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Jax's POV

I drank to much last night . My head is pounding , I have never felt like this after drinking and it makes me want to never drink again and I have a dam drop off today . I got up off the couch and made my way to the bathroom to get something to take this headache away .

"How you feeling?" Mia asked as she walked out the room

"Ask me after I take something to stop this pain" I said

Mia laughed as she walked to the kitchen , hopefully making breakfast because I am starving . I found some Paracetamol in the bathroom and grabbed two and made my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water . I saw Mia sitting on the counter typing away on her phone and she had a glass of water beside her so I grabbed the water to flush down the pills .

"Hey , that was mine" Mia pouted as I finished of the glass of water

I didn't answer I stood in-between her legs and placed her phone down on the counter top . She looked at me and I placed my lips on hers . I would never get bored of kissing Mia , not once . It felt so right when I kissed her .

"You have a drop off in 40 minutes , so I suggest you shower " Mia said breaking from the kiss

"Right , one question . How did I end up sleeping on the couch?" I asked

"You came in and sat down to take your shoes off and I went to the bathroom and when I came back you were sleeping with one shoe off and the other on so I undressed you and put a blanket over you" she laughed

"Undressed me , huh?" I asked smirking

"I took your clothes off then went to my bed " Mia said slapping my chest and pushing me back so she could get down off the counter top .


I placed my head on to the bar in the club house as Tigs tried to offer me drink . I declined and groaned because I wanted a drink so bad but if I even get one sip of alcohol I might be sick and I can't have that .

"Guess who randomly bumped in to us last night" I lifted my head to see Opie talking

"Who?" Bobby asked

"Tiffany" Opie said and Tigs dropped his drink

"What as in Eddie and Tiffany , as in the Tiffany I'm thinking of ?" Tigs asked

"Yeah , her" I said taking a drink of my water

"Why is she in charming ?" Bobby asked

"We are all asking the same question . I thought Rhonda told her to never come here?" I asked

"She did , she knows not to come to charming , unless something is wrong with her family" Bobby said

"That stupid bitch Brianna , she's probably told her mom that Jax broke her heart " Opie laughed

I wasn't in the mood to laugh . These last three days have been so bad for Mia and I don't want to make it worse for her . Especially after the reaction I took last night to Tiffany being Briannas mom , no one told me about that , not one single person .

"Jax , we have got to keep Tiffany away from Mia . If Mia finds out she'll be so pissed" Tigs said and he looked nervous

"What would Mia be pissed about ?" Clay asked as he walked into the bar with Eddie

"Well let's start with the girl that she hates, shares the same mother as her . Didn't any of you think to mention that , especially after I slept with her?" I scoffed

"What ? She has another daughter?" Eddie asked

"Yeah , Brianna , you remember , little slut that Mia hates . Yeah that's tiffany's other daughter" Opie laughed

"Oh shit , if she doesn't hate me enough , she'll hate me even more " Eddie said hanging his head

"She will get over it , just give her some time and space . If you didn't know about Brianna then she won't hate you for that and besides Brianna is two years older than her so how could you have known , you didn't even know her at that time" i said

It's true , Eddie met Tiffany a year after willow was born and he was with Tiffany for about over a year and then he met Rhonda and he knew she was the one for him . I only know all this shit because my mom tells me everything , well except for the fact that Rhonda wasn't actually mias mom .

"She has never gone this long without talking to me . She normally texts or calls me everyday Jax . If she was going to forgive me she would have already " Eddie said as Tigs poured him a shot

"I know this is probably a bad idea but you should go see her , talk to her . Maybe if she hears your full story then she might forgive you quicker" Eddie didn't even hesitate to wait maybe an hour , he walked out the club house and I knew he was going to the apartment and I hoped she would hear him out for her sake


Short chapter sorry , don't hate me please but I'm not enjoying writing this anymore because no one is really reading it

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