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Prospect has eventually gave up and decided to not be my babysitter anymore but juice isn't having any of it . Jax comes home tonight and juice isn't leaving my side . I got the day off work due to there being a gas leak so I'm spending the day with Juicey boy and I'm so excited - note the sarcasm .

"What we doing today?" Juice asked pulling on his cut

"Firstly , you are helping me tidy this apartment . You helped mess it , you help tidy it . Start with the kitchen" I said pushing him into the kitchen while I started on the living room

I have always liked cleaning . It's very therapeutic for me . I have a thing about mess and I really can't stand it , especially when it's a living place . I was terrible for it in college , as my room mate was a complete slob . I really hated her but i was stuck with her for four years and it was the longest four years of my life .

"Can I use this for the counter tops?" Juice asked walking in with toilet cleaner

"No , dipshit" I laughed grabbing it off of him

"Really , calling me a dipshit" juice laughed as I backed up

"It's true , you're so stupid sometimes" I laughed as my back hit the wall

Juice stood in front of me and there was some sort of tension . It wasn't awkward but I knew why the tension was there and I knew juice could feel it too .

Okay so maybe I should have mentioned that when I was in college , juice came to visit as his aunt stayed near Yale and well we hung out a lot and we had this connection . It was foreign to me , it wasn't how I felt when I was with Jax , it wasn't as strong as that . We never really addressed the matter . The whole time we hung out we spoke about our dreams and all the shit you don't really tell anyone or everyone . It was a nice couple of weeks .

"Juice, this can't happen , we both know it , I'm in love with Jax and you have a girlfriend" I said

"I know , nothing was going to happen , I just don't know what happened there" juice said moving away

"You're my best bud , let's not ruin that" I laughed hitting his chest lightly

"You wanna start the punch for punch?" Juice asked raising his fists in a joking way

"Don't hit my stomach though" I said


"Period cramps" I laughed

"You could have just said cramp and I would know what you're talking about dipshit" juice laughed

"Go tidy my kitchen " I laughed shooing him out the living room


I lay on the couch my head on Juices lap as I lay with popcorn in a bowl balancing on my now flat stomach . I heard keys in the door and I shot up and luckily for me the bowl didn't fall , thanks to Juice grabbing it on time . I ran out the living room and into the hall and saw Jax open the door with his bag over his shoulder .

"I missed you so much" I said running to him

He held his arms open for and I basically jumped into them . It's only been like 3-5 days and I have missed him terribly . Imagine if we got together while I was at college , I don't think I could have handled that .

"I missed you too" Jax said as we walked into the apartment

"How was everything?" Juice asked as we walked into the living room

"All ran smoothly , Tigs nearly killed someone but it's all good" Jax laughed

"Okay , well I will leave you guys alone . Thanks for letting me stay Mia" juice said hugging me and kissing my forehead

"Any time , I will come see you all tomorrow after work , love you Juicey " I laughed as he said his goodbyes to Jax

Juice left , Jax and I were still standing in front of one another in the living room . He smirked at me and dropped his bag and placed his arms around my waist .

"Thank god you weren't my girlfriend when you were at college , four days without you was so hard" Jax said and I wanted to melt into his arms

He is one of the most toughest boys ever but has such a soft side when it comes to me . He makes me feel so happy and I don't think I could ever thank him enough for it .

"You're back now and that's all that matters" I smiled

It's honestly crazy how much I am in love with this crazy yet amazing biker boy . I never thought that when I first starting crushing on Jax that I would later be having a baby with him . It's crazy how life works out . I have never been happier and I hope for the life of me that I never have to give him up or I never lose him because he is the only thing that I can make myself live for .


Last chapter to the big amount of updates. I'm working on the last two cheaters to the story and I hope you guys like it. Yes I'm one of the people that have chapters saved and waiting to be published

Short chapter , I know don't hate me ! Next chapter is a huge time jump , so I'm sorry for that in advance but I wanna get into the story better and be able to make the ending work out the way I want it to .

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