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"I have read everyone's essays and they are by far one of the best sets of essays I have ever read " I said to the class

"Really?" A girl asked

"No joke , I have read essays from kids from Harvard and some of these are as good or better , you kids have really shocked me" I smiled

"What now?" One boy who I have grown quite fond of asked

"How about you write me a personal essay , 1000 words and under . If you can write amazing essays in three weeks then I want to know what you can write about personal experience " I said

The bell rang and the kids packed away all of their things . I watched them rush out of the class and took a seat behind my desk . I have over a week left in this school and I will be gutted to leave because I enjoy it so much .

"Mia Troy , you did it!" I turned to see someone standing at the door , someone who looked a lot familiar

"And you are?" I asked

"You can't be serious ? The bleachers , I asked you out and spilled the strawberry smoothie all down myself" he laughed and then I recognised him

"Trevor Jacobson" I laughed as I got up from my desk to hug him

Trevor was my first boyfriend . He has changed a lot , he used to have glasses and was always dressed to impress , he also had blonde hair back then but now he had short brown hair , I can see his tattoos under the sleeves of his shirt and he looks 100% hotter than he used to.

"Mia you haven't changed a bit" he laughed as I pulled away from the hug

"Me ? I have so , I got older , wiser and my style changed" I laughed as I slapped his chest

"You got a lot more beautiful too and you changed your hair" he smiled

"Don't you'll make me blush and I felt the need to be less recognisable " I laughed

"How was college?" He asked as I made my way behind my desk to clean up

"Amazing , it was an unforgettable experience, how about you? " I asked picking up my bag

"It was incredible , got me a full time teaching job"

"Seriously ? You got a job as a history teacher , that's so good!" I smiled as we walked out my classroom and I locked the door

"Yeah , we both done it . I can't believe I haven't seen you in the staff room"

"I haven't really been taking lunch much and when I do i meet up with my mom or Gemma "

"How is your mom? Trevor asked

"Great, she's doing good" I said as we opened the door to exit

"Mia" I turned to see Jax on his motorbike

"Well it was lovely catching up with you , how about we meet for a few drinks ?" I asked Trevor

"Sounds good , let's have lunch tomorrow and we can catch up some more " Trevor smiled

"Sure thing , bye" I said as I hugged him

I walked over to Jax who handed me a helmet . He drove me to work in my car because he had to take it to the garage to get fixed so I assumed he would pick me up in it , not his motorbike but oh well .

"Who was that?" Jax asked as I got on the back on the bike , thank god I wore trousers today

"Trevor Jacobson " I said as Jax pulled out the parking space

Life of Samcro (sons of anarchy)Where stories live. Discover now