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All I've done is cry for the past 4 days . Why because Jax is out looking for me so is my dad and mum and everyone but I just can't face any of them yet , especially Jax . He's tried apologising but I don't want to accept it . He lied to me and I had to hear it from someone else . I should really go see my family but they will tell Jax and that will only cause more drama . He should have told me about a day after I got back . If he told me then it wouldn't be so hard to deal with , I would have been pissed but the fact that he lied to me makes me even more angry.

"He's going to find you soon" hale said as I sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee

"I don't give a shit . He lied to me !" I said

"I would have told you but I haven't saw you since the other day and its not my place to get involved" hale laughed sitting beside me

"Someone's going to notice you aren't at work and come to your door . Unser will and he will definitely tell clay" I said leaning my head on the table

"Hes going to be so pissed that you came here , out of all places"

"You're my friend , even if you don't agree with a lot of my choices . You'll always be my friend " and then the doorbell rang

Shit , please be anyone but the sons , please . Hale got up to answer it and I sat gripping my coffee cup hoping Jax wasn't about to run in here . If it was him , I was ready to sprint out the backdoor and to wherever my small feet took me .

"Everyone's worried sick about you !" Willow said running into the kitchen

"Yeah because everyone cares about me that much" I laughed at my supposed to be best friend

"What's wrong?" Willow asked

"Firstly , Jax lied to me , right I can accept that,  but you ! You never once told me Jax and that stupid little slut that you brought around were together ! Maybe a little heads up but no everyone lied to me , how could you ?" I asked

"They both asked me not to ! They knew it would hurt you because well she's Brianna and you're , you" willow said

"What's that supposed me mean ? Am I supposed to be jealous of her ? I'm sorry but everything about me is real! I would rather be me than be her , any day ! And who are you to say something like that ? You always bring the little sluts around , always wanting attention from everyone and anyone . Willow please kindly fuck off ! I'm sure Brianna will be at the club house with Jax " I scoffed

"I'm going to ignore everything you just said because I know you're angry and hurt and you don't mean it but Jax loves you Mia ! He has for a long time and you love him , get over yourself and go get your man" and with that willow left


I don't even know why I'm sitting outside . In a way I'm hoping no one answers the door but I know I have to talk to someone . I have been sitting in this car for about 40 minutes , deciding to go in or just drive away . I got out my car and ran to the door hoping no one saw me . I knocked it and it opened and I was pulled into a hug .

"You look like shit" Gemma laughed

"I feel like it , is anyone here?" I asked as she pulled me inside

"No , they had shit to do " Gemma said pulling me in

I sat on the sofa and she sat opposite me . I didn't know what to say , I didn't want to call her a lier because she would probably beat me up . I just wanted for her to hold me and for me to cry .

"I didn't know , I'm sorry . He's an asshole ! If I knew they were together I would have told you but they all kept it a secret from me because they knew I would tell you" Gemma said and I felt the lump in my throat building up as she spoke about the two of them

"Why would you tell me though ? We weren't and aren't together ?" I asked and a tear fell down my cheek

"Because you love him , if I told you that you would have been pissed . You've always loved him and he's always loved you " Gemma smiled

"Why does everyone keep telling me I love Jax ? How can you all know if I don't ?" I asked before clearing my throat

"Honey , it's not so hard to notice . I noticed it about 5 years ago . The day you were cleaning your new car and he soaked you and you were both laughing and having fun and then he grabbed you waist and you were both looking at each other . I knew then , it was like watching a movie , with you two as the main characters . When you left for college you broke his heart but no matter what he couldn't get over you . He's madly in love you Mia and you're in love with him" Gemma said

"I don't know if I am though" I said truthfully , I have never really thought about it before

"You'll notice soon . What's this about you killing someone ?" Gemma asked changing the subject

"He was a Mayans son , that's all you have to know , the less you know the better" I laughed

"You're starting to sound like me" Gemma laughed

We spoke for hours until I heard the front door open and I ran out the back . I noticed Jax and clays bike in the drive at the side of the house but something caught my eye . I walked past the side window to see Jax sitting on the couch with Gemma and he was crying . Jax crying , what's wrong ? Did something happen to someone ? Oh shit what if it was my dad , opie , Tigs , anyone of them . I have to find out so I ran back into Gemma's house not caring that he saw me , I just felt the urge and need to be by his side while he cried and to find out why he was crying .

"Is everything okay ? What happened , why are you crying ?" I asked as I ran to Jax's side

"Let's leave them" clay said , Gemma and him getting up to leave the room

"Jax why are you crying ? Did something happen to someone ?" I asked scared as I kneeled in front of him

"Why are you here?" He asked not looking at me

"No , I'm asking you a question , what's wrong?" I asked placing my hand under his chin to lift his head so he would look at me

"This girl that I know , decided to walk away from me after telling her I was in love with her . Anyone would be hurt over that" Jax said as I sat beside him on the sofa and he wiped his eyes

"She had a good reason too" I said not looking at him

He turned on the sofa and looked at me , I tried to avoid eye contact but he placed his hand under my chin and lifted my head so he was looking in my eyes . I looked at Jax and I felt something in that moment . I didn't know what it was or this feeling but I've never felt it before . I placed my hand on his cheek and he leaned his face onto my hand . Jax teller , I think I'm in love with you .


Oh my god !! She's in love with Jax ! I realise this is pretty soon into the story but they've known each other their whole lives so don't stay complaining !!

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