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I was currently doing some ironing because I start my new job in 3 days and I want to have all my clothes pre-ironed so I don't have I rush around in the mornings since I will be waking up at 5am . Oh how I miss early mornings . Not . Everyone was acting so strange last night , especially after Tiffany appeared , us girls had no idea what was going on but the guys were keeping something from us and I didn't have a clue but hopefully Jax will tell me when he comes home .

"The door was open" I jumped back to see my dad standing in the doorway

Dam you loud music , dam you Mia for not locking your door and dam you dad for being an arsehole .

"What do you want?" I asked as I turned the iron off and turned the volume of the music down

"For you to just hear me out , all I ask for is 5 minutes of your time , please" he begged

"5 minutes , starting now" I said moving towards the couch and he followed

"Okay , well I met your birth mother a year after willow was born . We met in January , on new years day and we were together for 7 months before she fell pregnant with you . I was so happy that I was starting a family and to be able to a child . Then I met Rhonda , she was a friend of Tigs and I knew as soon as I looked at her that she was the one . See when they describe it in movies and books , yeah that's the way I felt looking at Rhonda . I didn't let your birth mother know about this until she was 5 months into the pregnancy so that led to Christmas time . She was so pissed at me but I didn't care because I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Rhonda so I wasn't caring about how much your birth mother hated me . She decided about 2 months later that she didn't want you if she couldn't be with me so Rhonda offered to adopt you as her own and I was so happy . I didn't want my little girl growing up without a mother and I was so thankful to Rhonda for taking you in as her own . When you were born your mother didn't hold you , she didn't even look at you and as soon as she could get out that hospital , she left . As you grew up i noticed how much you were beginning to be like Rhonda , it was weird how much you two were alike and she isn't even your birth mother . Then I noticed when you reached a teenager that you two started having differences and that's when JT told us to swear to never tell you that Rhonda wasn't your mother . I know I should have told you and I should never have kept it from you but I swore to JT to never say a word and I didn't want to break that promise to him " my dad said and he was crying and obviously because he was crying I was crying too .

I had no idea JT was the one who told everyone not to tell me but I suppose it would have ruined mine and my moms relationship even more if I knew she wasn't my real mother . I was a little happier now knowing some more background but I was still pissed .

"One last thing , I have to tell you who your mother is and by all means what I'm about to tell you I didn't find out until this morning , well a part of it anyway so don't hate me anymore than you already do" my dad said and I nodded my head for him to continue "okay , you have met your mother , last night to be exact . That women Tiffany that you met is your birth mother . Before you go shouting about Brianna , I didn't know about Brianna , I had no idea , remember Brianna was born a year before I met Tiffany so no one informed me that she had already had a child so don't hate me even more for that . I'm sorry I never told you , I truly am sorry . I can't change what has happened " my dad said

Brianna and I share the same mother and she chose to keep Brianna and not me . What type of mother is she ? How could you chose to keep one child and not the other . I honestly hope that I see her again so she can see what it feels like to have my fist in her face . I'm so glad my dad left the bitch . I will never call her my mother because she will never be my mother .

"I don't blame you for Brianna , you never knew I get that . She saw me last night and never said a word about it , she knew who I was . Dad I never want anything to do with that women , not ever ! I don't care if you got with her again , she is nothing to do with me ! As for forgiving you , I'm not quite there but I know I can forgive you but it's going to take time and some trust building again , even with everyone else . I think we should both go see mom because she needs to know that I don't hate her for any of this " I said as I wiped my tears eyes

"Let's go then" my dad smiled


I parked in front of my childhood home . This house holds so many memories , so much love , so much fights . We are one crazy family but I wouldn't change my mom and dad for the world . They have both provided me with everything I have ever wanted and more . I would never ask for anything of them . They are the two most amazing people I will ever meet and I am so blessed to call them both my parents .

"You ready kiddo?" My dad asked as he opened my car door

"Let's go see mom" I smiled as I got out the car and locked the doors

We walked up the driveway and walked into the house . I could hear music playing softly throughout the house and I could smell cigarettes , no one will ever love the smell of cigarettes but I do because it reminds me so much of my mom and dad .

"Mom" I called out

"Kitchen" she shouted back

I took a deep breath and followed my dad to the kitchen . I stopped at the door way to see my mom emptying alcohol into the sink and throwing the bottles into a trash bag . She turned to look at me and she smiled and I ran to her . She dropped the trash bag and pulled me into the tightest hug I have ever had from her in my whole life .

"I know you didn't want to tell me that way and I know we never got along the best but I love you so much , with every part of me . You are my mom and you will forever be my mom . I may not show it all the time and I may be the biggest bitch to you but just know that you are my everything mom and I don't know what I would do without you or dad for that matter . We are the three amigos , we are the family everyone is jealous of , the family that fights but never breaks apart . I need you both in my life , I can't imagine living without you both . As for you two fighting and arguing please stop . You both love each other so much and no matter what mom , the club is our life . I know you don't like it but please for the sake of your marriage dont let that be the reason it breaks " I said as I hugged my mom and I didn't feel like I wanted to ever let go

My dad made his way over to us both and put his arms around us . My family is what keeps me grounded , my family is what makes my life so much easier . I love my parents with every part of my body and I honestly couldn't stay mad at them forever . I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to them while I was mad at them . Family is forever and my family is the best gift I could ever ask for .


Decided I would keep writing this as I have around 15 or more chapters already written and wishing to be published . I am planning on making this 45 chapters maybe more , depends how long my ending chapters will be .

This story should be finished by late December and then I will be publishing my new story I'm working on which will be called 'The Easy Target' , keeps your eyes peeled for the prologue of that !!

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