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I walked by the nursery to hear Jax talking to Junior . He does this every morning and every night . He reads him a story or tells him things that he probably doesn't even tell me but I suppose a baby who can only say 'momma' and 'dada' won't go around saying much .

"Momma , kiss" I heard junior mumble

"Mom will be through soon . Do you want a kiss from your daddy ? I swear you love my kisses" Jax laughed and I could hear Junior laugh along with him

"I really do love your mom son , she's the second best thing to happen to me , you just taking the first place by about a centimetre . She is a great mom and loves us both very much and I feel like she is standing outside the door listening to what I'm saying so I can't even finish what I was about to say" Jax laughed and I opened the door

"How did you know I was there?" I asked

"I saw your shadow slightly" Jax laughed

I walked over to Jax sitting on the rocking chair with junior on his knees . Junior held his arms out to me and I lifted him . I gave him a kiss while Jax stood up .

"Do you want me to drive you to work ? I'm gonna go see your mom anyway so I can drop Junior off there?" Jax asked

"Yeah , I have gave him his breakfast and a he drank some cold milk so he should be okay for a while . You also just finished changing his diaper" I said

"Changing a diaper ? Oh I knew I was coming up here to do something . Shit , you go finish getting your work stuff ready and I'll change his diaper " Jax laughed as I handed our son back to him and made my way towards our bedroom .


Work has never be so slow in my life . Most of my classes were seniors and they were all out at a talk , which was very inspiring , don't get me wrong but I prefer to be doing work . Must be the only person .

Juice had to come pick me up because Jax was dealing with stuff , which somehow I didn't believe , I felt like he was lying but I'm not even going to get into it or read to much into it .

"Hey" juice said as he pulled up on his motorbike , great just great

"You couldn't have brought a car . I'm in a dress" I groaned

"I never knew , just put your legs at the right side and hold onto me really tight" juice laughed

"It's not funny shit head" I said hitting him across the head with my bag , thank god he was wearing a helmet because I've got a shit load of work in my bag

I took the other helmet and put it on and got onto the bike . I have sat like this on a bike before but only Jax's . I do trust juice but I hate sitting this way on a bike especially when it turns the corner and I feel I'm going to come flying off .

"How was work?" Juice asked as he drove out the parking lot

"A little boring" I said gripping onto him for my dear life

The drive was quick but Juice dropped me off at the club house instead of my house . That wasn't the deal . I got off the bike and gave Juice a weird look but he just pointed to the club house and then walked away . I was so clueless as to what was happening and why he was acting so strange . I put my bag over my shoulder and walked into the club house . It was pitch black accept one of the spotlights above the bar was shining onto a gift box .

I put my bag down and being the nosey person I am I opened the gift box to see a book . I took the book out and looked at it to see a first edition of pride & prejudice and I was gob smacked . How did anyone get this ? Do these still exist . I wanted to jump for joy then I heard a door opening . I looked at the chapel doors to see Jax standing with a smirk plastered on his face .

"How did you get this?" I asked

"I've been trying to get that for over a year , if I got it sooner this would have happened sooner but I only got it like 3 days ago but it was a hard thing to get" Jax laughed walking closer to me

"Why though ? It's not my birthday or anything ?" I asked

Jax stopped not far from me and he slowly started bending down until he was on one knee . My hands flew to my mouth and I couldn't believe this was happening . Every happy emotion was running through my mind , I could feel myself starting to cry .

"Mia Troy . We have been best friends for as long as I can remember . You were always one of the first people I told anything to , the person I went to when I needed help , especially with school work . I remember the first day I actually looked at you , properly and that was the day I realised you meant something to me . You were, I think about 17 at the time and the reason I knew was , you were dancing around your living room , with the remote in your hands singing at the top of your lungs , you were in that stupid friends t-shirt , with only your underwear . I always saw you as that little girl who was a pain in the ass who was also my best friend but on that day I realised I wanted you to be more than that . This is getting a little soppy for me so I'm going to skip ahead . I love you Mia , no , I'm in love with you . You have gave me so much within these two years of being together . I've never been happier and I can only thank you and our beautiful son Junior for it . You have given me a son and given me happiness . I want to wake up to you every single morning of my life and go to sleep with you at night , I want to have a family with you and I want to never have to let you go , which leads me to one question " and while everything he was saying I was crying so much , but tears of joy and happiness , he pulled out a box with the most beautiful ring in it

"Will you marry me?" He asked

"Yes" I didn't even have to think about it

He placed the ring on my finger and stood up . I jumped into his arms , crying . I was so happy . This is the most beautiful proposal ever , it is much more than what I thought he would ever do .

"Jax teller I am so in love with you" I said looking into his eyes

The lights went on and everyone started piling into the club house . They all looked anxious , as if they were waiting for an answer .

"She said yes!" Jax shouted and everyone looked relieved

"Party!" Tigs shouted

"Some people have to work in the morning , wait until Friday" I laughed

Everyone congratulated us . I was still in shock about what just happened . Gemma handed me Junior and he was smiling at me .

"I'm so happy for you two. You both deserve this so much" Gemma smiled hugging me , with struggle as I was holding Junior

"We all couldn't be happier" my mom said

"I'm so happy too . It was such a beautiful proposal" I smiled

"We secretly filmed it , I'll develop it for you . We both knew you are the girl that wants to watch stuff like that back" my mom smiled

"Does Jax know?" I asked

"Nope" Gemma laughed

"You two are just the best people ever" I laughed

My life has changed so dramatically since I left college . I've been through so much with my family and by myself . I honestly wouldn't change anything . I'm now a mom to a beautiful, amazing , little boy and I am now enjoyed to the love of my life . I couldn't be happier .


YEY !! They are getting married , I'm so excited for this .

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