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I should never have left home, everything has changed so much. My parents looked like they are on a break, which doesn't always end well. Friends I grew up with left and others stayed some turned out ok , while others turned into junkies . I have only been home like 6 hours and I know everything that's happened since I left really.

"The boys are throwing you a party?" My mom said more of a question

"Yeah, aren't you coming along ? I heard everyone's going to be there which means dad will be there but they are keeping it a surprise, I can feel it" I smiled as I fixed my hair

"I don't know" my mom said sitting on my bed

"Look you are ready so come on, let's go have fun before I can't because I'm going to start my new job" I laughed

"New job?" She asked

"You are looking at your substitute English teacher" I smiled

"Well done" my mom said hugging me

Eventually my mother and I were ready to go, my mom locked up and I saw willow leaning on my car , she was smoking a cigarette, not like her.

"You think you girls are driving , no" I looked to see Jax at the end of the driveway

"Who's going to take willow and my mom?" I asked

"They two will" I looked to see two more bikes pull up and a boy I didn't recognise was on one and my dad was on the other.

"Dad!!" I shouted as I ran to him

I've always been a daddy's girl, for as long as I can remember , he's always been my rock and my role model , my best friend when I was going through a rough patch. I missed him so much when I was at college, I didn't visit at all because I knew if I did, I would want to stay home and never go back to college .

"My angel , I am so proud that you graduated college, I have never been prouder, sorry I couldn't attend the graduation , I had something come up" my dad said as I hugged him

"It's fine honestly, I'm just so happy to see you fit and healthy and here" I laughed

"I ain't going anywhere, not yet anyway" he laughed with

"Now don't we have a party to get you to?" Jax asked

"We sure do, I'm riding with Jax" I said before willow or my mom could get there say

I got on the back of Jax's motor cycle and he handed me a helmet, great, just after I do my hair. Jax started the engine and took off, my dad and the other boys following behind with willow and my mom on the back . I held my arms tight around Jax, this is the first time I have been on a motorbike in so long, it feels good , my dad better have mine ready because I need to ride one .

"You know I was thinking, we never got to finish that talk four years ago" Jax said

"I know"

"Tomorrow morning " Jax said

" I promise" I smiled knowing he couldn't see but happy to be with him right now

We pulled up and I saw  everyone and by everyone I literally mean everyone. Clay, Bobby , Tig, Chibs, juice, Pienny, Opie and Gemma , you name it they were there. I got off Jax's bike once he stopped and everyone cheered

"IM BACK!" I shouted raising my arms


I ran over to Gemma and she pulled me into a hug, I hugged her back and it felt like we were hugging for a really long time because it felt like I was about to pass out.

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