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I'm spending a day with the guys today and I never know if it's a good thing or a bad thing . It's not just the guys , Samcro offered to help out at the festival thing , I have no idea about it but Gemma gets everyone involved so we have to help . Jax was in the shower while I was getting ready . I was happy to be spending the day with everyone , have a good time , have a drink afterwards , what's not to like.

"You do realise you can't hang out here forever right?" Jax said as he walked out the shower

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked annoyed

"I mean your mom and dad must miss you a lot , aren't they pissed you are spending so much time here?" Jax asked as he dried his hair with a towel

"So basically you are trying to say in a nice way , that you don't want me staying with you anymore so other people can come here . I get it , understood" I said fixing my eyeliner but I knew deep down I took that a little to far

"I didn't mean it like that"

"Then what did you mean Jax ?" I asked as I turned to him

"It's just , never mind , forget I said anything" he said pulling on a shirt

"Fine , see you at the festival" I said grabbing my bag and walking out


Jax is so much of an asshole sometimes , he just doesn't know when to say the right thing or anything . If I could punch him I would but his jaw would probably break my hand so I'm not going to try that .

"What's wrong?" Gemma asked as I walked into the stall

"Your son is an asshole sometimes" I laughed

"What's he done now?" She asked

"He said I can't stay at the club house with him forever , basically telling to me fuck off" I said

"Well that's a little strange ,he's probably not used to you being around a lot . He's still getting used to you being back , he's kinda off track " Gemma smiled

"I know we are kinda jumping into things but he does mean a lot to me Gemma , he always has , I just don't wanna lose him" I said leaning my head on her shoulder

"You won't lose him , if anything , he would lose you"

The festival was filling up pretty fast , most of the town was here then I heard the bikes , pretty hard to not hear them when there is around 8 of them at the same time . I took a deep breath and decided to try to ignore Jax . I know I'm being petty but come on, I didn't expect him to say that or ever say it for that matter but he did have a point .

"Where have you guys been ? I said 1 , it's now 3pm" Gemma said shouting at everyone

"Sorry , we had something come up" clay said as he kissed Gemma

"Hey short stuff" chibs laughed

"Shut up scotty boy" I laughed

"Call me it again" he said lightly punching my stomachs for a joke

I punched his face lightly and he grabbed me and ran , I don't have a clue why he ran with me but whatever floats his boat .

"Just kidding I'm to old for this" he laughed as he put me down

I slapped his back lightly and followed him back to the stall . Willow was now here and my mom arrived . Everyone was basically here and it meant a kinda family day , with some fights and arguments but that's normal for us .

"Hey , wanna babysit for me Friday night?" Opie asked as he flung his arm around my shoulder

"What age is your kid again?" I asked

"Four but she's lovely , she likes you , well she doesn't really know you but she will" Opie laughed

"I suppose " I smiled

"You're a life saver , you know that" Opie smiled

I started handing out bowls of chilli to people while some of the guys took a walk . Jax was sitting at the back of the stall on some crates , smoking with willow . Bobby was doing his Elvis tribute on the stage and he was rocking it .

"Can we talk?" Jax asked as he walked up behind me

"I'm busy" I said handing someone a bowl

"Please" he groaned

"5 minutes , Gemma I will be back soon" I smiled

"Be nice" she laughed

Jax took my hand and dragged me far from all the stalls but not to far . He sat down on the bench and patted the spot next to him but I refused .

"I'm sorry for what I said , I know it came off like I'm an asshole and I am most the times but it's just so weird having you around all the time again . Like before you went to college you were around but you weren't always in my bed and now you are and I'm scared I'm going to fuck this up" Jax said

"I was younger then , there was no way you would have been with me" I said crossing my arms

"Okay but I don't know , it's just strange . When you were away I was used to hooking up with someone and them being gone in the morning , it's kinda foreign to me Mia " Jax said not looking at me

"It's weird for me too but hey if you need some space then I can give you that , just the way you said it this morning sounded like you didn't want me around , you do have a point . I should maybe find my own place but trust me we can make this work " I smiled as I sat on the bench next to him and he looked at me

"I just don't wanna lose you or do something stupid" Jax said holding my hand

"You won't and you probably will do something stupid , you always do but so do i , everyone does it , it's normal" I laughed

"Better get back before my mom beats the shit out of us" Jax laughed as he stood up pulling me with him

I gave Jax a quick kiss and followed him back to the stall . Let's just hope that nothing happens today , that we have a quiet time serving chilli at the festival , that we go back to the club house have a few beers and sleep , but it's the sons something is always bound to happen .

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