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I was stunned . I didn't know what was happening . It was like everything and everyone around me was moving while I was frozen . I felt like my heart stopped beating , my jaw probably hit the floor . What was she talking about ? She wasn't my mom ? I remember her growing up . I remember her teaching me how to jump rope and how to braid hair . This can't be real . How could she not be my mom ? I have saw photos of us both when I was born . If she wasn't my mom how would we have so many photos together of me as a new born .

"What?" It was the only words that could come out my mouth

Surely everyone is playing a prank on me and doing this to just have a laugh . There is no way the women in front of me is not my mother .

"I'm not your mom . Oh Mia , I so badly wish I was , I wish I was your mom but I'm not . I'm sorry" my mom , or should I say Rhonda , said

"Why are you lying ?" I asked

"I'm not . I'm sorry it had to come out like this , you should have found out sooner but I didn't have the heart to tell you . I got told not to tell you" Rhonda said and she was crying

"Who told you?" I asked and looked around everyone at the table then I spotted my dad standing against the door frame , his expression was blank

"You ! You got a women to lie about being my mother ! 23 years , 23 fucking years you lied to me for . I thought I was your little girl , the little girl you never kept a secret from . You were the one person in the world who I trusted with everything , the one person I thought would never lie to me but mainly the one person I thought would never break my heart" I shouted as I stood up from my seat letting go of jax's hand and slamming them onto the table

"I'm sorry " and that's all he could say by this time Donna picked up Emma and she left the room , Emma shouldn't have to hear this or be around it.

"Why did you go along with it ?" I asked turning to face Rhonda

"From the moment I set eyes on you I fell in love . I couldn't have a child and your mother didn't want to have you if she wasn't with your father so I said I would look after you . I took you in as my own and I have never regretted it once . I'm sorry Mia , I'm really sorry" and she broke down crying

I wasn't angry at her , I was a little for lying to me but she didn't have to treat me like one of her own . Everyone at the table was still shocked . Jax looked like he didn't know what to do until he noticed the look on clay & Gemmas face and he snapped .

"You both knew , didn't yous ?" Jax asked his mom and stepdad

"I'm sorry" Gemma cried

"Why ? You all knew right ? Everyone knew , except for us kids " Jax scoffed

"It was for the best" Bobby spoke up

"Don't even say you know what's best for me . You all lied to me my whole life . Well you can all go fuck yourselves because I never want to see you all again" I said and I was so pissed that I didn't even care what I was saying , I wanted to hurt them

"Mia, don't do this" Chibs said

"Do what ? You can all lie to me but I can't tell you all to fuck off ? Ha , some family you all are ! You can all shove your club up your asses . Not one of you know the meaning of family . JT was the only one in this club who knew about family ! You are all the worst type of people I've ever met and I've met a lot of arseholes! You all deliberately kept this from me . Did you all think I would never find out ? Or did you all hope I wouldn't react like this? You are all horrible people but never once did I think you would be horrible to me or break my heart . I feel like every single one of you that knew have broke my heart into a million pieces right now and I fucking hate you all!" I didn't even wait for anyone to answer me I just ran from the table and out the house

It was not sorry for anything I just said . Why would everyone I have known my whole life , lie to me . I can expect maybe a small lie but one about my mother not actually being my real mother . Now that hurts .


I was currently lying on my bed in my apartment . It's been 7 hours since I was told my mom isn't actually my mom . I've not really cried , I've just been really angry . Jax tried to get into the apartment but he gave up after I ignored him for over an hour . I know I shouldn't be ignoring him but I need some alone time . It's like I'm blaming him , even though he had no idea and I shouldn't but I don't want to see anyone .

My dad has been calling non stop so I turned my phone off . I'm not going to forgive them for this . Not something this bad . Why would they wait 23 years to tell me , why couldn't they have told me a long time ago then maybe it wouldn't hurt this much . I think what makes it hurt more is because no one planned to tell me , my mom , well Rhonda was just angry and came out with it .

I blame Rhonda a little but I can't hate her , she took me under her wing when my own mother didn't want me . I don't even want to know my mother , I couldn't give a crap about that women , she didn't want me when I was born , she doesn't want me now .

I decided to turn my phone on and I had over 100 missed calls from my dad , Gemma , Rhonda , clay and Jax . He was the only one to have left a voicemail so I decided to listen to it .

"I'm sorry about tonight , I had no idea about any of it . If I knew I would have told you . I sorta also live with you and you won't let me in but I'm gonna sit at the door until you open it . I love you so much Mia " and the voicemail ended

Has he really been sitting at the door this full time ? Surely not , he would have left . I got up from the bed and made my way to the door to unlock it . I swear if he jumps out at me I will kick him in the balls . I slowly opened the door and once it was fully opened Jax fell back

"Holy shit" he said jumping up , shit I must have woke him

"Sorry , sorry" I said hoping he wasn't going to flip out

Jax rubbed the back of his head and moved closer to me and put his arms around me and pulled me into his embrace and I broke down . The tears i didn't think I would cry ,came . I don't think I've cried this much in my whole life . Jax held me so tight as we walked into the house , bearing in mind this was an awkward thing to do . I heard the door close and I basically fell to the ground . I couldn't stop the tears , I didn't want to cry but I couldn't stop .

Jax sat down beside me and pulled me on to his lap and I hid my face in the crook of his neck .

"Mia , I'm so sorry" Jax said

I couldn't even answer , all I could do was cry . I feel so hurt right now , I didn't think my family could ever hurt me this bad but I have such a horrible feeling in my chest . I just want it to stop .


Think this is a kind of emotional chapter . Hope you all enjoy it

Also if you watch sons of anarchy it are watching it right now . I know I am making Jax out to be a completely different person but it is a fan fic and its all fictional so it's not true & I also don't want this to be anything like the series as it is basically like copying .

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