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I enjoy Sunday's a lot , I can sleep in and not have to worry about an alarm . I can now laze about my apartment all day doing nothing and binge eat but today is not one of the lazy Sunday's because I have to help out at the shop and I really can't be bothered .

"You don't have to help , we can find someone else" jax said as I pulled on my jeans

"No one else knows how to run the shop other than Gemma , my mom , you guys or me and you are all doing a drop off" I said as jax tied his laces

"I can get Gemma to cancel her plans , I know you wanted to have a chill day or get stuff for the apartment" jax said

"I can do it tomorrow , don't worry about it " I said walking through to the kitchen

I poured us both coffee but for me it was to go since I am surviving on 5 hours sleep , thanks to jax wanting to stay up all night talking and drinking .

"I would have preferred a beer but coffee will do" jax laughed taking the cup off of the counter

"You are going to be an alcoholic one day" I laughed

"As long as you will be one with me" he smirked

"Keep dreaming sunshine , now hurry up the shop opens in 10" I said grabbing my jacket

Jax left the half full cup of coffee on the counter and followed me out . He locked my door and flung me my keys and I followed him down to the parking lot

"You wanna ride with me or take your car?" He asked

"I'll take the car , you might be busy tonight and I don't fancy walking home" I said

"Okay , I'll follow behind you" he said as I got to my car


I unlocked the office door while prospect and another guy rolled up the shutters . I should just make working in this office my full time job , except I don't get paid for this .

"How's my girl?" I turned to see my dad as I walked into the office

"I'm good , how about you?" I asked switching on the computer

"I'm great , your mom is pissed at me again" my dad said sitting on the chair

"Again? What did you do ?" I asked

"Nothing , I didn't do shit this time . She just thinks she is to good for this club . I can't handle all this stress Mia " my dad said

"Hey , ignore her . She just wants the life that she never got . She should have left when she had the chance but she decided to stay , love defeats all, right?" I asked, knowing my dad always says that

"She wants me to leave the club" my dad said putting his head in his hands

"And are you ?" I asked

"I can't just leave , I couldn't do that to clay and everyone . This is my family , I've knew all of these guys since I was a teen, I can't leave them" my dad said

"I don't blame you . I couldn't leave the club and I'm hardly a part of it" I laughed

"You are a part of this club , you have been since you were born , don't let anyone tell you other wise" I turned to see clay

"You know what I mean" I laughed

"We got some shit to do , you coming Eddie ?" Clay asked my dad

"Be good" my dad said as he kissed my forehead and followed clay

I always worry about my dad . He's not as young as he once was . He's getting old and getting old means you don't have long left in the club . The only reason my dad will leave this club if something happens to him to stop him from riding etc or if he gets killed and I'm hoping it's the first one .

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