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Jax's POV

Mia looked in my eyes and I didn't want to take my stare away from her . She was so mesmerising , her big green eyes , her caramel hair . She is so beautiful that it could take your breath away . I never really noticed her beauty until I was older and by God did she out shine all the other girls .

"She did have a good reason but you gotta let me explain more " I said to her hoping she would forgive me

"Explain what ? You were lonely , you needed someone to pass the time so you chose Brianna and I can see why , she's everything I'm not " Mia said and tears were filling her eyes .

I didn't want to see Mia cry , not because of me . I never wanted to hurt her . I never wanted her to find out because I knew she never liked Brianna but I didn't know the reason why she hates her until after Mia left me heart broken at the shop . I was never told who the girl was that hurt Mia so bad . I never knew Brianna was the girl that made Mia feel so low about her . If I knew it was her, I wouldn't have went near her .

"But she was never enough . No one will ever be enough except for you . I want to wake up to you every morning , I want to be able to come home and tell you about my day . I want to lie on the sofa with you at the end of the night while you read some book and I watch TV . I want to be the one you come to when things get hard but most importantly I don't want to be the one that hurts you"

"I'm just so angry that you lied to me . You told me you didn't sleep with her and never would yet you did and I had to find out from her . If you would have told me it wouldn't hurt this much" Mia said and tear fell onto her cheek

"I'm sorry I lied but I didn't want you to know . I promise to never keep anything from you again . She means nothing to me Mia " I said hoping she would forgive me

"But she loves you" she said wiping her face of tears

"But I love you "

She didn't answer me , she just stared at me with a blank expression . She didn't look happy or sad or angry . I wanted her to scream at me or slap me but she was so calm and it was fucking scaring me .

"Why did you kill that boy?" I asked

"I shouldn't have told you that" Mia said shaking her head

"Tell me , please"

"I noticed him around college . He kept following me and showing up all the time . This went on for about two years then I noticed he was a son of a Mayan and it scared me half to death so I phoned clay . He told my dad and that's why most of the guys came up to see me , they told you and Opie they were doing a drop off on the east coast or something like that but they were coming to see me. The night before it happened I was at a party with some friends and he was there . He followed me up to the bathroom and was saying shit about you and everyone else and he tried to sleep with me but this boy that I had previously had a relationship with followed us as he wanted to talk to me about something and he saw what the Mayan was trying to do and he stopped it . The next night I was walking back from late studying at the library and he was following me . Clay had already gave me a gun and I kept it in my purse since the party . He grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth . I was so scared jax , I was terrified " she took a breath and tried to stop the tears "he was so aggressive towards me , he hit me a few times ,it was about 12am so no one was around and I couldn't scream , I couldn't get any words out . He punched me in the face so hard and I fell to the ground . The gun fell out my bag and he tried to grab it but I grabbed it and he leaned down and I shot him . I killed someone's son , someone's brother , grandchild . I killed someone Jax " she cried and I grabbed her and pulled her into my embrace

I never knew she killed anyone . Everyone else knew except for opie and me . I can't believe they would hide this from me or they wouldn't let me kill the dick !

"You shouldn't have had to do that . You should have told me " I said as she cried into my chest

"I couldn't , the Mayans would have came after you . I had to do it " she said

"That's why Tigs was setting up a meeting with them for tomorrow . You're going to see Alvarez " I said hoping she would say no

"I have to . I need to know the Mayans aren't after me , they know I killed that boy but they never knew what I looked like , all they knew was that I was Eddie Troys daughter" she said pulling away from me

"I'm so pissed that the club didn't tell me and they let you do that ! Clay and your dad let you kill a man and they left you in college when you were in danger !" I said getting angry

"It was my decision that night , it was either him or me and honestly I didn't want to cause a war between two clubs . He harassed me so it was better him dying out of wrong and disgusting behaviour than me when I done nothing wrong" she said as she interlocked our hands

"I'll be there tomorrow when you meet with Alvarez . Me and you , whether you like it or not . Nothing will happen to you , I promise" I said

"Thank you " she smiled for the first time all night

I wanted to kiss her , to feel her against me but I knew I couldn't . She was still so pissed about Brianna and me lying that it was to soon . I stood up from the couch and took her hand so she would follow behind me . We walked towards the spare room passing my mom on the way there . I opened the door and Mia headed straight for the bed . I pulled out a pair of boxers and a t-shirt of mine that I left here and flung them to Mia .

While she changed I took off my cut , trainers , clothes and was left in my boxers . Mia was under the covers when I crawled into the bed . I lay under them and placed my arm around her . She snuggled up closer to me and looked at me .

"What's wrong ?" I asked pushing her hair out of her face

"I haven't showered in about 3 days , I stink and look like road kill yet you are still lying with me in bed" she laughed

"Yeah you do stink really badly" I laughed and she punched my chest "I'm joking you don't even smell bad . I'll always be in bed with you, it's always going to be you" I smiled as I kissed her forehead

"Thank you" she said

"For what?" I asked as confused

"For being you . For making me feel safe all the time and for not giving up on me when I didn't say I love you back" she said

"I'm not going to give up on you , you'll say it in your own time , just don't leave it too long" I laughed

"I won't" she laughed with me


Ahh I done a Jax's POV and i know it's not very good but at least we know why Mia killed a man right . Okay , next chapter !!

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