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So many thoughts were running through my mind . My breathing was irregular and I felt so dizzy . I felt so violently sick with fear . Then my eyes landed on Michael, laughing away with Prospect . Then it dawned on it .

"Who was involved?" I turned asking Hale & Unser

"Mr & Mrs Trevor's" and I felt my heart break

No , that can't have happened . They weren't even drinking . They were sober . They left about an hour ago . This can't be real . I spoke to Molly on the phone about 35 minutes ago .

"How bad?" I asked , terrified of the answer

"I'm sorry , I knew you were close to them" Unser said

"How bad?" I whisper-shouted

"They were both dead at the scene" hale said and I fell to the ground

My two friends , two of my closest friends were dead . How did this happen ? Why ? Someone turned the music down and a drunk Jax was right by my side . I placed my arms around his neck and cried so hard . I haven't really lost someone in my life . Never someone I cared for . This was a first . I have lost grandparents but I was to little to know what was going on .

Jax rubbed my back hoping to make whatever I was feeling go away but it couldn't . This hurt so bad . Molly was the closest thing I had to a friend outside the club . We spent every weekend together mostly for family dinners or outings .

"Shall we tell him or ?" Hale asked

"Let me tell him" I said standing up and dusting myself off

Everyone looked confused as to why the cops were here and why I was crying . Michael looked at me like he knew something but he couldn't quite figure out what . I took Jax hand and walked over to Michael , taking his hand I pulled them over to the Chapel .

I closed the doors quietly as the two boys sat down . Jax looked more sober , like he knew he had to sober himself up . Michael didn't have a clue what was going on but deep down he knew it was bad , I could see it in his eyes .

"I'm sorry" I cried as I kneeled down in front of Michael

"For what ? Mia , you're scaring me" Michael said as I held his hands in mine

"There was an accident ... I .. I .. I'm sorr..ry " I cried even harder , making it harder for me to say

"Are my mom and dad okay ? Were they involved?" Michele asked hesitantly

"They were dead at the scene" I said and Michael broke down

I saw tears , so many tears fall from his eyes through my blurry vision . Jax got up and placed his arm around Michael , who hid his face in Jax's chest .  I stood up still holding one of Michaels hands and took one of Jax's in the other .

I don't have a clue what Michael is feeling right now . I lost my two friends , yes , but he just lost his parents . I wanted to so badly take the pain away from the boy sitting in front of me . I wanted to hold him tight and never let him go . But it isn't that easy .

"Michael , you can stay with us for as long as you want . I can get your things and put them in our house . We will help you through this" Jax said

"Why does it hurt so much?" He asked , his voice barely audible

He stood up and I pulled him into my arms . I held him so tight . Jax put his arms around the both of us while we cried . I know I should be strong in front of Michael but I can't , not right now .


I woke up to the blinding light shining through the curtains . I groaned and rolled over to see the side of the bed empty . Where was Jax ? He came home with us last night so where is he ? I looked at the bed side cabinet to see a note .

I'm away to pick Michaels things up . He is sleeping in the spare room , he barely slept last night so I wouldn't disturb him . I'll pick up a few groceries and bring Junior home . Drink the water and go for a shower , it will waken you up more . I love you .

Did last night really happen ? A night I was looking forward to , happened to be the worst night of my life . I wish it was a dream but it wasn't . I know Michael didn't sleep much last night , I heard him walking around in the hallway and run up and down the stairs a few times . I also heard some music playing quietly . Jax sat up with him until about 5am and it's now 12pm so he must only had a couple hours sleep .

I got up from the bed , drinking the water Jax left me and making my way to the bathroom . Once I entered , there was a pair of leggings , one of Jax's shirts and some underwear . Don't I have a lovely fiancé , sounds so weird saying that .

I turned on the shower and stepped in hoping to make myself feel a little better and reduced my red eyes . Quickly washing myself and getting out and dried I heard the front door open . Well wasn't he quick or maybe not , I don't even know what time he left at .

I walked down the stairs to see Jax with junior in his arms . I smiled and I took my little boy from his hold as he ran back out to the car . Junior was smiling and playing with a figurine of Spider-Man .

"Did you miss me ? I missed you" I said kissing him on the forehead

"No mommy , kiss here" he said as he pointed to his lips

I laughed at Junior and gave him a big kiss in the lips only for him to give me a funny look , like I just slobbered on him when in reality I just kissed him with a slobbery mouth.

"I brought most of Michaels clothes , his computer console , his games , his laptop and chargers etc . I also brought his picture on his bed side cabinet of him and his parents , I couldn't leave it" Jax said rolling up a suitcase , with a big gym bag and a grocery bag

"Thank you for doing that , I don't think I could have" I said

"I know" Jax said kissing my forehead


Such an emotional chapter to write .

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