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Jax has been at the club house for over two hours . I'm not sure what happened as he isn't answering his phone and opie's phone is off . I have cleaned the apartment yet again and tried my hardest not to answer anyone's call . That's the only downfall of being me , I'm quick to accept someone's apology , I'm forgive people to easily and I don't want to do that this time .

"I'm back" I heard Jax shout from the hallway

I jumped off the couch and ran to Jax with a huge smile on my face . I didn't think i would be smiling so soon after what happened but I just got amazing news and I had to share it with someone .

"Wow , what's got you happy?" Jax asked as I stood in front of him

"I've got a full time job!" I shouted a little to loud

"Where ? That's amazing!" Jax smiled as he hugged me

"At the high school , they offered me a permanent job as an English teacher . I've never been happier" I smiled as he kissed my forehead

"That's incredible , I'm so proud and happy of you " Jax smiled as we walked into the kitchen

"Thank you , I was thinking maybe we could go out and celebrate ? Invite willow , Opie and Donna?" I asked as I turned on the kettle

"Yeah that sounds good, dinner or drinks?" Jax asked

"Both or whatever I'm not bothered I just need out this house , I can't clean it again " I laughed as Jax handed me two mugs

"I thought the cleaning smell was stronger when i walked in " Jax laughed

I laughed along with him while I made us coffee . Jax has never been a big coffee drinker but I have so I'm passing my bad habit on to him . I would rather he drank loads of coffee than alcohol .


I sat at the bar beside Jax as we waited for everyone else to appear . By everyone else I mean Willow , Opie , Donna , Zac and juice . I made sure they never told anyone else about meeting up tonight because I honestly didn't want to see any of the others . Not for a while anyway .

"What you wanting?" Jax asked

"Red wine" I said turning to face him

"Okay , can I get a beer and a bottle of red" Jax said I raised my eyebrow at him

"It's cheaper for the bottle" Jax laughed and the bar tender laughed with him knowing he was right

"Using your initiative , I like it" I smiled

I turned to the door to see willow walk in with Zac , juice , Opie and Donna not far behind . They all came over and we exchanged our hugs and we made our way over to a table while Jax and juice got everyone else drinks .

"So what we all out for ? Are we celebrating something ? Are you pregnant?" Willow asked her eyes gleaming

"Would I be drinking if I was pregnant?" I asked shaking my head

"Right , that makes sense so what is it ?" Willow asked as juice and Jax placed the drinks on the table

"I got offered a full time job as an English teacher at charming high" I said and everyone smiled

"I knew you could do it ! I'm so proud of you Mia . I remember you as the 13 year old girl always trying to find out what Jax and I were doing " Opie laughed

"Most the time I did find out" I laughed

"You bribed it out of us every time , how could we not tell you" Opie laughed

"I was a pro at bribing you two . Do you know how easy it was to get these two to tell you things" I laughed

"I know " Donna laughed

The conversation started flowing and prospect order a round of shots to celebrate . I was happy in this moment , I was with my closest friends who I saw more as my family . I loved every one of these crazy idiots . They were the best friends I could ever ask for and I would never change them for the world . I was laughing at something juice said and I dropped my phone causing me to turn to the door to see one person who I couldn't be bothered to even look at .

"We can go" willow said as she turned to see who I saw

"I'm not leaving because she is here" I laughed turning back to the group

"Who is that with her ?" Donna asked

"That's Briannas mom" willow said and my jaw dropped

She looked nothing like a mother , she had her boobs hanging out of her low cut top . Her skirt was incredibly short that if she bent down you would be able to see her pants . She wore heels that I would never even imagine looking at never mind wearing . Don't even get me started about her makeup or hair . She was definitely an older version of Brianna .

"She looks as skanky as Brianna" Jax said and it made me smile , I don't even know why

"Jackson teller , how is your mother?" I looked to see the older women standing at the edge of our table looking down on us

"Who are you?" Jax asked and it cause juice and Opie to start laughing

"I'm an old friend of your mothers , I'm Tiffany . I'm sure you have heard of me" and it caused Jax to choke on his drink while Opie and juice looked like they just saw a ghost .

"I think it's time for you to go" prospect spoke up

"Mom , are you serious , I told you to not talk to these horrible people" Brianna said standing beside her mother

"Takes one to know one right" I smirked

"Who are you ?" Tiffany asked

"Mia" I said hoping the two of them would get to fuck

"Mia Troy ? Wow , what a beautiful girl you turned out to be " Tiffany smiled

"You make it sound like you know me , I've never met you in my life" I laughed

"Correct , I worded that sentence wrong . It's just my daughter here makes you out to be some troll , when you are so naturally beautiful" Tiffany smiled again and when she smiled it looked familiar , like I have seen that exact smile before but I couldn't put my finger on it

"I'm a troll , your daughter just looks in the mirror to much" I laughed and Brianna grabbed her mom and dragged her away

Jax looked kinda shocked when I looked to him . I had no idea why , it's not as if I said anything offensive , just speaking the truth .

"So , another round of shots?" Willow asked

Everyone was now acting strange except Donna . It's like the all knew something us two didn't , I had no intention of asking because I have had enough secrets for another week . I just wanted to hang out with my friends tonight and not have any drama start .


I just want to add a personal authors note to say my thoughts and prayers are with Paris at this moment in time . Such a horrible thing to happen. I don't understand why anyone would take the life on an innocent person. Not only are they a person they are a brother, sister, mother, father , they are a part of someone's family and not one person who sadly passed away in Paris deserved to lose their life to such a horrible crime.

As they switch their lights off , we turn on our lights for them .

Please everyone pray for the families who lost a loved one and pray for the injured . Also take a moment to think off all the lives sadly lost yesterday on a day the world will never forget .

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