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"So what you are trying to say is that you planned to leave charming but got offered this job?" I asked Trevor as I ate a bite of my burger

"Yeah , I didn't want to come back but when I got offered the job i felt I had to , I couldn't leave everything behind" Trevor said

"I always knew I would come back" I smiled

"Everyone knew , you are in far to deep " Trevor laughed

"So any girlfriends , fiancées ?" I asked

"Nope , still not met the right person , how about you ? Is Mr Jackson Teller now your man?" Trevor asked

"I wouldn't call it that , I don't know what to call it to be honest" I laughed

"You look happy when you are with him" Trevor smiled and I could feel myself blush

"Yeah , he does make me happy" I smiled

"I found our year book last night , well I actually fished it out and we were in as prom king and queen" Trevor laughed

Trevor and I were the favourite couple in senior year . We broke up at graduation and I did take it a little hard but we remained friends . He was always one of my close friends in high school and I did always crush on him . My dad never liked him though , my dad always said he was to much of a pussy to be with a girl like me , well because I'm a daughter of a son . I don't think anyone in the club liked him , especially Jax . They two were always at each other's throats but Trevor never backed down , even though Jax would have destroyed him back then , not sure about now though .

"I still remember prom , it seems so long ago" I said

"I remember before when I picked you up and your uncle , what was his name , doesn't matter . I remember he said if I got you drunk or done anything with you he would have took both my legs off and I was shit scared the full night" Trevor said and I laughed , probably Tigs or Chibs , they two were a little aggressive towards Trevor

"You never told me that , what an asshole . I guess since I'm one of the daughters of a son , I'm pretty protected " I laughed


I sat outside the club house and garage leaning against someone's bike . My dad eventually got my bike done and i was able to ride it today ! I was super excited , I haven't drove a bike in so long .

"Mia , right?" I took off my sunglasses to see little miss blonde bimbo Brianna

"You know that's my name so why make it a question ?" I asked

"I was wondering if I could borrow Jax tonight ? I know you two are close but I sorta need him and let's pretend we are starting over" she said and I just looked her up and down

"Well we sorta have plans so sorry and no I would rather not start over " I smirked

"It's an emergency though " she said trying to make me give in to her

"Listen here , Brianna . I know you have a thing for Jax , right , let's get one thing straight , right now , he is mine . Not yours , not anyone else's , mine " I said moving towards her

"You're not his old lady , he can do what he likes" she said moving closer so that I could smell her cheap perfume a lot stronger

"Well I'm saying that today he can't do what he likes because he is out just now and when he gets back he is going out with me . You can have your day with him tomorrow" I said shoving her a little

"Ugh dirty little prude" she said under her breath , thinking I wouldn't hear but I did

"I'm not a prude , you're just jealous because I've fucked jax's more times this week than you will your whole life darling " I smirked

She looked shocked and that's when I turned to my left to see Gemma and clay clapping . Seriously , why does this shit happen to me .

"Tell him I'll call him"

"We will make sure he doesn't get that message" clay shouted after her

I hung my head in shame , Gemma is probably gob smacked that I even said that , I'm not the type of person to say shit like that but I really don't like that girl . She thinks because she has a huge boobs and a killer body that she can get anyone she wants , which is probably so but I like Jax so she can go find someone else.

"My baby girl is getting all grown up" Gemma laughed as she hugged me

"Who knew you could be like that , im proud to call you a part of my family" clay laughed

"Mia , are you ready?" I pulled away from Gemma to see my dad standing outside the garage

"Ready" I shouted back

Chibs rolled out of the garage on a white motorbike , it was so nice , the paint job was amazing and it looked fucking amazing !! I couldn't wait to drive this little beauty

"Just in time" I looked behind me to see Jax drive up

"Can I take it out for a drive?" I asked as I ran to my dad

"It's all yours" my dad smiled as I hugged him

"Jax put my bag on your bike , we are going for a ride" I shouted as I pulled on my helmet

"I don't even get to have a smoke and my girls already pulling me away again" Jax laughed

My heart fluttered when Jax said 'my girl' , it made me feel all giddy inside . I was felt so happy knowing he classed me as his girl , not just Mia , his girl .


Okay so I'm only on season 4 of sons of anarchy and I just finished watching episode 8 and I haven't cried like that since the end of season 2 , I was so angry and so hurt by what happened in that episode ! If you have watched it you will feel my pain .

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