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They eventually discharged me from hospital and recommended a psychiatrist to see but I'm not going . It's a load of bullshit . Something like that is always bound to happen , not as if I'm not used to it . Jax argued with me back and forward last night about not going to Las Vegas but I told him I would be fine , that prospect and Juice would stay with me for the few days he was gone so he eventually gave in , thanks to Chibs also on that one .

"You ready to go ?" Juice asked popping his head into the room

"Just a minute" I smiled

I looked behind him to see my mom , she walked in and juice closed the door . My mom didn't say anything she just hugged me .

"I'm so happy for you baby girl . You are starting your own little family" my mom cried into my shoulder

"I wasn't going to say anything because it's so soon but willow and Jax know so I may as well tell dad and you . I just don't want anyone else to know until I'm about 3 months , that's the safest time to tell everyone " I said

"I know dear . I can't believe it , you're going to be a mom" she smiled as I pulled away

"Let's not get to emotional . Then everyone will start asking questions" I laughed

"I'm not even going to ask why that women was in our house , let's just pretend it didn't happen" my mom laughed

We walked out the hospital room and juice was standing against the wall .

"Hale said he is going to pop by your house to ask a few questions . Is that ok?" Juice asked me

"That's fine , he's got my address and I've got nothing to hide" I said

"See you later" my mom said as she kissed my forehead and walked away

I linked my arms in Juice's as we walked out the hospital . I've always liked juice , he's a sweet guy , who would be there for anyone . He's a little bit soft which is sometimes a downfall but he does great in the club and I was so happy when they moved him out of his prospect role and put him permanently in the club .

"Prospect is doing shit at the shop but I thought maybe we could hang out , get dinner or something?" Juice asked

"Are you trying to ask me on a date because I have a boyfriend" I joked

"Maybe I am , maybe I'm not " juice laughed

"You're such a dipshit but on one condition" I smirked

"What?" He asked as we got outside the hospital

"You're paying" I laughed as I ran towards his bike

I grabbed the helmet and put it on while juice put on another one . He sat down first and I sat behind him .

"Where'd you wanna go?" Juice asked

"The most expensive restaurant in town . I'm joking , wherever " I said placing my hands around his waist so I don't fall off

"Your wish is my command"


I've been back at the apartment 30 minutes and these two shit heads have messed it already and to make it worse willow is coming over so it's going to be messed even more .

"Hales here" prospect said walking into the living room with hale behind him

"Hey" I smiled as I got up and hugged him

"How are you?" He asked as we sat down

"I'm okay" I smiled

"I've gotta ask you a few questions it's mandatory" hale said pulling out a little notepad

"Okay" I said letting him go ahead

"When did you first notice the intruder in your parents house?"

"I received a call from my mom when I was at the shop and I went home , normally I don't call her back because she only calls when it's to talk in person so I drove over . When I walked in she shouted in the kitchen but I could hear worry in her voice then i saw the women holding a gun to my mothers head"

"What happened after that?"

"She threatened us , hit me twice then hit my mom , took a phone call and left the room at that point my mom told me there was a gun under the table , because well you never know when you're gonna have to grab a gun so I took it . The women came back in told me to stand up in which I put the gun at my back. She pointed the gun to my stomach then turned to my mom in that time I pulled the gun out and shot her arm, then I remember sirens and waking up in the hospital " I said

"Did you know the women?" Hale asked

"Nope , never seen her before" I lied

"She has a connection with the Mayans so it's just mandatory to ask this"

"I don't know who she is or was " I lied again

"Well that's about it . As long as you didn't know her and it was just like a break in then that's all the questions I'm gonna ask . Your mom has filled in basically a full statement " hale said


"Hope you are okay though " hale said as we stood up and I hugged him

"I'll be fine" I smiled as prospect showed him out

I heard the door slam and I lay down with my head on juices lap . Prospect walked in with willow by his side and they sat on the opposite couch .

"What was so bad about that girl pointing the gun to your stomach?" Juice asked

"Nothing , I just thought it should be mentioned that she pointed it to me" I said flicking through the channels

"Want a beer?" Prospect asked standing up

"Yeah" willow and juice said at the same time

"I think I'm going to pass , nurses said since I'm stressed I shouldn't drink " I laughed

"You'll be right as rain in no time to have a drink with us" prospect laughed , yeah if only

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