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A couple of weeks later

I feel I could do with a break away , somewhere nice and sunny and warm . Don't get me wrong charming is warm but it's autumn and it starts to get a lot colder . The only think I like about Autumn is the big jumpers , boots , scarves and coming home to sit in front of the fire .

"Today class we have a new student, his name is Michael and I hope you will all be nice to him and welcome him to our school" I smiled as Michael stood at the front of the class

"I can show him around if you want?" One of the students Emma smiled

Emma was the teachers pet and I loved her . She was always smiling , she always brought me home made cookies , she handed in her homework the next day , she was one smart kid , she kinda reminded me of myself in a way , well when I got into junior year .

"That would be lovely , if you want to look over each other's schedules to see if you will be sharing any classes together then that's fine" I smiled and took a drink of my coffee

"Miss Troy , we saw you the other day" the class clown , Colin laughed

"Charming isn't a very big town , it wouldn't be hard" I said sitting down on my seat

"You were with that bikers club" Colin said

"She is dating one of them idiot" one of his friends laughed and smacked the back of his head

"John , detention after school , with me ! None of you students will be discussing my personal life in class and you shouldn't care if you see me outside of school . I do other things than just work . I would prefer if we focused more on school work than my life" I said

"Just one question?" Colin asked

"Yes Colin?" I groaned

"Is your dad one of the bikers because if he is that is the coolest thing ever" Colin smiled

"Wouldn't you like to know . Okay can we all turn to chapter 5 , where we left off yesterday" I said changing the subject

Working and living in a small town like this has its flaws . I want to be able to come to work and not have people stare at me funny because of the sons , I want to not have to explain myself , especially to 14-18 year old children . I'm not having that , not one bit .


"I saw your little dorky ex" Opie laughed as I got into the truck

"Hey that's not nice" I laughed along with him

"Not going to lie , he did get a few more muscles " Opie said as he pulled out of the parking lot

I turned on the radio lightly as Opie drove me home . My car was in getting fixed again , I swear I'm spending more money getting the thing repaired every week than I would be buying a brand new car , matter of fact I might just do that .

"Take me to the car show room . I'm going to look for a new car" I said to Opie

"What , why ?" He asked as we stopped at a red light

"I've had my car since I was 18 , I think i need a new one" I laughed and he nodded his head in agreement

The car show room wasn't exactly big in this town , it was small with some decent cars . The guy who owned it was a right dick and is always after loads of money .

"Where's Jax ?" I asked

"Meeting with laroy about guns" Opie said

"Why you not there ? Thought you were like the VP's sidekick?" I asked

"Nah , decided to pass on this one , besides Juice , clay and Bobby is with him so it should be fine" Opie said and I was a little nervous

I knew the niners were the good guys . The sons always got on with them , they were definitely good allies and Laroy was one of the nicest guys I've ever met so I don't know why I'm nervous .

"Here we are , what car you looking to buy?" Opie asked

"A Range Rover" I squealed like a 12 year old girl

"Are you serious ?" He asked as we got out the truck

"No dipshit , you can help me choose because I don't have a clue about cars" I laughed and Opie laughed with me , probably because he knows it's true

There wasn't much cars to choose from, there was a silver ford , a black bmw and mostly all the shit cars . I think the bmw was the best one .

"I could totally see you in a bmw" Opie said as I admired the car

"This car is like $45,000 , I'm not paying that for a car , nope . I couldn't even afford that , I'm a teacher " I laughed

I looked through the cars until I spotted a white Nissan Juke . It had my name written all over it . It wasn't to big or to small and it would be perfect for me .

"That one" I said to Opie as I pointed it out

"That one is $27,000" Opie said and I smiled and nodded my head

I need this car . I walked over the sales man and told him I wanted the car .

"Ma'am , the deposit for this car is $15,000" he said

Fuck , I don't have the right now . I don't own a credit card or anything , I only have my savings and the money I have from my grandparents and they did leave me a lot of money but to take money out I have to go to the bank and its closed right now.

"Never mind , it's okay" I said walking away from the man

I walked over to the truck and Opie followed , he unlocked it and I got in without a word . I was so upset . I eventually find the car I want and I don't even have the money in me to put a deposit down . Besides the bank isn't going to let me withdraw $15,000 in one day , I can only take out a small amount each time . It was something my grandparents arranged with the bank so I wouldn't over spend and run out so fast .

"You'll get that car" Opie said

I leaned my head against the window as Opie drove me home . The only way I'm getting that car is if I have a fairy godmother getting ready I spend a load of cash on me .


Shit chapter I know , sorry . I also don't have a clue about cars so don't go hitting out with 'a bmw doesn't even cost that much' or whatever .

It's all fictional so get over it

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