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I pulled on my dress and looked at myself in the mirror . I was happy with the way I looked . I looked good , if I do say so myself . I quickly fixed my hair and made my way downstairs to the living room to see Jax fixing Junior .

"Aw how smart does my baby look" I smiled as junior giggled at Jax pulling on his small cut

"He looks very handsome " Jax smiled

I kissed Jax on the head and grabbed my shoes .

"Wow , sexy momma ! You look beautiful" Jax smiled as he stood up . Junior holding onto his leg

"Thank you , you look very dapper yourself" I smirked

Junior waddled over to me as I finished putting my shoes on . I was so happy with how far he has come . He can talk , well , can speak the main words like mom , dad , kiss etc but he is such a smart child for his age . I clapped him as he grabbed my leg and he smiled knowing he accomplished something good .

Being a mother is nothing like I thought it would be , it's so much more . I've never been prouder of anything in my life than the small child holding onto my leg . He makes me so happy , with such silly things like laughing at a cartoon or finishing his dinner by himself . It's the small things in life that makes us happy and I never really noticed it until Junior was born .


I put a sign up for everyone to see that no smoking was aloud in the clubhouse , at least not until Donna takes Junior home . I was so grateful she offered to take him for the night so I could have a good night but no doubt I will end up staying at donnas house because I hate being away from Junior.

"Where is the little champ?" Chibs asked

"With your daughter" I said pointing to willow sitting on the sofa with junior beside her laughing

I walked outside and grabbed a beer. I watched everyone and they were having a good time , then I saw Molly, Jacob and Michael pull up .

"Hey" I said walking over to them and I noticed all the sons walk into the clubhouse behind jax's and clay

"Where they going ?" Michael asked

"Let's go find out . You two help yourself's to refreshments , I will be back in a minute with your son" I laughed as i dragged Michael into the clubhouse

I noticed none of the sons were about and the chapel doors were closed . I pulled Michael over with me and I knocked and opened the door .

"Mia , what is it?" Clay asked

"Mia , you know you can't come in here" Jax said running his hand through his hair

"Okay but I know that you are in here to discuss the situation with Michael . I just want to say a few things before you all decide. Is that okay?" I asked

"Fine , if you must" clay smirked

"Okay . This kid here is the smartest kid I know . He works so hard and always amazes me with the outcome . I know he is 17 , 18 next March but I feel that you guys need someone like him to help around. He is intelligent beyond his years and I know that being a part of this club would make him happy . He won't prospect until he graduates high school but he can help around in the shop and the club house . You can take him to meetings . He won't be a full prospect and you don't have to tell or show him anything unless you all want to . I just want what's best for this kid and if he feels it's being a part of sons of anarchy then give him a chance . I have seen worse people in this club . It's a club decision but I wanted my say for once . I just hope you do what's best " I said

"Is that it?" Clay asked

"He's like one of my favourite people so I would be kinda heartbroken if you rejected him " I smirked knowing they wouldn't reject him

"Okay . Kid , wait outside and we will bring you in when we are voting" Jax said and I smiled at him and walked out the chapel

"Thank you for doing that . It means a lot" Michael smiled as he hugged me

"I see you as a family member , like my own son . I would do anything to make you happy" I smiled

It was true though . Michael was like a son to me . We have a great bond , which some teachers and students think is weird but I feel like he is my son . I want to do what's best for him , I always want to make sure he's okay . I just see a lot of potential in him and I guess that's what makes me like him so much .


I'm not even as drunk as I thought I would be for it being 2am . I know Jax is so drunk , he is lying over the bar talking to himself and has been for the past hour I think . Most people have left , Donna left with Junior and Emma at 10pm , since Emma was moaning about being tired and junior fell asleep .

I walked outside to get some fresh air to only see a police car pull up . I rolled my eyes as Hale and Unser stepped out the car . Seriously , we are hardly making any noise , surely they aren't here because of a complaint .

I mean who evens calls the cops ? The music is insanely quiet and most people have left the party so surely this is a misunderstanding .

"What you guys doing here?" I asked

"We need to talk to you" hale said and his face just had serious written all over it

"What about ?"

"There's been a car accident " hale said and my heart dropped

I looked around outside to see if I could see my mom , she wasn't out here , neither was Gemma , or anyone really . I ran into the club house to see my mom sitting on the couch with my dad laughing , Gemma was no where in sight . Everyone else was in my eyesight , who could be in the accident .


Cliff hanger again , I'm sorry , don't hate me

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