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A whole week we have spent figuring out this mess. It's been the most hectic week I have ever experienced. We have been sneaking around, using disposable phones, tracking down different people. It's not been an easy experience but we now have the missing piece of the puzzle and I've never been happier .

Throughout this whole week , I've saw Jax step up. He's took on a huge role between all of us. I mean he has worker the hardest I have ever seen him work, he's not drank all week, he has been juggling work, time with the kids and figuring out this mess. I have been staying in our home but sleeping in the separate room as I can't bring myself to forgive him to that stage yet. I have forgiven him but I'm not ready to jump back into anything with him.

"So we have to go over this again , I'm not quite understanding it" Chibs said

"You guys are going to go to the club house , like you have done everyday, do what you all normally do and I will show up with willow as we will be visiting our partners but Zac and Jax will whisper to us, so clay will think they are letting us in on something" I said to everyone as we were all gathered around the dining table

"Then hopefully clay will get pissed off, you will be able to see rage in his eyes, he will then speak to Tigs, who just happens to be wired during this time. He is going to express his outrage to Tigs , how pissed off he is at Zac and myself, that he will try plan another 'accident' as Clay would call it. Once they are talking we will be setting up the wire to he laptop that will record it. Then the hit man comes into the club house , sits on the sofa waiting on Clay coming out. It's all gonna plan out" Jax said finishing off for me

Everyone looked around the table and by everyone I mean Jax, Zac, Chibs, Bobby, Juice, Tigs, Happy, Willow and myself. Pienny was at home with my mom and dad and the kids, Gemma was also joined with them. I looked up to Jax who was standing behind me . He smiled down at me and squeezed my shoulder for reassurance.

"Let's give them a minute" Bobby said , gesturing to Jax and I

Everyone left the room quite quickly and closed the doors. Jax sat on the table and I got up and stood in between his legs. I ran my hands through his hair and rested my forehead on his.

"What if this doesn't work? What is he figures out what we are doing?" I asked

"He has no clue, besides we have the niners & Mayans on our side. He's not getting out alive" Jax said as he placed his arms around my waist as he pulled my closer

"I just don't want anything to happen to you, or willow , or anyone for that matter" I said

"Nothing's going to happen to anyone except Clay babe. Especially willow and you. No one will hurt you both , as soon as one of the Mayans walks in , you two will be escorted out by Chibs and Bobby" Jax said as I looked at him

"What if something happens to you?" I asked as I felt a horrible feeling in my stomach thinking about it

"I promise you, the only dead body, will be Clays" Jax said

I took a deep breath and let it out. I looked at Jax's lips and into his eyes. I knew I shouldn't kiss him but if I kiss him in the club house it will go on to long . I placed my lips on his and it felt so different to any other time we have kissed. This time felt like we needed each other so bad. He stood up from the table and lifted me up pressing me against the wall. I ran my hands through his hair as our mouths moulded together.


Fuck, who's great idea was this. I'm so scared that something bad will happen or this will all go wrong but I have to think positive.

"You ready?" Willow asked as we stood outside the club house

I looked at the lot to see some Mayans and Niners and the hit man. I gulped and turned and nodded to Willow. If I speak I might cry and we can't have that . Willow opened the door and walked in like nothing was happening so I went along with it. I put a smile on my face and walked straight to Jax and gave him a small kiss.

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