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Today's the day I start my first teaching job and I'm terrified, I went and bought a full new wardrobe that was acceptable for teaching , I got my hair and everything done . I don't know why I went full out because I'm only a substitute but this job means everything to me . I have waited since I was about 14 to be a teacher and the day is finally here .

"Good luck honey, blow them away" my mom smiled as I got into my car

I waved to her and started the engine . I pulled out the driveway and drove towards charming high school. It's funny how I went to this school now I'm teaching in it , most of the teachers that are still here will probably be shocked but I did have amazing grades with a 4.0 gpa . The drive was short and I wished it was longer because the nerves were getting the better of me . I pulled into the car park and I noticed how much the high school has changed since I was in it. I remember it different to what it is right now. I got out my car and locked it , in the process of closing the door I nearly dropped my coffee and my bag so that's not a good start.

"Are you okay?" I turned to see a student

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks" I smiled walking to the office

The school has definitely been renovated since I was here, it's more brighter and cleaner, they actually put effort into this shithole. I walked to where I remembered the office was and there was old Mrs Foulds , the main office lady, I honestly thought she would have been dead by now .

"Hi I'm here as the substitute teacher" I smiled

"Mia Troy" Mrs Foulds smiled, shit she never did like me

"Yes. That's me" I smiled politely

"Didn't you do good for yourself or are you still trouble?" She asked

"No I grew out of that stage" I said

"That's good then , don't want to doing any pranks on me while you are here" she smiled

Shit , I knew having Jax and Opie as friends would be bad in the long run . Even though they were out of school they still managed to get me to do pranks and take the piss . Until I stood up for myself .

"I will show you to the classroom you will be teaching in today " Mrs foulds said walking out from behind the desk and leading the way

The layout of the school is still the same . English corridor, mathematic corridor , it's still all where it was when I was a student here which makes finding places a lot easier .

"You will be in this classroom for 4 weeks , depending on how long it takes Mr Donald's to recover from his accident and operation"

"Okay, thank you" I smiled as I placed my bag and coffee on my desk

Mrs foulds left and I was now left alone in my classroom . This feels so weird , I was about to write on the blackboard when my phone rang .

"Hello" I said not even looking at the caller ID

"Hey babe " Jax said

"What's up?" I asked

"Wanted to see if you wanna hang out ?" Jax asked

"I'm at work . Did I not mention that to you?" I asked

"Yeah , I knew it was our first day just wanted to see if you would bail for me . Hope you have a great first day and I will see you later . Good luck" I could tell he was smiling

"Thank you, it means a lot , see you tonight?" I asked

"Sure thing" and with that I hung up

I wrote my name on the board and set out assignments , I was asked to let the kids work on . I just hope I don't have seniors because they sure know how to take the piss out of substitute teachers . The bell rang signalling start of class and I was now more nervous , I think it was more of the fact I know students wind up substitutes and I didn't want to let them get to me .

Kids piled into the class and took their seats , most looked shocked that I was at the front of their classroom .

"Hello, I'm Miss Troy and I will be your substitute teacher until Mr Donald's is back" I smiled

"You can be my substitute teacher any day" a young boy whistled

"Me too" others said

"Okay , if we could focus less on me and more on the work I am about to give you . I have been asked to let you all work on the book 'of mice and men' I am aware you have all started to read this book . I am also aware that you have to write an essay on this in the space of three weeks so how far along have you all gotten?" I asked

"We are all at different parts , some behind " a girl at the front said

"Okay , how far ahead are most of you ?" I asked

"Chapter 16" most of them called

"Okay , let's begin at chapter 9 and work our way through the story . I will ask people to read certain parts and will ask some questions at the end of each chapter" I smiled as I grabbed the book from the desk

"What if we don't get to chapter 16 by the end of the class?" A boy from the back asked

"Then it's homework for tomorrow and yes I will be making sure it was done and if not then I expect a short essay by Thursday based on what you already know" I smiled knowing kids hated essays , I used to be one of them


I lay on jax's bed and waited for him to return from whatever he was doing . He text saying he would only be ten minutes behind me and I have been here 5 minutes .

Since I was here I decided to do my nosey . Jax will probably go ape with me but oh well . I looked through his drawer to find a gun . Normally girls would scream and run but I decided to hold it and check it out . I pointed the gun to the door and it swung open and Jax threw himself back.

"Fuck , Mia , don't do that shit" Jax said walking to me and taking the gun

"Sorry , I'm sorry . I shouldn't have been nosey and looked through your shit , sorry" I said as he put the gun back in his drawer

"I don't care about you looking through my shit I just don't want you to hurt yourself" Jax said as he put his hands on my hips

"I have held a gun before asshole" I said slapping his chest


I placed my lips on his and we fell back onto the bed . I pulled jax's jacket off and top too .

"Thank god you wore a dress today" Jax laughed against my neck as he lifted my dress up

I forgot how intimate Jax can be . He sure knows what he's doing . Jax stood up fixing himself and I copied him before someone walked in , since it's a habit .

"Wow" Jax smiled

"Yep" I laughed

"I missed you so much. Charming wasn't the same without you" Jax smiled as he sat on the bed

"College wasn't the same without you" I said sitting on his lap

"Please never leave again , I don't think I could handle it a second time" Jax said pulling me closer to him

"I'm not going anywhere , I promise" I smiled as I kissed his cheek


I hate writing this because I fancy Jax from sons of anarchy so much but oh well at least I can write about him so makes its a little better

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