled as he held his hands behind his back "it wasn't easy for the guy to make and I'm not sure if babies are aloud to wear these but we got him it anyway" and he pulled out a small little denim cut .

He turned it around for me to see the back and surely enough the sons of anarchy logo was stitched on to the back . Jax took it from clay and started laughing .

"Soon to be president" he laughed as he pointed out the patch on the front

"Let's not get to far ahead of ourselves" I laughed

I held Junior up for Jax to put the small cut on , it didn't fit very well as it was a bit to big but I suppose he would grow into it

"The next generation of samcro everyone" Jax laughed as he took Junior from me

Jax went off to play Junior and some of the guys . I always enjoyed watching Jax bond with his son , it made me so happy .

"Who would have thought you would be here " my mom said as I leaned my head on her shoulder

"I know, I can't believe how amazing my life is right now"

"And it's only going to get better . A new home , a child , a loving boyfriend , who will some day probably be your husband" my mom smiled

"Let's not get that far ahead of ourselves mother" I laughed

"I'm so proud of you baby girl . From the first moment I saw you , I knew you would accomplish so much . From graduating school , to graduating at Yale , to getting a full time teaching job and to having a child . You are my proudest achievement" my mom smiled as she looked at me

"Don't I'm going to start tearing up" I said

"I'm not lying , you might not have come from me , myself but you are my daughter and I love you so much and I am honestly proud of you "

If it's one thing you always want to hear your parents tell you is that they are proud of you . It's one of the most amazing things to hear in your whole life .

"I'm proud of you too . All the shit you have went through but you have came out stronger than ever . You have battled through so much and I honestly thought one day alcohol might take you from me but you have took that fear away" I said

"You battled through stuff too . You fought depression , when at a young age that isn't an easy thing " my mom said

"I wouldn't have done it without your help" I smiled

It's true . If I didn't have my family while I was suffering a mental illness , I don't know think I would be here . There was so many times throughout that year and a half that I didn't want to be in the world . I wanted to so badly end my life but the only thing worth living for was my family and i got through it .

"I got those photos developed , if you want me to bring them tomorrow" I said

"Yes , but none of Jax , I don't want to look at that ugly face everyday" my mom laughed knowing Jax could hear her

"I love you too Rhonda" Jax shouted

"Did you get the family one done?" My mom asked

"Yeah , I got one of us with Jax wearing his cut and without , I'm not sure what one to put up though . I was thinking one in the living room and the bedroom " I said

"Sounds lovely " my mom smiled


So she had the baby !! I know I skipped quite a big but but trust me it will all work out .

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